Proposal: Allowing Monster Feats


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Whoa, totally sorry if I came off as rude. It was not in any way intentional, but I can see it on re-reading. Seriously, my bad. Major apologies.

Let me try to rephrase it thusly, with hope that I don't come off as rude this time. You said that Awesome Blow gives two combat maneuvers for the price of one, which is true, in certain circumstances. However, the "Buy One" part of the combo is a really crappy combat maneuver. The "Get One Free" part is good, but it's not better than other feats you could get at that level, and it requires the right terrain and some good maneuvering.

On the whole, I do not think it is overpowered. My opinion. No offense intended.
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No worries, Systole; I don't mean to be defensive myself. I think there are just times where I don't know how else to take people's incredulousness at others' perspectives.

Fair point, though.


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I just re-read the ability, and I withdraw my objections (for what it is worth).

It does take CMD into account... just a new type of maneuver => Awesome Blow CMB vs. CMD.


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My big worry was Improved Natural Attack + Monks... but it specifically states that it does not work with unarmed strike now. (Thanks Pathfinder!)

I was always under the impression folks thought monks pretty underpowered, even in Pathfinder, so an option that brings them further up the curve didn't hurt. I gave up on my monk after 3 levels, though, so I may not be the person to ask about how well they work, ;)

So, does PM's vote apply to approval, or no? If it does, I think this is wiki ready. If not, we're still waiting on one more yes?

I'm not sure how relevant to the discussion it is, but I will point out that Awesome Blow requires two feats ahead of itself. Most eidolons will probably take Power Attack, anyway, but Improved Bull Rush is an arguably less-than-useful feat. I'm not sure if that particular feat tax mitigates concerns or not, but since no one was bringing it up, I figured I'd throw it out there.


As far as I know we don't have a rule against voting for your own proposal so IronWolf's vote did make the requisite four 'yes' votes.

As for eidolon feats, they only have three by 8th level and would have to wait until 9th to get Awesome Blow. I would certainly think twice about spending them to eventually get Awesome Blow especially since there is a lesser version of this available as the 'Push' evolution; fewer prerequisites but no knockdown and distance decreased to 5 feet.


I agree, just because I proposed material from one of the books, that should not disqualify me from voting.

If I was voting on a rules change or something homebrew, then I would probably refrain from voting.


First Post
In re-reading the text for Ability Focus, I'm curious as to what kinds of abilities it affects? Could a PC apply it to a Supernatural Ability?

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