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Pathfinder 1E Privateers in Minrothad... Ok Pirates Pathfinder rules/OD&D Mystara Setting


Sailors on the open seas. travel through the Minrothad guilds as sailors on a ship. defend it, honor it, command it someday. build a trade business across the open seas, or turn pirate?

Here are the class restrictions and character creation Guidelines. If you can make it work, and the odd ones that wouldn't normally fit, lets see what we can work out.


Point Buy
Epic Fantasy 25

Only one cleric type as an apprentice ships healer, only one Arcane spellcaster
a focus on water-based spells is helpful

References for regional information

Minrothad guilds - Oran Meditor the ruling guild master, has an appointed cabinet.

Tutorial guild , if you cast magic, you need to be a member

Kasan Clan - once the head of the water elf family guild

the thieves guild most don't know about it and are happy to keep it that way

Blue Eels the governments intelligence guild


Guild Hammer
Guild Verdier
Guild Corser
Guild Quickhand
Guild Elsan
Home Guard Unit 1 or 2 Mercenary guild
Merchant Sailor guild
Mercenary guild Marines

If your character wants guild affiliation in his or her past.

Guild quickhand consists largely of halflings. The guild controls all services and and manufacturing that deals with leather basic crafts and all forms of fuel with the exception of the scrap timber used by the wood elves for firewood. Since the halflings were late-comers to the guild and they couldn't assist with smithing or stoneworking badly needed skills at the time they were assigned the leatherworking crafts that were previously the domain of the wood elves. The fuel crafts were learned by an ancestor fo Numblefingers the current guild master and were handded down along with the other native halfling crafts and some imported skills mostly halflings, but a fair amount of humans and some other races who disliked their guilds.

guild hammer is made up completely of dwarves, all descendants of the original immigrants led by darkbrow hammer or of dwarves who followed shortly thereafter GH has complete control over most services and manufacturing that deal with metal or stone. this group is an important addition to the minrothad guilds which was woefully lacking in these areas before the arrival of the dwarves. the guild also has experimented lately with the use of lava in manufacturing but the actual applications are still a secret.

guild corser is mostly humans but also has a number of other races in its ranks. by the time humans had recovered from the devastation of their race in minrothad due to lycanthropy and vampirism most of the essential guilds had been claimed by other races or taken from human control. they therefore staked out new mercantile territory to take the place of the crafts and the slave trade that had provided human communities with money. now rights to collection, transportation and salve of selected rarities and foods.

guild verdier is mostly wood elves it has complete control over all services and items having to do with wood and cloth. Members have an almsot mystical affinity for wood. working things gleaned from the land is part of their religion and they love it. they produce most of the tools rope canvas and cloth used by other guilds they have also voluntarily accepted an unoffictial responsibility shared with the halfling of guild quickhand. for raising minrothad crops and livestock.

guild Elsan is mostly comprised of water elves it has complete control over all services and products dealing with ship building, navigation, fishing and working with raw materials gleaned from the sea, vegetation, sea shells etc.

A ships crew, could have the following, depending upon size. Also these are the rankings in order for shares of treasure.

first mate
ships healer
second mate
chief potswains mate
third mate
ships carpenter
ships cook
watch chief
special positions
able seamen
scuppers - apprentices - gotta work your way up

The setting is not mine, I only use it an modify it for the fun and gaming of my friends and I.
Designer(s) Lawrence Schick, Tom Moldvay, Dave Cook, Frank Mentzer, Bruce Heard, Aaron Allston, Ann Dupuis, et al.
Publication date 1981–1996
Genre(s) Fantasy
System(s) Dungeons & Dragons

Much of what I will post here is modified from www.d20pfsrd.org and the rule system is
Founded 2002
Publication Role-playing games
Fiction genres science fiction, fantasy
Official website paizo.com

I do not claim any of their work as my own.

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The first Encounter

If you google DD35_Wreck_Ashore.pdf, you will find the adventure I slightly modified for the start of this campaign. I used the Lighthouse from the adventure, and borrowed the idea of pirates causing ships to crash, using Goblin pirates instead. The asked for volunteers to investigate the Ligthhouse. The party was dropped off to investigate the Lighthouse, to later be picked up on the beach past the lighthouse, The ship sailed North around the reef. The party investigated the lighthouse, on the fly modified a couple of clues as to what happened to the lighthouse keeper and family. Once investigated the party crept up on the pirate encampment, a patrol was met along the beach, which they were able to take out before the rest of the Goblins could be informed.

maps from https://2minutetabletop.com/product-category/battle-maps/ These 2 were free

Background for the DM
The campaign setting is for the original D&D setting mapped out by the gazetteers. The Minrothad Guilds to be more precise. The party is crew on a privateer ship, out of Dmitrov in the Grand Duchy of Karmeikos. Each in the party has their own goal.

The first Mate welcomes the crew aboard, and welcomes the new members of the crew
“Welcome to the Ocean's ghost gentlemen, ladies, and everything in-between. Captained by the Hero and some say disgraced Merchant Prince Captain Alturus. He's tough, fair, and a demon with the blade and dagger. The captain's seen us out of more scrapes than I care to admit, woulda been lost without im. Bebo is a bit more than a pet, with silver hair and a knowing stare. Few be the men who can beat im up the main Mast.”
The Setup
The party have joined the Ocean’s Ghost as Scuppers in the Minrothad Guilds. Some minor testing, like, climb the main mast, swim under the ship, fist fights, general training and drills. Rumors are that Goblin ships have been seen around, and the ship might clear a few out, for training. They set course for Seawell to investigate rumors of Goblin pirates, and find that two regular transport ships have not arrived in port, over the last fortnight. The captain allows some of the crew to spend a little time in town gathering information. This is done to evaluate skills that the crew might have that are not standard sailing skills.

3 contested climb checks to make it up the mast, between new crew members and the captain’s pet monkey. Bebo has +16 climb

SEAWELL Seawell is a small but prosperous trading town on the seacoast, nestled into the base of a peninsula. Since the town is near enough to the peninsula to attract occasional lizardfolk attacks, it maintains a well-trained militia for protection. Even so, Seawell retains the feel of a small, bustling port town rather than a military post.
Two problems plague Seawell at present: the increased hostility from the local lizardfolk and the continued absence of all ships expected from the direction of the reef. Anyone in town can provide the PCs with basic information about these issues. If they seem uninterested in the missing ships, the mayor approaches them upon finding out that they are adventurers. He offers them 50 gp each, plus all the treasure they find, to find out what happened to the ships and resolve the problem. The characters are not really needed to deal with the lizardfolk raids, since the militia has thus far been able to repulse the attacks. They can, of course, strike out on their own through the swamps in search of lizardfolk to attack, but such a trek is beyond the scope of this adventure. Doing so, however, might provide them with clues about the pirates, since they have been in close contact with some lizardfolk tribes.

Goblins on the beach
The following text assumes the PCs have come down the beach looking for the goblin encampment.

The goblin pirates have built a campsite just off the beach on the lighthouse side of the peninsula. Their light tower is out in the open on the beach, but their tents and semi permanent structures are concealed in the bushes off to the side. The pirates wrecked and salvaged a ship two days before the PCs’ arrival. After slaying the crew and looting the ship, they burned the wreck; thus, no trace of it is visible from the beach or above the water’s surface. The pirates are still in the process of sorting the loot, figuring out what they have, and deciding what to do with it. Except for the patrols, most of them stick fairly close to the camp.

NORMAL PIRATE ACTIVITIES The pirates’ regular activities include the following.
• Inventory and appraisal of loot
The pirates have dragged most of the goods they took from the lighthouse and all the goods salvaged from the wrecked ship into their campsite. During the day, four pirates are usually engaged in sorting, appraising, and recording the loot under the captain’s supervision.
• Hiding the loot
When they’re finished with the sorting, the pirates pack their stolen goods in barrels and bury them above the high tide mark. At any given time, two pirates are busy packing barrels and two more are hauling a packed barrel off somewhere to bury it.
• Patrolling the area This patrol is in addition to the one in encounter A. Three goblin pirates are always on patrol, except at mealtimes. The patrol searches for tracks and keeps an eye out for unwanted visitors, such as survivors of wrecks or lizardfolk. Patrols cover a circular area about 200 yards around the camp, but the pirates investigate anything suspicious that they see, even if it is farther away. They keep the camp informed as to their movements outside the base area, and a second patrol comes looking for any missing crew members after 1 hour.
• Preparing Meals
At mealtimes, one or two goblin pirates cook under the pavilion. The whole crew eats together, so patrols are suspended during meals.
• General Activities
Pirates not engaged in any other activity gamble, repair equipment, read, or pursue other leisure activities during the day.
• Nighttime
At night, the pirates light the false light, and one of them remains atop the tower as lookout. Those not on patrol sleep in the tents.

There are always pirates in the camp unless a wreck is being salvaged. When they discover the PCs depends on how quiet and discreet the characters are while exploring the area. Use your judgment here, and make use of perception checks.

KEY TO THE CAMP The points of interest within the pirate camp are detailed below.
Place The Tower on the map somewhere along the beach. The false light tower is situated about 30 feet from the shoreline and 20 feet from the edge of the bushes that conceal the pirate campsite. The structure is basically a 60-foot-tall, skeletal tower with a ladder attached on the side nearest the campsite. It measures 25 ft. square at the top and slopes outward toward the ground. The top supports a great fire basin made of stone and metal, as well as a pile of wood. Beside the structure stands a winch that the pirates use to haul wood and other supplies to the top of the tower. The pirates burn a fire in the basin at night to simulate the light of the lighthouse. The tower is generally manned only at night, but the pirates sometimes use it as a surveillance platform during the day. Those on top of the tower can stay out of sight of people on the ground just by staying low.

The Campsite The pirate camp is located 40 feet from the tower, about 20 feet beyond the edge of the bushes. They cannot see the shore from their camp, but they rely on the noise of a wreck to know when a ship has grounded on the reef. The campsite consists of four 15-foot-by-15-foot tents for sleeping, a central area with a 20-foot-square wooden pavilion under which the pirates cook their meals, and three wooden buildings, each 15 feet by 10 feet, that they use for storage. The structures are well built because the pirates worked on this camp for weeks before lighting the false lighthouse fire for the first time.

Boats Two large rowboats, each equipped with four oars, stand on the beach. The pirates use these to row out to the reef and salvage wrecks.

Goblins at the camp

3 for patrol
2 guarding the tower, just not very well
3 burying treasure
5 in camp

CR 1/3
XP 135
Goblin warrior 1
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception –1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 6 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will –1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +2 (1d4/19–20)
Ranged short bow +4 (1d4/×3)
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Ride +10, Stealth +10, Swim +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin

Their stash of barrels buried on the beachincludes
twelve casks of salted meat (1 gp each), eighteen casks of wine and other spirits (18 gp each), twenty-eight bales of cloth (10 gp each), three casks of glassware (15 gp each), fifteen hundred copper ingots (30 pounds, 15 gp each), nineteen casks of oil (2 gp each), and fifteen casks of herbs and spices (25 gp each).

The setting is not mine, I only use it an modify it for the fun and gaming of my friends and I.
Designer(s) Lawrence Schick, Tom Moldvay, Dave Cook, Frank Mentzer, Bruce Heard, Aaron Allston, Ann Dupuis, et al.
Publication date 1981–1996
Genre(s) Fantasy
System(s) Dungeons & Dragons

Much of what I will post here is modified from www.d20pfsrd.org and the rule system is
Founded 2002
Publication Role-playing games
Fiction genres science fiction, fantasy
Official website paizo.com

I do not claim any of their work as my own.


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The Party
Cleric - Harry - Dwarf - Ships apprentice Healer
Brawler - Took - Half Orc
Vigilante - Bas - Halfling - Ships apprentice Cook
Bard - Horatio - peri-blooded aasimar (emberkin), Outsider (native) - Ships apprentice Helmsman

Background Information

Father: Tholvar Mother: Aviel Siblings: Aindna, Dorthlia, Bodir

Harry was born into into a poor family. His father Tholvor was an unaccomplished blacksmith’s apprentice. His mom Aviel was a maid for various inns around the city. Harry has three older siblings, his sisters Aindna and Dorthlia and his brother Bodir.

Growing up, Harry learned to play off of the wants and desires of others to his benefit. Some choose to petle in the flesh to turning a profit. For Harry, it's recognising an opportunity to assist someone get what they desire while benefiting. Be it for lust or vengeance, there is a way to turn it to personal advantage. Perhaps it was the persistent dreams Harry had that reinforced his belief that lust, vengeance, revenge, and trickery are just a fact of life, you can either be defined by them or use them to your advantage.

A year after Harry turned the age of majority, there a raid on the docks in Minrothad in which his parents were killed. A few days later, Harry left home to become an acolyte and study the teachings if Calistria.

Senator Helenites Osteropolus of Thiatus is known for this gladiators and his high waging.

A high wage was made on his prize fighter that night. Oresta, the Orc pit fighter, won the battle and the Senator won his bet. With 300 extra gold in his pocket, the Senator allowed Orestra to choose a slave girl to spend the night with him. A few months later Orestra was able to purchase this freedom, but left the now pregnant slave girl. Born months later a new slave gladiator was presented with the magical branding of House Osteroplus.

Over the years, Took was trained for fighting and was to be prize gladiator like his father.

after 16 years of fighting, Took was being sent to Kerendas to train with one of the great pit fighters, Yallig.
Yallig bought his freedom after 7 years of fighting. He stayed on with the house to train and gain prosperity.

During the transport to Kerendas, the caravan stopped over in Briddleton. The escort struck up a wager with some of the Inn's patrons. Took was removed from his cage and was forced to fight a wild boar. After a successful battle he was put back into his cage, but the lock was not set. Noticing this, Took waited for the right moment and escaped in the night.

Took was able to take passage on a ship, by working in the rigging. He sailed from the lands of Thiatus to Minithrad where he enlisted as a scupper on the Oceans Ghost.

What was I even doing?!
The thought kept resurfacing as Bas sat on the pier looking out to the sea. Sure he had no choice about working for the royal navy of Quickhand, his father had reminded him repeatedly that the move would improve their standing and grant them additional favor combined with the marrying of Saltry, the eldest. Saltry had been quick mean to everyone, but whatever, she got what she wanted such was the way of things. At least Bas had learned the ways of the kitchen, it had kept him mostly below decks and not involved in the early scuffles with pirates and even after capture he served enough use to not be killed outright. Looking back it was fortunate that the cooks on the Denaizen had been slaughtered during the capture of his boat. Although, maybe he would have faired better being left with his boatmates on that island.

“Bas? Bas! Let’s go the captain is pulling anchor!”

Oh hell.

“Thanks Horatio” Bas yelled as he gathered his notebook and headed to the ship.

Parents couldn't afford to keep him so they offloaded him to the royal navy where he started learning to be a helmsman.
They (his family) were regarded highly enough that his career started as a midshipman.
(He was rather clever and good with numbers so he was good at the math needed to guide a ship.
He was also a good whist player and was his old ship's captain's 4th.)
I haven't read any of the supporting material so this may/may need to change a bit.
If we are not on a royal ship, I'll come up with some way for him to have had to leave his old ship.
Perhaps, the naval war ended and the navy was downsized.)


bi-weekly in-game publication

The Minrothad Cutter Issue-121

The Cutter is a periodical exposing the Keel of the Minrothad Nation. Politics, Intrigue, and some general information about the nation as a whole, for visitors and scholars. Established 995 AC

Random Interviews
“If you deal with the guilds, you deal with the government. So you’d best know a bit about the ruling guild master. For he be the government, far more than most guilds care for.. The council of guild leaders put ruling guild master in a palace in Minrothad City; now they be stunned that their figurehead be acting like a king. Meditor stirred a hornet’s nest with his reforms and this last assassination attempt almost done him in. So, what’s he done to rile them so?” to be continued next issue

In 965 AC, after the assassination of Ruling Guild Master Kitrina Meditor, the much-heralded “Death to Thieves” decree passed. The decree mandated an immediate trial and death sentence for anyone convicted of thievery of a certain degree or type. The act was a hysterical response to the fact that Meditor’s assassin had been a member of a foreign thieves guild. Abhorrent of thieves and all they represent, Minrothaddans heartily endorsed the act. The decree is still in effect in the Minrothad guilds, although it has been enforced less and less over the years. However if members of the Minrothad Thieves Guild are unlucky enough to be caught, their trial and execution is speedy.

Guild Politics : Quickhand
Domain - Basic Crafts, Fuels and Leatherworking.
Guildmaster - Kimber Nimblefingers
Craftsman - Eloise Goldenhair
Fuelmaker - Squinteye Firestarter
Leatherwork - Copperdome Brownthumb

rumor has it that Head craftsmen under Copperdome are jockeying for position with the scuttlebutt of his retirement.

- Thyatis be blocking sea traffic through Vanyas Girdle, wonder what Guildmaster Oran will do
- Copperdome Brownthumb may be retiring soon
- Goblin Pirates are active between Whoosters Tower and Dimitrov
- The Dwarves are having trouble in their forge
- People are disappearing from the streets after a night of drinking, be wary
- A ship of undead is terrorizing the southern coast of Thyatis
- The tree of life may have taken ill, but the elves will not confirm or deny
- Oran Meditor is appearing at the seaweed festival.
- The sea elves are building a magical ship


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The Ocean's Ghost

This ship is slightly modified from the sailing ship example from the d20pfsrd.org website.

The Oceans Ghost (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 2 (20 ft. by 60 ft.); Cost 21,500 gp
Init +8
AC 16; Hardness 5
hp 1,620 (sails 240)
Base Save +13
Maximum Speed 120 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged 2 light ballistae +10 (3d8), 1 light catapult +15 (4d6)
CMB +22; CMD 32
Ramming Damage 10d8 Ram
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor) +2 Narrow Hull
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 60 squares of sails (two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/120 passengers

Shares of treasure division. 4 go to maintaining the ship, the other 96 divided out among the crew members. It's a quick simple spreadsheet, to add up treasure, and divide it among the crew. Because of their work at the lighthouse and the goblin encampment, the party was each promoted to a full crew member/Able Seaman.

Title Name Shares
Captain Alturas 10
1st Mate Meroshi 6
Quartermaster Dulrig 6
Ships Healer Marq 6
Boatswain Brug 5
2nd Mate Laucian 5
Sailmaker Oswald 4
Ships Carpenter Talarel 4
Ships Cook Wilpos 3
Helmsman Elembor 3
Able Seaman Billy 2
Able Seaman Evinger 2
Able Seaman Wart 2
Able Seaman Arty 2
Able Seaman Rolph 2
Able Seaman Dinger 2
Able Seaman Walbo 2
Able Seaman Stinky 2
Able Seaman Engles 2
Able Seaman ordegan 2
Able Seaman Stillp 2
Able Seaman Thallan 2
Able Seaman Volodar 2
Able Seaman Tiarshus 2
Able Seaman Shyilia 2
Able Seaman/cook Bas 2
Able Seaman/Helmsman Horatio 2
Able Seaman Took 2
Able Seaman Harry 2
Scupper Inkle 1
Scupper Boew 1
Scupper Gitmore 1
Scupper Rareas 1
Scupper Mork 1
Scupper Manker 1
Scupper Ordo 1

Bebo, Is the captains familiar, and ships mascot
CR 1/4
XP 100
Male young familiar monkey
None Tiny animal (familiar, augmented magical beast, familiarbase)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +1
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d3-4)
Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10 , Climb +16 , Swim +2
Gear bite
Low-Light Vision (Ex)


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Maps of Seawell, The Ghost, and area sailed

Whooster's Tower in this map, is the lighthouse North of the town of Seawell, small enough the town is not shown on the map. At least that is where I placed it.


The Ocean's Ghost map, used a D&D downloadable map from WoTC


For Seawell, we roleplayed a little time around town, before the 1st mate had enough information gathered, using the party as well as traditional resources to know the lighthouse needed to be investigated.

This free map download was used for Seawell.


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Crew of the Ocean's Ghost

Below is the crew of the ship. I came up with these using PCGen. I wanted a strong crew, because, as expected the party was talking about owning their own ship right off the bat, level1 and already talking about ruling the Sea of Dread. Also to set the expectation of what they may or may not be running into, when they do have a ship of their own.

In Mystara, Minrothad there are water elves, in PcGen for Pathfinder there is not. I used Dusk elf any Water elf I used in the game. Expert levels were expressed for Sailor levels, cook levels, sailmaker, and carpenter. I also did not find a Half Ogre template, so I improvised a little for Brug.

Captain Alturas Male Elf (Dusk Elf); Medium Humanoid ( Elf ) Swashbuckler10 Water4
Bebo Male Familiar Monkey; Tiny Animal ( Familiar, Augmented Magical Beast, FamiliarBase ) Animal1
1st Mate Meroshi Female Half-Orc; Medium Humanoid ( Orc, Human ) Fighter5 Expert3
Quartermaster Dulrig Male Dwarf; Medium Humanoid ( Dwarf ) Warrior3 Expert3
Ships Healer Marq Male Human (Trailblazer); Medium Humanoid ( Human ) Cleric5
Boatswain Brug Half Ogre Male Human; Medium Humanoid ( Human, Giant )
2nd Mate Laucian Male Elf; Medium Humanoid ( Elf ) Fighter5 Expert1
Sailmaker Oswald Male Human (Trailblazer); Medium Humanoid ( Human ) Swashbuckler3 Expert2
Ships Carpenter Talarel Male Half-Elf (Elf-Raised); Medium Humanoid ( Elf, Human ) Ranger4 Expert2
Sharky Male Companion Shark; Small Companion ( Aquatic ) Animal2
Ships Cook Wilpos Male Halfling; Small Humanoid ( Halfling ) Rogue2 Expert3
Helmsman Elembor Male Elf (Dusk Elf); Medium Humanoid ( Elf ) Swashbuckler4 Expert1

The standard crew, I used the pfsrd-found data for a Generic Pirate, Which is what I used for the rest of the crew. Fleshed out the major NPC's and names/races for the rest of the crew. I have the .pcg files, or can output to html or pdf if anyone wants them. Having the files will be important later in the game for the campaign plans I have

Generic Pirate Stat Block
XP 200 each
Male or female warrior 2
Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 11 each (2d10)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will –1
Speed 30 feet
Melee cutlass +3 (1d6+1/18–20) or
dagger +3 (1d4+1/19–20) or
sap +3 (1d6+1 nonlethal)
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+1/19–20) or
throwing axe +4 (1d6+1)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Athletic, Skill Focus (Profession [sailor])
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Perception +1, Profession (sailor) +6, Stealth +3, Swim +7
Languages Common
Other Gear throwing axe, cutlass, dagger, sap, basic pirate clothes, personal effects such as cheap earrings, leather belt, lucky rabbit’s foot, hat with a parrot feather plume, etc.
During Combat Pirates fight according to their loyalties. They always look out for themselves first, but aid those they are helpful to next.
Morale A pirate withdraws from combat when reduced to 6 hit points or fewer, and flees when reduced to 3 hit points or fewer.
The cutlass appears in Pirates of the Inner Sea.


Murder at Sea

Note- that Seawell map above was used 180 degrees, as it was on the west coast of North Island.

As the party was finishing off the Goblin pirates ashore, the Ocean's Ghost took on 2 small Goblin pirate ships, and sank them. The Swashbuckling Captain could be seen swinging aboard the 1st Goblin ship and running through the Goblin Captain. After clearing up the mystery of the transport ships, the Ocean's Ghost headed to Cove Harbor, the hidden port for Pirate Ships, to sell off the unneeded supplies that were recovered from the Goblins. The crew had some shore leave here, as there was quite a bit of gold divided up.

We have a Bard in the party, he wrote a song about it.

Ode to the slain at the Lighthouse

‘Ratio was there to save the day
He used his bow to slay, slay, slay
When things were in hand and no harm done,
He missed the foes for the others t’ have some fun.

The captain sent them to investigate
They found the goblins tempting fate
But, Horatio would have none of that
So they found their camp and goblins went splat

The lighthouse was all busted up
Dead bodies are no fun
It was sad so just shud’up
Rhyming’s hard so we’re about done.
2 days were taken to dispose of the goblins, dig up the treasure and get it all back to the ship. 1 day to sail down and notify the town of the lack of lighthouse managers. after the ship sails down to the SouthEast to the port of Cove Harbor 2 day travel due to weather. 3 days to sell the treasure. Treasure was sold here, due to the nature of it all, and need for supplies at the Cove. The line was long to collect pay from the quartermaster and then shore leave is possible to all of you, as it is well known that men at sea need to come ashore to spend their loot. Cove harbor has just about anything a sailor could want. Located at Fire Island, the location is not known by the rest of Minrothad.

8 days total:

The ship is going to be in port for another week.

At this point I had been going through old resources I had on hand, and other available resources online. I found an old module L2 The Assassins Knot, and thought about a little mystery for these pirates to solve. What I did not want to do, was force them to handle land adventures, when they had worked on creating Pirate characters. So I came up with an adventure of my own. Murder on the Ocean Mostly it was an encounter name, but as this is the Sea of Dread, I have changed it to Murder at Sea and attached.

Scapegoat awakens
The following text assumes that a character in the party has been picked as a scapegoat for murder. Using an unseen servant the killer has taken a weapon from a sleeping party member, a halfling if possible. Alton then kills Arty sleeping in a nearby hammock, and uses his knowledge to make the the killing wound look like it was caused by the stolen weapon at first glance. Blood spatter around is apparent, and 2 areas that don’t have blood where the killer stood next to Arty Medium sized boot prints.

I picked the Halfling Vigilante, Bas, almost tailored it for his character, due to a comment he made at the previous session, that I can't remember now. I told his player, 'You wake to the sound, smek, smek, smek, and someone yelling "YOU KILLED ARTY" you can feel small hands raining punches down upon your face and shoulders.' We roleplayed this part and the 1st mate being called in. However with the nasty storm going on, the captain sick, and the healer busy with him, there was no time for the command staff to investigate. the 1st mate allowed the party to investigate, Bas to clear himself, and the others to ensure that it was done fairly.

Alton Greenbottle
Male Halfling; Small Humanoid ( Halfling ) Rogue3 Illusionist1
Hit Dice: (3d8)+(1d6)
Hit Points: 24
Initiative: +4
Speed: Walk 20 ft.
AC: 17 (touch 15, flatfooted 13)
Attacks: *Dagger +1 (Small/Deadly) +9; *Dagger +1 (Small/Deadly/Thrown) +9; *Dagger, Punching +1 (Small) +8;
Damage: *Dagger +1 (Small/Deadly) 1d3+2; *Dagger +1 (Small/Deadly/Thrown) 1d3+1; *Dagger, Punching +1 (Small) 1d3+1;
Vision: Face / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bleeding Attack, Sneak Attack
Special Qualities: Arcane Bond, Arcane School, Bonded Object, Bonus Critical Confirmation (Halfling Weapons) (3x), Cantrips, Evasion, Fearless, Halfling Luck, Illusion School, Keen Senses, Sure-Footed, Trapfinding, Trap Sense, Water Opposition School, Weapon Familiarity, Wood Opposition School
Saves: Fortitude: +2, Reflex: +8, Will: +5
Abilities: STR 13 (+1), DEX 18 (+4), CON 11 (+0), INT 15 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 11 (+0)

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Dagger)
Challenge Rating: 3
Alignment: N
Possessions: Amulet of Natural Armor +2; Dagger +1 (Small/Deadly); Dagger, Punching +1 (Small); Quick Runner's Shirt; Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank);

Wizard - Spells per Day: (3+0/2+1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/ DC:12 + spell level); Known: Level 0: Acid Splash, Bleed, Mage Hand Level 1: Air Bubble, Blurred Movement, Forced Quiet

Full .pdf of Alton, and Murder at Sea attached. Map of the ship is previously posted.


  • MurderAtSea.pdf
    82.9 KB · Views: 242
  • Alton Greenbottle.pdf
    50.4 KB · Views: 314


Minrothad City

During the storm, the ship went off course, and was adjusted to bring the ship in to Minrothad City. Blue below is what was intended, red is where it went off course.


Taking ideas from the GAZ9 - The Minrothad Guilds, there are multiple adventure ideas at the end of the resource. I picked one to happen while in the Capitol city.

What you don't know won't hurt you
As PCs walk down a busy shopping street, a teenage girl races out of an alley and barrels right into one of the characters. A gang of youths appears right behind her, in hot pursuit. The girl tries to run on; if PCs let her go, the youths chase her away into the crowd. If the characters protect her, her pursuers are verbally abusive but soon disappear, not willing to risk a fight with the PCs. The girl is Eliza, a Tutorial Guild apprentice. She was carrying an official message to be delivered to Arven, a local Guild Corser spice dealer. The youths chasing her are apprentices from Guild Elsan interested in the contents of the "valuable message" they have been tipped off to. Realizing she was about to be caught, she ran into the PC intentionally and slipped the sealed paper inside his or her tunic or pouch. The message states, "We know about your unauthorized purchases. Stop before it becomes an official matter." This is a veiled warning to Arven to stop buying magical items on the sly from foreigners. The girl is ignorant of its true meaning. Eliza recovers the paper and goes her way as soon as possible. If the PCs protect her, they are dogged by the Elsan youths fot several days as the apprentices try to figure out what business the PCs have with Eliza. If the toughs catch Eliza and find she does not have the paper, they quickly discover what she has done with it. The characters then become the target of ambushes in alleys as Elsan apprentices and journeymen try to steal the paper. If the paper is taken from the characters and its seal is found broken, guildsmen think that the PCs have read the message. In that case they are in much greater trouble. The Tutorial Guild assumes they are spies of some kind and does its best to make them leave the city: they are followed constantly, the party magic-user is denied permission to cast spells, Tutorial Guild shops will do no business with them, and so on. The greatest threat, however, is the spice dealer. Arven leaps to conclusions about what the PCs might say. Desperate to protect his good name, he hires moonlighting Thieves Guild members to kill the characters. These murder attempts are done as quickly and discreetly as possible, before the PCs can talk to anyone about the message.

Minrothad city.jpg

We roleplayed the interaction with the young woman, and the toughs who were following her. They found the note later, read it, and returned it to the Guild hall. They go to the spice dealer and intimidate him a little. He hires a moonlighting rogue, who wants to take up assassination. He follows the Cleric Harry to a place to sleep for the night, and sneaks in while Harry is sleeping. He awakens to the Rogue disabling the window and entering. The rogue stats were used from an example on the d20pfsrd website.

Cutpurse CR 1/2

XP 200
Human Rogue 1
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +3


AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will –1


Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+2/19–20)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+2/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6


Before Combat The cutpurse hides so he can use sneak attack.

During Combat The cutpurse continues to engage his initial opponent in melee, or throws acid if all his opponents are at range.

Morale The cutpurse is more than willing to abandon a target if it puts up too much resistance. Live to steal another day is his motto!


Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Swim +6
Languages Common
SQ trapfinding +1
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, acid (2), smokestick, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear masterwork studded leather, daggers (5), short sword, thieves’ tools, 25 gp


The cutpurse is a dirty sneak who uses surprise and stealth to rob unsuspecting victims.

The setting is not mine, I only use it an modify it for the fun and gaming of my friends and I.
Designer(s) Lawrence Schick, Tom Moldvay, Dave Cook, Frank Mentzer, Bruce Heard, Aaron Allston, Ann Dupuis, et al.
Publication date 1981–1996
Genre(s) Fantasy
System(s) Dungeons & Dragons

Much of what I will post here is modified from www.d20pfsrd.org and the rule system is
Founded 2002
Publication Role-playing games
Fiction genres science fiction, fantasy
Official website paizo.com

I do not claim any of their work as my own.
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First combat at Sea - Ierendi Pirate ship

One of the things I included in the attachment, but not in the update for Murder at Sea, There were 3 passengers, with Alton dead, and the Sea Elf reaching his final destination, that left the Dwarf, who was headed on to Stronghold at Fortress Island.
3 passengers were taken aboard at Cove Harbor, 2 bound for Minrothad City and another bound for Stronghold on Fortress island, your next planned stop of this voyage. A Sea Elf, Montissey Niktori, a Dwarf Higbull Ironborn, and a Halfling Alton Greenbottle, all are paying the standard transport fee, 20gp.

Higbull Ironborn, has paid another 20gp for the trip to Stronghold. The Ocean's Ghost was heading there as a next stop, on paper, to deliver goods to Stronghold, but by design of the Guildmaster of Privateers, to investigate an Ierendi pirate ship which was bothering Minrothad ships, near Cape West. Ierendi is the Island nation to the West of Minrothad.

I set things up, so that the Captain of the ship would check in twice a day, at noon, and at midnight, with the Guildmaster back at Cove Harbor. This is done with a magic item I will reveal later on. The Captain recieved word to investigate the pirate ship, which gives the party their first combat at sea against a competing pirate ship.


Below is the Pirate stat block, and the Pirate ship, only slightly modified from the example on www.d20pfsrd.com I had the command crew set to fight command crew at the rear of the ship, and played acrobatics checks, and when a character fell in the water, swim checks and climb checks to get out of the water. I would have the DC's prepared ahead of time for these, just to make the flow a little quicker, or link to the rule. I tend to DM with my laptop open, with tabs open to rules all over the place/ as needed. A quick reference ahead of time for common things would have kept the encounter flowing a bit better.

I used as many pirates as necessary to give the party a challenge, and ended up awarding a CR4 encounter for this. The Captain Alturus disarmed the other captain around round 10, and the crew surrendered, knowing they would be dropped off at the nearest land, and able to be picked up or acquire transportation. This is a standard way of treating a captured vessel in Minrothad. If the party looked to see what the command crew was up to, the Captain is a swashbuckler and I improvised actions occurring away from the party. If it helps, you can pre-write a few actions by the command crew. I had Silence cast upon the ships sorcerer, and the Captain swinging across, with a double somersault to the deck, with his Monkey trailing behind.

Funny enough the party cleric missed his roll to cross the boarding plank between ships, and spent the encounter trying not to drown, and climb out of the water.

Art by Bo King - "Harry's Great Fall"

Generic Pirate Stat Block
XP 200 each
Male or female warrior 2
Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 11 each (2d10)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will –1
Speed 30 feet
Melee cutlass +3 (1d6+1/18–20) or
dagger +3 (1d4+1/19–20) or
sap +3 (1d6+1 nonlethal)
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+1/19–20) or
throwing axe +4 (1d6+1)
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Athletic, Skill Focus (Profession [sailor])
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Perception +1, Profession (sailor) +6, Stealth +3, Swim +7
Languages Common
Other Gear throwing axe, cutlass, dagger, sap, basic pirate clothes, personal effects such as cheap earrings, leather belt, lucky rabbit’s foot, hat with a parrot feather plume, etc.
During Combat Pirates fight according to their loyalties. They always look out for themselves first, but aid those they are helpful to next.
Morale A pirate withdraws from combat when reduced to 6 hit points or fewer, and flees when reduced to 3 hit points or fewer.
The cutlass appears in Pirates of the Inner Sea.

Ierendi Pirate Ship
Pirate brig (sailing ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 100 ft.); Cost 14,500 gp
Init +8
AC 16; Hardness 5
hp 1,620 (sails 240)
Base Save +13
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
Ranged 6 light ballistae +10 (3d8), 4 light catapults +15 (4d6)
CMB +22; CMD 32
Ramming Damage 10d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 60 squares of sails (two masts)
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/120 passengers
Captain: NE female human rogue [pirate] 5/deep sea pirate 6
Other Crew CN female dwarf bard [sea singer] 5
First Mate CN male human sorcerer 8
CN male human rogue 2
NE female half-orc barbarian 6
N male human rogue [knife master] 6
45 pirate cutthroats (CE human fighter 6)
Armaments 6 light ballistae (port and starboard) with 200 light ballista bolts; 4 light catapults (fore and aft) with 50 light catapult stones and 10 alchemist’s fire canisters
Modifications ram, rapid-deploy sails, silk sails, 2 smuggling compartments
Cargo 4 points of plunder

- Please see the first post in this thread for attributions.
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