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Prestige class: Affused Templar of Quandel

Affused Templar’s of Quandel
Journal Entry of the first Affused Templar’s of Quandel , Caitlin Menzimbi
It had been such a long time since I enjoy just looking at a large body of water with my family. The beauty of the shoreline was almost too much to take in. As I thought about this the weather started to get cloudy. Rain started falling almost as soon as the sky blackened. The tide of the ocean increased sharply in what seemed to be no time. Its then that the vision came to me; a large humanoid shape composed wholely of water was speaking to me. “Just as the waters of the world are beautiful they can also be very deadly. I just hope that you one of my favored are able to survive this storm without too many complications.” With that message the vision ended. I saw the teleporting image of my Husband and Wife leaving, my husband trying to reach for me to bring me along. I didn’t know what happened at the time but my wife must have panicked and activated the stone to go back to the Keep. In the next few moment I barely with stood many large wave that should have swallowed me and taken me out to see. How was I to survive this and get back home. Just as this though came in my mind what must have been the largest wave in existence hit me and drug me out to sea. How far under I was I don’t know or even how long I had been out there. All I knew was the pressure of the ocean seemed unbearable. This is when I got my second vision; “all who hope to protect my true sanctuary must be able to withstand the depths of the mortal oceans or you’ll never survive those of the oceans of the after realms.” It was the same elemental as the previous time. I decided that until my friends came for me that I would practice my swordsmanship here under the waves.

-Caitlin Menzimbi, First of the AFFUSED TEMPLAR’S OF QUANDEL
Appointed of Quandel herself

The Affused Templar’s of Quandel are the order that serves to protect all place holy to Quandel. Be it a river, ocean, waterfall, pool of water, demi-plane, or even a simple shrine. The learn what it is to truly serve Quandel by training in the harsh environments of water that Quandel controls. All of them fight with two weapons in a flowing style due to the first one of the order that was supposedly chosen by Quandel herself. Many are also members of the Starlit Striker Order of Mandal due to their founder also having founded the Starlit strikers.

BAB: +9
-Balance 7
-Swim 5
-Knowledge (Religion) 13

Feats: Great Fortitude, Power attack, Divine Might, Two weapon fighting

Domains: Any 1 of the following; Mysticism or Summoning
Domains: Any 1 of the following; War, or Water
Patron Deity: Quandel
Spellcasting: 1st level Divine Spells
Special: Must go to a deep location in an ocean and practice fighting in the ocean depths. As well as this the prospective student must also practice along a shoreline when there are large waves that could pose a threat
Special: Must have a favored pair of weapon. They need not be identical type


LVL Fort Save

LVL Ref Save

LVL Will save

LVL Special
1...Suffusion of Water, Turn undead, Endurance
2...Canny Defense
6...Cold waves of the Hurricane
7...Eye of the Hurricane

LVL Spells Day
1...+1 casting level
3...+1 casting level
5...+1 casting level
7...+1 casting level

Class Features
Class Skills: Balance, Knowledge (All), Tumble, and Swim.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Their training focuses on using their weapon while in or very near water. As such the Affused Templar’s of Quandel gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Mettle (Su): An Affused Templar’s of Quandel's special blessing from Quandel allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. If an Affused Templar’s of Quandel makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce the spell's effect, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial," "Fortitude half," or similar entries can be negated through this ability.

Turn Undead (Su): Affused Templar’s of Quandel's can turn undead as clerics do. An Affused Templar’s of Quandel who also has levels as a cleric or paladin adds her Affused Templar’s of Quandel level to her cleric level (or her paladin level -2) to determine her effective level with respect to turning attempts.

Canny Defense: The Affused Templar’s of Quandel's training with two weapons has taught them that some times blocking and dodging is more important than the heaviest of armors. While wielding their favored pair of weapons and not wearing any armor the Affused Templar’s of Quandel gains her INT Mod to Ac as a dodge bonus. She loses this modifier when she is flat-footed or anytime she would lose her Dex Modifier normally

Endurance: Due to the training in a deep body of water and having pressures their bodies aren’t normally use to they become considerably strong and tougher than most people would be. The Affused Templar’s of Quandel gain the Endurance Feat for free at this level

Suffusion of Water: It is said that water flows through every living beings other than those that are pure elementals. In the Affused Templar’s of Quandel's training they accept this simple truth and begin applying it to their mastery of the creatures of Water, Fire, and Undeath. The Affused Templar’s of Quandel may now use your turning attempts from the Water Domain as standard turn undead attempts and may use standard turn undead attempts in a day as turn attempts for the Water Domain.

Cold Waves of the Ocean: Just as the ocean is brutal with its wave testing a person’s strength it also tests their balance at the same time. There are times when even the strongest of men fall when their weaker companions remained standing in the face of a huge wall of water. In this same way the Affused Templar’s of Quandel learns some of the secrets of the water by watching it and practicing in it. As a result of this training when making trip or knockdown attempts the Affused Templar’s of Quandel may use her dex modifier instead of her strength modifer

Eye of the Hurricane: True while the ocean is normally a thing of beauty many in the service of Quandel also saw it as a martial extention of their own training in both war and mystical arts. When using the Divine Might feat the Affused Templar’s of Quandel now gain a damage modifier equal to your Cha modifier *1.5. This lasts for Cha Modifier * 1.5 in rounds

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