Project Daedalus (Issue #4)


An anticlimatic ending to the battle, Jennifer remarks as she flows back towards her fallen garments, quickly filling them and returning to normal, human form. She walks towards the body slowly, stepping carefully over the rubble to avoid further damage to her shoes. Once close, she'll bend down to check his pulse.

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As Rachel sniffs at the fallen man, Tyroc and Jennifer carefully approach him. There doesn't appear to be a pulse or breathing, and all of them come to the conclusion that he is indeed dead. The elite has mutated so much, Tyroc can't really find any physical evidence for a reason that he mutated, at least not with a cursory glance.

Sarah, standing up next to Miguel, looks over at him. "Asked for help? What do you mean?"

Several aerodynes approach and find places to set down, including American Freedom's aerodyne. Medical, police, and fire workers all spill out of the vehicles, and begin picking through the wreckage. The media seems to have made their way here as well. Several reporters flock towards Cumulus, but a couple move towards Tyroc, as well, daring to come close to the unmoving giant.

"Tyroc," one says, microphone in hand, looking up to him as he floats over the huge body. "Can you describe what happened here? Would you consider Aegis' first mission to be a success?"

EMS workers tend to the wounded, focusing first on Misha, Neutron and Silvertip. The paramedic that looks over Misha says, "Wow, that thing hit you and you're still standing?" He looks back at the body of the giant and shudders. "Here, lay down, I'll get a doctor over here."


First Post
Tyroc looks down at the reporters gathering and arches a disbelieving eyebrow at the reporter asking the questions. Then he pointedly looks at the nearby destruction and off in the distance at the other section of downtown wrecked by the giant. Then he lowers himself down.

"Let's see. Baltimore's downtown core trashed. American Freedom and most of Aegis need medical attention. Who knows how many victims lying in the rubble in far more serious need of medical attention," he says without a smile. "You're new to this reporting thing, right? Because if not, you just raised the bar on stupid questions, son. Now get back to the police line where you should be. We need to help with search and rescue here and where this monster took out his earlier anger," Tyroc finishes.

Zipping over to Neutron, Tyroc liberates the AF communicator from him for the time being. "Yo, Cumulous," he says into it. "Since that thing isn't going to get up anytime soon, I'd like to take Sara, Aaron and Kiro to where this mess started to help the rescue teams out while the rest of Aegis help out here. Guess that means you get to take care of the media. Oh, I'll take Neutron too, now that he's waking up if he feels up to it, so we have some communication with you guys since he's giving me that 'what the hell are you doing with my communicator' look," he says lightly.

"Quit layin' around," he adds, poking Neutron.

OOC: If I'm not mistaken, the big guy leapt to another part of the city, so the original area of mass destruction is what I'm talking about. If we need it to travel there quickly, I'll use extra effort to grant everyone that's coming without flight (within 40' radius), flight, though I doubt that will be needed.


First Post
Agamon said:
Sarah, standing up next to Miguel, looks over at him. "Asked for help? What do you mean?"

Using your powers I got past the rage and I contacted something, what ever was left of his sanity more then likely. He asked for help, he was in a lot of pain and he said they did this and he couldn't stop it.

Someone did this to him on purpose... sounds familiar doesn't it, someone was using that poor bastard as a guinea pig. If we follow the trail back we could probably find out where he bust out from.

Miguel will get Tyroc's attention before he flies off and will tell him what he told Sarah


First Post
Agamon said:
EMS workers tend to the wounded, focusing first on Misha, Neutron and Silvertip. The paramedic that looks over Misha says, "Wow, that thing hit you and you're still standing?" He looks back at the body of the giant and shudders. "Here, lay down, I'll get a doctor over here."

Misha shrugs, "Tend to the others they are far worse off then me," he starts walking ignoring the suggestions of the EMS worker, making his way away from the spotlight.

Damn it, dead... pisses me off, now I have to resort to good ol detective work...


First Post
Rachel continues to track down every human scent that she is able to, widening her search area gradually as she goes along. When she needs to, she shifts forms to her Were-beast state to shift Rubble as only an 8 foot tall mountain of muscle can. She does her best to filter out the scent's of those already dead, but even those need to be dug up as well.

(Using the Detect People effect of Scent, DC 10, +8 due to wisdom and Super-senses)


We didn't win? The monster is dead, most of us are up and moving, none of Aegis or AF is dead...thanks for the morale boost. I'd like to see what your definition of winning is...

Oh, and once again Tyrone wants to wander off and leave me, Misha, and Rachael behind. Thanks,sir,
Jennifer thinks as Tyrone answers the reporters' questions, putting her hands in her pockets. Noticing Misha begin to walk away, and not feeling like she can do much to assist the rescue effort, she jogs after him.

Hey, where are you going? she asks with a gentle smile. You know, you might want to get your injury looked at.
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First Post
Hammerhead said:
Hey, where are you going? she asks with a gentle smile. You know, you might want to get your injury looked at.

Misha pauses thinking, If someone does not say anything positive this will be a media circus… we have to stay upbeat despite the travails… damn it Tyrone… I am really beginning to dislike you.

Misha composes himself dusting off his trench coat, and pocketing his pistol, “How does my hair look, that good,” he fiddled with it some giving Jennifer a serious look, “time for me to do some damage control. If the public is going to trust us they have to believe that we had the situation in full control.”

“Oh and thanks for the concern, I think I broke a rib, or three, and having children may be an issue down the road,” he jokes with his trademark smile.

Misha makes his way back to the reporter as Tyron leaves.

Agamon said:
"Tyroc," one says, microphone in hand, looking up to him as he floats over the huge body. "Can you describe what happened here? Would you consider Aegis' first mission to be a success?"

Calinon said:
"Let's see. Baltimore's downtown core trashed. American Freedom and most of Aegis need medical attention. Who knows how many victims lying in the rubble in far more serious need of medical attention," he says without a smile. "You're new to this reporting thing, right? Because if not, you just raised the bar on stupid questions, son. Now get back to the police line where you should be. We need to help with search and rescue here and where this monster took out his earlier anger," Tyroc finishes.

Misha stops the report with his smile and civil candor, although on the inside he was seething that he had to step in and try and play spin doctor. He speaks, “Excuse me, I just…” he turns to see Tyrone leaving, “you need excuse Tyroc he is very focused and he wants nothing but the best for the team, events didn’t unfold as well as we had planned, but like any plan it rarely survives first contact with the enemy.”

Misha becomes more relaxed playing off his own grievous injuries, “I think in the big picture this dry run was a worst case scenario that could have been disastrous. But Aegis and American Freedom rose to the challenge and we never gave up. This situation although far from a clean and perfect trial run, proves that we will defend the American people at any cost. I personally consider this mission a success, we won, but any fight will have casualties, even freedom as they say is not free.”

Misha pauses not wanting to sound long-winded, “But Tyroc has a huge responsibility, and the responsibility is larger then just winning. But that is Tyroc, he is the man we all want to be, and I hope you can excuse his words, we just put down one of the toughest elites I have ever seen. We are just a little stressed.”

Misha cracks his trademark smile, “I hope I answered your question.”

Diplomacy +14, use of Hero Point if normal roll is below 10.
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The EMS worker tries to persist with Misha, but when it becomes apparent that he really doesn't want help, he moves off to find another victim in need.

Misha's Diplomacy roll: 19, rerolled, 34

The reporter looks more than a little put off by Tyroc's response, but says nothing in return. He's quite pleased with what Misha has to say, however. When Misha is done, he signals to his cameraman to cut and thanks Misha for answering with a smile. "Thank God for you guys, or who knows what would have happened," he says as they leave.

"Oh, no, he actually asked for help?" Sarah says with concern. "I wish there was something we could have done for him." She pauses, thinking about what Miguel says. "You actually think BioGen's behind this? Bit of a stretch, don't you think? ...hmm, or maybe not."

Looking over to Tyroc, she yells to him, "Take Miguel with you, he's still got my power. I'm going to stay behind to help here, I was trained for this kind of thing." She then moves off to help Rachel, who has a number of emergency workers following her, as she is proving quite proficient at finding the wounded.

Neutron does wake up, and at Tyroc's taunt, pushes the EMS workers away. "Yeah, he's right, I'm fine. I'm sure there are a lot of baselines that are in more need of help than me," he says, though he looks a little woozy as he stands.

"Gimmie that back," he says, taking the 2-piece communicator. Reattaching the mic, he shows Tyroc the earpiece. "See this part? It goes in your ear...oh, wait, no, it goes in my ear, not yours," he states, putting it back in his ear.

"If everyone's ready," he says, looking at Kiro, Aaron and Miguel, "we should take the aerodyne. With the info from the news and the onboard maps, we can pinpoint the location of the diner much faster than wandering through all this debris." He makes his way towards the aerodyne. "Be back in a bit," he says to Cumulus, still surrounded by reporters.


Agreed. But maybe I should... Jennifer trails off as Misha walks away. ...go do that, while your life-threatening injuries are attended to, she finishes mentally. But if you want to fall unconscious from blood loss while giving a press conference, just so you can upstage Tyrone, that's good too.

Good speech though.

We are also a little wounded, she adds to the end of Misha's speech. Perhaps we should seek medical attention. Please excuse Mr. Werner, she remarks, addressing the crowd of reporters. During the excitement of battle and the flow of adrenaline, one can often forget one's injuries.

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