Proposal: Comfort Armor

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I'm proposing the use of the Comfort property for magical armor.

I've actually already purchased a set for Kalinn, but since the source isn't tagged in HeroLab I missed the fact that it's from the PFS Field Guide.
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Perma-clean, endure elements, like light for sleeping, & decreased ACP. Can't think of any reason why an armor wearing fighter would not buy this quality. Which kinda makes me wonder but I'm not always a good judge of these sorts of things.

Tentative, but YES


First Post
Counting as light for sleeping gave me pause, but I consider the price bump it gives to the protection bonuses to be a fair trade off.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Counting as light for sleeping gave me pause, but I consider the price bump it gives to the protection bonuses to be a fair trade off.

Yeah, considering it costs more than a suit of straight up +2 armor I think it's fair. It's not a situation that comes up all that much (neither Pari nor Kalinn's ha it happen in their entire career).

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