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D&D 5E Proficiencies don't make the class. Do they?

I'm A Banana

1st level
Infusions: Artificers can cast infusions they know as Rituals, and only as Rituals, those infusions act as if they were spells. An artificer learns all infusions available to him/her at the given levels. (1st level at 1st, 2nd level at third, and so on)

I don't quite get the intent here - are infusions just ritual spells? If so, why not just give artificers ritual casting? The second bit is basically how cleric spellcasting works, but I'm unclear on the fictional reasoning for it here. For cleircs, it's just "all gods grant this pool of spells, plus domain spells" but for Artificers, there's no force that limits them like that. So why do all artificers know exactly the same inflexible list of infusions? Is every single one like a graduate from the same House Cannith school? If I want to customize my artificer by taking different kinds of rituals, why is that something I can't do?

So, ritual casting is a fine ability and makes sense for them. But they're going to need more than that to contribute. The current ritual casters also have spellcasting - should they get that, too? Or should they have some sort of "rituals-only" list (which would put them more in column B or C)?

Magical tinkering: Artificers can use all magic items, including those that require an specific spell list, or class level. When using such an item, the artificer makes a UMD check (Cha-mod + prof bonus)

I'm confused about the intent here, too. So artificers can use holy avengers? And gain warlock spell slots from the rod of the pact keeper? Is the main idea to have them use wands and scrolls and staves? Does the Charisma check last only for a single use, or does it let them use it indefinitely? And why CHARISMA? Are artificers supposed to be charming and suave and influential leaders? Why isn't figuring out how to use a magic item an Intelligence check, say?

This ability seems fine in concept, but I think we should lock down more specifically what the intent is and define it narrowly rather than having DMs frustrated by a party artificer who just takes EVERY magic item for themselves.

Scribe Scroll: Artificers can scribe scrolls, each scroll needs a material support (costing 50 gp for a 1st level spell), an artifier needs an hour to scribe a scroll, if the scroll has a spell not in the Artificer infusion list, the artificer must make an UMD check (DC 15+spell level) or he/she fails. If the spell has a costly component, it must be spent when scribing the scroll. scroll writing fades after a day, unless the artificer keeps it. After the scroll is used or the writing fades, the support can be reused. ARtificers can only keep up to 3 scrolls at the same time.

Again, lets not trap alternate item crafting mechanics in a class. The artificer makes scrolls like anyone else makes scrolls (maybe with some time/money advantages). If the DMG rules don't work for that, lets get some ideas for new rules for Eberron and not just give them to an artificer.

This mechanic has a more subtle problem as well: this ability works better as an NPC than as a PC. Scribe some scrolls and send your party out with the scrolls and there's no real need for you to be present at all. They come back to town at the end of the day and you top 'em up. In fact, given the ability check to mimic other spells, this also steals thunder from other classes if the artificer DOES tag along. That's not the artificer having its own identity, that's the artificer basically being some other class by proxy. Not cool.

2nd level
Slots: artificers gain spell slots -like a paladin/ranger-. The slots regenerate with a long rest, but only those that aren't in current use. those slots can be used for the following activities:

So looks like you think B-style spellcasting works. That's cool, but then an artificer needs some oomph to equal a paladin/ranger - something like Divine Smite and Natural Explorer. Rituals are fine, but they're not enough by themselves (they're maybe a Favored Enemy or Divine Sense in scope)

Wand crafting: The artificer can craft wands containing a single spell, each charge on a wand requires devoting a spell slot of the appropriate level for the spell. If the artificer cannot cast the spell, he/she must make the UMD check. Wands have a limit of 7 charges, and these don't regenerate. During a long rest the artificer can choose to let go of a wand and regain the slots.
Wand charging: The artificer can move a slot to add a single charge to a wand, whether it is a permanent one or a wand he/she crafted.

Same applies to scroll crafting here.

3rd level

...and now we're beyond 2nd level without a defining mechanic. We gotta get that in earlier.

subclass pick (golems/homunculus, melee like combat style-mediumarmor-eventualsecond attack, crazy stuff with wands, more castery feel with cantrips...)

Expertise makes some sense, but it should be different/more limited than the Rogue version.

5th level
Craft permanent magic items...

I'm REALLY reluctant to let the artificer loot the DMG for items to add to the party a la carte. The items in the DMG were not made with that mind.

and soo on

Big thing is that you're still missing a central mechanic. Making an item isn't an active contribution to the party. It is something you do during down-time.

They also need to be able to fire on all three pillars, and this version is pretty myopic, not really directly contributing to any of them except by looting other class's spells and rituals. What does it look like when an artificer explores the dungeon or talks at the noble banquet? What do they do there that no other class can do?

Also, being able to mimic other class's spell list is problematic. It can be done to a limited extent smartly, but "make an ability check to make an item that does anything any other spell in the game can do" is way too broad and not very future-proof.

Ritual casting and expertise and B-style spellcasting are a skeleton, but item crafting doesn't work as a defining mechanic, especially when they can just give these items to their buddies who then can go out and use them without needing to bring the artificer along.
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Ritual casting and expertise and B-style spellcasting are a skeleton, but item crafting doesn't work as a defining mechanic, especially when they can just give these items to their buddies who then can go out and use them without needing to bring the artificer along.

Because a 1st level artificer drinking back at the tavern while his team goes out and adventures is the HEIGHT of fun! Sign me up to play one!



Steeliest of the dragons
I'm really not on this boat of "significantly different defining mechanic"...nor have a horse in this race as I do not play in Eberron and/or use an artificer in my games...[nor, apparently, a problem with mixing metaphors]. I mean, what is a Warlock's Invocation if not just "Channel Divine" with a refluff? What do they do? Oh, arcane magical effects...SO it's like Channeling the Arcane? No. They're invocations. So they're spells, then? No no! They're invocaaationnns. Warlocks only, man! Ah boogedy boogedy boo!

There are, what 47 out of 50 class/subclasses [hyperbolic but not by much] that have spell use? What's the significantly defining feature there? Oh look! Different spell list. Really major defining there. Martial types are getting some combat something and Extra Attack. Barbarian:"Reckless Attack" at 2nd, Extra Attack at 5th. Fighter: "Action Surge" @ 2nd, Extra Attack @ 5th. Ranger & Paladin both: Fighting Style @ 2nd, Extra Attack @ 5th.

Basically, everyone is getting some minorly different mechanic with a refluffing and new name as their features...with, then, one "thing that is theirs" that other classes don't get...Be that something major, like Rage or Sorcery Points or Domain spells, or something minorly different and flavorful (but nowhere else) like Invocations, Bardic Inspiration or Paladin Oath Channels ...and then, in the vastly overwhelming majority, an individualized class spell list on top of all of that.

So, here's what I'm thinking...really quickly and trying to follow the PHB format...

[all titles, names and abilities are subject to change for coolness, preference, and/or to protect the innocent.]

You infuse stuff with magic. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits. [digression note to self for future adventure: mad uber witch named "Blahblah Yada". Moving on...]
Arcane Tinker: You have an innate knack for harnessing and weaving magical energies into mundane items and objects, moreso than other spellcasting/item-crafter folks. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits.
Arts and Crafts: You are especially crafty, cunning, and can come up with ideas and plans given what seems to others completely hopeless situations. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits.

[Ok. THe parts everyone cares about...]
Class Features
d8 per level.
HP at 1st level: Were you not paying attention? I JUST said, d8. So start with 8 + Con mod.
HP at Higher Levels: Since, for some reason it needs repeating because looking two lines up is too difficult for stupid people: You get a d8 + Con. mod. at every level.

Armor: Light and Shields.
Weapons: All simple, hand crossbow, war pick, warhammer.
Tools: Thieves Tools and Tinker's Tools.
Saving Throws: Intelligence & Dexterity.
Skills: Choose 3 of the following list: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand.

The Infuesnator begins with the following in addition to the equipment granted by your background.
  • a) Any simple weapon or b) a hand crossbow/20 darts
  • a) Burglar's Pack or b) Scholar's Pack
  • an infusion journal and component pouch.
  • a set of Thieves' or Tinker's Tools and a) Leather armor or b) a shield.

@1st: Infusing Magic
Cantrips: you get 3 of choice from the Infusenator's spell list. You gain more at higher levels as shown on the Infusenator table.

Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence is your casting ability.

Ritual Casting: You can cast any Infusenator spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.

Infuzor's Journal: You keep all of your magical notes and plans in a journal that you add to and study over the course of your career. Spells and rituals and infusions are all stored in this journal. The Infusenator begins play with their cantrips and 3 infusenator rituals of choice in their journal.

Tampering Focus: You have no need for normal material spell components, instead you can use your tinker's or thieves' tools as an arcane focus for adding your magics onto/into items and normal spell-casting.

Ingenuity Dice: You have 3 Ingenuity Dice, which are d6's. You may use Ingenuity Dice as a bonus action to add the result(s) (1, 2 or all at once) to any Int. or Dex. based d20 roll for yourself or an ally of your choice that can see and hear you within 60'. They are expended when you use them and regain used Ingenuity when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another Ingenuity Die at 7th when the die increases to d8, and 12th when the die increases to d10.

Artificer Lore: as the Rock Gnome, regardless of PC race.

@2nd: Arcane Infusions
In your study of occult cosmic lore, you have discovered [or been taught] how to imbue the magic you command into otherwise normal mundane items and materials. You gain 2 Arcane Infusions of your choice at 2nd level. You gain additional Infusions as your Infusenator levels up, at 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 17th. Additionally, at any level up, you may swap out one infusion for another that you can have learned at that level.

Tinker: as the Rock Gnome, regardless of PC race.

@3rd: Infusenator Guild
Choose your Infuzenator specialty: Aritficer, Alchemist, Golemancer.

Spell Slots: You gain slots for 1st level and higher spells as shown on the Infusenator table.

@4th: Ability Boost: as normal.

@5th: Expertise: Choose two of your skill proficiencies or 1 skill and proficiency in 1 type of tools you might know. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check that makes use of the proficiencies chosen. You may add addition 2 skill proficiencies at 10th level.

@11th: Construct Companion: You create an artificial construct that can have the form and abilities of any tiny to medium-sized animal or humanoid from the MM. The creature will act as a familiar though only the creator will comprehend its clicks, whirs, and grinding noises as speech due to their telepathic connection. It otherwise follows the parameters of the Tinker's ability, but functions for 1 day per level before needing "maintenance" to continue functioning.

@20th: something awesome.

Infusenator Guild
add prof. Medium Armor.
Imbue Item: Spend Ingenuity Die to add a +1 enchantment to a weapon, armor, or shield you touch.
Minor Conjuration: as the Conjuration Specialist Mage ability.
6th: Disposable Item Crafter: Potions, Scrolls, Wands. You can produce Potions, Wands, or other minor charged items by following some procedure/mechanic I'm not going to come up with right now but would be faster and cheaper than whatever's in the DMG...spending Ingenuity Dice? You can also pen Scrolls of any spell, ritual or infusion that you can cast.
10th: Focused Worker: When casting a spell or infusion that requires concentration, you do not lose concentration when you take damage.
14th: something awesome

add prof. of Artisan Tools: Alchemist Supplies
Imbue Liquid: Spend an Ingenuity Die to a normally drinkable liquid (water, wine, tea, etc...) and the liquid becomes purified of any poison and restores half the Ingenuity Die (minimum 1) HP.
Minor Alchemy: as the Transmutation Specialist Mage ability.
6th: Homunculus: You create an artificial magi-organic creature that has the form and abilities of the Homunculus from the MM. The creature will act as a familiar though only the creator will comprehend its gibbering animalistic noises as speech due to their telepathic connection.
10th: Enhanced Brewer: Select 3 spells of a spell level you can cast and you can make an ingestible concoction to convey the effects of that spell to the imbiber.
14th: Alchemist's Stone: As the Master Transmuter Transmutation mage ability...or something else suitably awesome.

add prof. of Artisan Tools of choice.
Construct Familiar: You create an artificial construct that can have the form and abilities of any tiny animal from the MM. The creature will act as a familiar though only the creator will comprehend its clicks, whirs, and grinding noises as speech due to their telepathic connection.
Arcane Ward: as the Abjuration specialist mage ability.
6th: Enhanced Construction:
The Golemancer can create and infuse constructs of animal or humanoid form and ability up to large size. Additionally, when applying an Infusion to a construct of their creation, the Golemancer's duration is doubled. This also applies to "upgrading" (in size and ability) their Familiar Construct.
10th: Golemaster: You can wrest control of an existing construct you didn't create.
14th:[/B] something awesome.

Alright...that's all I've got for now...play it. Don't play. Argue about in-/sufficient distinctiveness and quibble about that single minor thing you absolutely MUST have or the whole class/subclass is worthless. Whatever you wanna do. I need lunch.
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I'm A Banana

Because a 1st level artificer drinking back at the tavern while his team goes out and adventures is the HEIGHT of fun! Sign me up to play one!

Exactly. Why have a class feature that is most strategically useful in a way that's dull as heck? Why "punish" a strategic player for wanting a character to go out and adventure (or, reward one who wants to play it as safe as possible by never going out)? A full-class artificer shouldn't be mechanically better at being a crafting NPC than a being a crafting PC; they should have an incentive to be with the party, not at home while a party loaded with their items (and thus, apparently, all of their spells for the day?) goes out and does stuff.

A wizard-subclass-artificer has to get out and adventure because their spellsinfusions still require their presence to castinfuse, only work for a little while (ie, not the whole day, so they have to be around to recast), and can only be done one (or maybe a few) at a time (because of the Concentration requirement). They can't just drop a few of them in the morning and go home, their class contribution done for the day.

Crafting permanent or consumable items is a presumed part of the artificer, something they do during down time, and they do better than anyone (using the DMG system with some time/money discounts as a "ribbon" ability, or, possibly even better, some new system with a unique suite of artificer-specific items, or whatever). But these items aren't going to be how they contribute in the flow of play, they aren't active decisions they make in exploration or interaction or combat.

There might be room for crafting temporary items out in the field. I'm thinking maybe something like the rock gnome's tinkering ability, or 5e-style expensive components, or an "arcane focus," where one bit of equipment can be re-used, possibly for different effects. If every artificer had a tool pouch that carried various gears and springs and whatnot, and they could use that to use their infusions, that would work...but it would also essentially be the same thing as a component pouch, so we're basically back at temporary artificer "items" being the same thing as spells in that case.
"I infuse this collection of metal plates and speical mythril thread into your clothes" = "I cast mage armor" kind of stuff.

But this is part of that struggle - a class whose fiction is about creating items might need to spend most of their in-play time doing something else, but they still need to feel like they're making items, and unless it's just the same as spellcasting, it needs to be significantly different from that.

steeldragons said:

What you've got here looks a lot like a reskinned bard (with your dice being the same as, but more limited than, inspiration dice). You can save everyone the time and effort of this class by basically saying, "If you want to play an artificer, play a bard, and swap your spellcasting ability score from Charisma to Intelligence."
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Steeliest of the dragons
Infusenator/Infuzor/Infuser/Suffuser/Imbuer/Maker of Things Magikol Spell List
Acid Splash . . . . .Mage Hand . . . . .Prestidigitation
Blade Ward . . . . .Mending . . . . . . .Produce Flame
Dancing Lights. . . Message . . . . . . .Ray of Frost
Guidance . . . . . . Minor Illusion . . . .Resistance
Light . . . . . . . . . Poison Spray . . . .Shocking Grasp

1st level
Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Detect Poison & Disease . .Grease . . . . . .Jump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sleep
Burning Hands . . . . . . . . Disguise Self . . . . . . . . .Guiding Bolt . . .Longstrider . . . . . . . . . . .Tenser's Floating Disc
Chromatic Orb . . . . . . . . False Life . . . . . . . . . . . Healing Word . .Mage Armor . . . . . . . . . . Thunderwave
Comprehend Languages . . Featherfall. . . . . . . . . . .Heroism. . . . . .Protection from Good/Evil . Unseen Servant
Detect Magic . . . . . . . . . Fog Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . .Identify . . . . . .Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Witch Bolt

2nd level
Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . .Darkness . . . . . .Hold Person . . . . .Locate Object . . . .See Invisibility
Alter Self . . . . . . . . Darkvision . . . . . Invisibility . . . . . .Magic Mouth . . . . .Shatter
Arcane Lock . . . . . . Enhance Ability . . .Knock . . . . . . . . Magic Weapon. . . . Spider Climb
Blur . . . . . . . . . . . .Enlarge/Reduce . . Lesser Restoration .Mirror Image . . . Web
Blindness/Deafness . .Find Traps . . . . . .Levitate . . . . . . . .Misty Step

3rd level
Animate Dead . . Fireball . .. . . . . . . .Lightning Bolt . . . . . . . Slow
Clairvoyance . . . Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . Magic Circle. . .. . . . . . Stinking Cloud
Daylight. . . . . . .Glyph of Warding . . .Nondetection . . . . . . . Tongues
Dispel Magic . . . Haste . . . . . . . . . . .Protection from Energy .Water Breathing
Fear . . . . . . . . .Leomund's Tiny Hut . .Sending

4th level
Arcane Eye . . . . . . . . . . . Death Ward . . . . . . . . . . Locate Creature . . . . . . . . . . . . Wall of Fire
Blight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dimension Door . . . . . . . .Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Confusion . . . . . . . . . . . . Evard's Black Tentacles. . .Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Conjure Minor Elementals . .Fabricate . . . . . . . . . . . .Stone Shape
Control Water . . . . . . . . . Freedom of Movement . . . Stoneskin

5th level
Animate Objects . . . Creation . . . . . . Scrying
Cloudkill . . . . . . . . Legend Lore . . . .Telekinesis
Cone of Cold . . . . . Mislead . . . . . . .Teleportation Circle
Conjure Elemental . .Modify Memory . .Wall of Force
Contact Other Plane .Planar Binding . . Wall of Stone

6th level
Arcane Gate . . . . . . . . . . .Guards & Wards . . .Wall of Ice
Chain Lightning . . . . . . . . .Hold Monster
Contingency . . . . . . . . . . .Magic Jar
Dwamij's Instant Summons .Move Earth
Globe of Invulnerability . . . True Seeing

7th level
Delayed Blast Fireball. . .Reverse Gravity
Forcecage. . . . . . . . . . Simulacrum
Plane Shift . . . . . . . . . Symbol
Prismatic Spray . . . . . .Teleport
Project Image

8th level . . . . . . . . . .9th level
Antimagic Field . . . . .Foresight
Clone . . . . . . . . . . . Gate
Incendiary Cloud . . . .Imprisonment
Mind Blank . . . . . . . .Prismatic Wall
Sunburst . . . . . . . . . Time Stop


Exactly. Why have a class feature that is most strategically useful in a way that's dull as heck? Why "punish" a strategic player for wanting a character to go out and adventure (or, reward one who wants to play it as safe as possible by never going out)? A full-class artificer shouldn't be mechanically better at being a crafting NPC than a being a crafting PC; they should have an incentive to be with the party, not at home while a party loaded with their items (and thus, apparently, all of their spells for the day?) goes out and does stuff.

A wizard-subclass-artificer has to get out and adventure because their spellsinfusions still require their presence to castinfuse, only work for a little while (ie, not the whole day, so they have to be around to recast), and can only be done one (or maybe a few) at a time (because of the Concentration requirement). They can't just drop a few of them in the morning and go home, their class contribution done for the day.

Crafting permanent or consumable items is a presumed part of the artificer, something they do during down time, and they do better than anyone (using the DMG system with some time/money discounts as a "ribbon" ability, or, possibly even better, some new system with a unique suite of artificer-specific items, or whatever). But these items aren't going to be how they contribute in the flow of play, they aren't active decisions they make in exploration or interaction or combat.

There might be room for crafting temporary items out in the field. I'm thinking maybe something like the rock gnome's tinkering ability, or 5e-style expensive components, or an "arcane focus," where one bit of equipment can be re-used, possibly for different effects. If every artificer had a tool pouch that carried various gears and springs and whatnot, and they could use that to use their infusions, that would work...but it would also essentially be the same thing as a component pouch, so we're basically back at temporary artificer "items" being the same thing as spells in that case.
"I infuse this collection of metal plates and speical mythril thread into your clothes" = "I cast mage armor" kind of stuff.

But this is part of that struggle - a class whose fiction is about creating items might need to spend most of their in-play time doing something else, but they still need to feel like they're making items, and unless it's just the same as spellcasting, it needs to be significantly different from that.

See, my idea was that magic items made by the artificer class functions require a "recharge" by said artificer; they are limited in duration and/or uses and would require the artificer to be there to recharge it. Borrowing from my "refluffed warlock" skeleton for a second, you'd have this set up.

Infusions: temporary, spell like abilities that an artificer uses on the fly. For example, an infusion could make a weapon become flaming for a minute, infuse a scroll a spell, or rust an opponents weapon.
Gadgets: More permanent items. They are unstable and require the artificer to maintain them, hence he can only have a small number of them at a time and must be recharged when the artificer takes a short/long rest. Example: a wand that casts a spell once after a long rest, or a magical suit of armor that bestows resistance for 8 hours. The upside is gadgets cost no time or gold to make; the downside is that they are limited to a number per level and the artificer must be their to recharge them.
Magic Items: An artificer can automatically acquire formulas for magic items, and make them with a slight (10%?) reduction in cost or time. The advantage over gadgets is that they are permanent and don't require upkeep (or count against to gadget limit), but require more time and gold to make.

These kind of special limitations are nothing new (Paizo's alchemist can only have a number of bombs based on level, for example) and when you add in some of the other class features (Use Magic Device, potion creation) would make the class a kinda anti-warlock (warlock abilities are primarly about buffing yourself/damaging foes, the artificer is about buffing others and healing).

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
So, here's what I'm thinking...really quickly and trying to follow the PHB format...

[all titles, names and abilities are subject to change for coolness, preference, and/or to protect the innocent.]

You infuse stuff with magic. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits. [digression note to self for future adventure: mad uber witch named "Blahblah Yada". Moving on...]
Arcane Tinker: You have an innate knack for harnessing and weaving magical energies into mundane items and objects, moreso than other spellcasting/item-crafter folks. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits.
Arts and Crafts: You are especially crafty, cunning, and can come up with ideas and plans given what seems to others completely hopeless situations. Blah blah yada yada fluffy bits.

Please add this to the downloads. I'm lazy.


Steeliest of the dragons
What you've got here looks a lot like a reskinned bard (with your dice being the same as, but more limited than, inspiration dice). You can save everyone the time and effort of this class by basically saying, "If you want to play an artificer, play a bard, and swap your spellcasting ability score from Charisma to Intelligence."

Well, the dice mechanic is more limited, so it can't also be "the same." In fact I was thinking more along the lines of a Battlemaster's Superiority Dice. But that's kind of my point, nothing can really be THAT mechanically distinct. And I'm right with ya that it could "get by" as a wizard subclass...but all these pages of thread later...obviously that is not satisfactory to people that actually care about this. Basically, your position is just, "they can't have it" because you want to define some ephemeral subjective level of distinctiveness that must needs be met.

I get we can't just use another mechanic and change the name. That's weaksauce. But taking an existing mechanic and tweaking it mechanically (preferably with some fluffy icing) is kind of what we have to work with without adding unnecessary mechanical complexities to the game.

If I had written it up as "Ingenuity Points" instead of dice, would that have been "better"? Because to me, then, the obvious comeback is, "That's just a reskinned Sorcerer". Would it have matter if it had granted advantage or something else besides a boost to a roll? Big woo.

Because a few classes use mechanics that are similar doesn't make them interchangeable...or the classes unnecessary. Otherwise Sorcerer and Wizard would not be different classes. Bard and Rogue need not be different classes. Fighter and Barbarian need not be different classes.

As others have often noted, we'd have nothing more than a Caster and Noncaster class and everything else just done via proficiencies and fluff.

So, I think, instead of continuing to tell everyone else how they must be defining things/aren't defining things "different enough", we might all want to accept that some classes are more different[iated] than each other and some are less.

Quite frankly, as long as the Sorcerer remains in the PHBs sitting next to Wizards and Warlocks, I think this class i wrote is at least as differentiated from Bards or Warlocks or Thieves or Wizards to warrant its own class.

I'm A Banana

See, my idea was that magic items made by the artificer class functions require a "recharge" by said artificer; they are limited in duration and/or uses and would require the artificer to be there to recharge it.

This is different from casting a spell with a limited duration/uses....how? (If it's just that other people can trigger them, that's fine, but it's kind of a minor difference...not nothing, maybe something solid if expanded upon, but not enough alone)

Infusions: temporary, spell like abilities that an artificer uses on the fly. For example, an infusion could make a weapon become flaming for a minute, infuse a scroll a spell, or rust an opponents weapon.
Gadgets: More permanent items. They are unstable and require the artificer to maintain them, hence he can only have a small number of them at a time and must be recharged when the artificer takes a short/long rest. Example: a wand that casts a spell once after a long rest, or a magical suit of armor that bestows resistance for 8 hours. The upside is gadgets cost no time or gold to make; the downside is that they are limited to a number per level and the artificer must be their to recharge them.
Magic Items: An artificer can automatically acquire formulas for magic items, and make them with a slight (10%?) reduction in cost or time. The advantage over gadgets is that they are permanent and don't require upkeep (or count against to gadget limit), but require more time and gold to make.

If Infusion = cantrip, why not give them cantrips?
If Gadget = concentration spell, why not give them concentration spells?
If Magic Items = magic item crafting, they can do this already if they can cast spells (though maybe we would like a better crafting system)

(and if any of these abilities loot DMG magic items wholesale...)


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Well, it was just something I wrote in the spot between doing the dishes and a quick grocery shopping. A quick idea.

Also, being able to mimic other class's spell list is problematic. It can be done to a limited extent smartly, but "make an ability check to make an item that does anything any other spell in the game can do" is way too broad and not very future-proof.
But that is what a 3e artificer can do, craft any item despite not fulfilling the requisites (spell known/class/race) They could substitute any of them with an UMD check (Charisma based and yes a skill check) The core mechanic I was thinking was making, charging and using wands, then have a bunch of ritual only spells/infusions dedicated to infuse objects and constructs, I think it's ok if they know the full list of 10 or so per level infusions, infusions are a minor part of the artificer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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