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Prologue Ideas


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I'm working up a sort of prologue right now, using ideas from Samursus. I've got two vignettes ready, one for the human sorcerer and one for the dwarf and eladrin fighters. I've put them up on our Obsidian Portal page, so feel free to check them out! They tie the PC's into story elements as well as give them a chance to meet one another.

Vignette One

Vignette Two

What doesn't appear on the Obsidian Portal pages are the GM notes where I have some skill challenges, combat stats and a potential disease (Frostbite).

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First Post
I'm working up a sort of prologue right now, using ideas from Samursus. I've got two vignettes ready, one for the human sorcerer and one for the dwarf and eladrin fighters. I've put them up on our Obsidian Portal page, so feel free to check them out!

Nice work on those! I won't have time to do a site like that, however Obsidian Portal is pretty cool.


First Post
Like, I dunno, ten years earlier, the PC is at a party, and Shalosha -- who probably by rights shouldn't be mingling with non-nobles, but who has the classic "chafes under her father's restrictions" princess schtick -- is showing him around, pointing out Coaltongue and her father from a distance, making disapproving noises about her father's advisor Aurana (
dark haired sorceress, secretly a vampire, mentioned in adventure 7, shows up in adventure 9
), complaining about the fact that her swordfighting instructor is taking things easy on her because she's a woman and because her father will kill him if he hurts her.

Thanks for that info, I'll put it to good use. I'm especially happy for the heads up on Aurana, that's the kind of stuff you like to throw in (at least mention of) early in a campaign so when it becomes a factor later the PC has context and it doesn't look like a character thrown in for plot convenience.

As for halflings near the prison, maybe the PC could know some halfling mage/shaman/etc. In the prologue, a few weeks before the campaign begins, you could have a scene where that NPC expresses worry that the inquisitors are looking for mages, and he wants his friend (the PC) to escort him south to Seaquen. He received a sending from Seaquen, telling him to meet a contact in Gate Pass, who can get him out of Ragesia.

This would work, but I'm still thinking on it. These halflings are turning out to be very pict-like conceptually, so I'm trying to come up with an early Elf-Quest kind of feel to the whole thing for this player. I might go down the Vision Quest route, granted with the aid of halluciongens, half symbolic half literal in its meaning.

Even though I'm running this 4e, I'm wondering if I shouldn't get a couple of the 3.5 pdfs. It sounds like I need to have a look at #8 and #9 so I can have some background info to use now.

This campaign would be a great transition for my group from d20 to Reign (using DragonReign), but it would be too much all at once. Fantasy Grounds is new to two of these players (one of which I want to become intimately famiar with so he can run d20 using FG, the other I want to become familar with both FG and Reign because the latter suits his style of GMing much better) and I don't have my ORE stuff ready for FG yet. The company rules in Reign would work extremely well for this type of campaign. WotBS in Reign, however, would diverge from the modules fairly rapidly I think, but who knows. The modules I've read thus far allow for some variance in party action.

EDIT: Wickett I just realized that you had stuff up on Shalosha in the interlude of the serial you're posting here, thanks! I only read the interlude thus far (it was good), I'll get to the others when I get a chance.
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