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Characters and NPCs for my Spycraft heist game in the style of Snatch, Ocean's Eleven, Condifedence, and other such heist films.

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First Post
Name: Elliot Grant
Code Name: Spider
Age: 23
Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 157 lbs.
Department: "The Basement"
Class: Fixer
Level: 2
Action dices: 3 (d4)

STR: 12 +1
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 10  0
INT: 16 +3
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 10  0

Vitality: 13
Wounds: 10

Fort: +1
Refl: +4
Will: +2

BAB:  +1
Def:  14
Init: +3

Skills:        Rank   Att   Other   Total
Balance:        5      2      2       9
Climb:          5      1      0       6
Demolition:     3      3      0       6
Electronics:    5      3      0       8
Escape Artist:  5      2      0       7
Hide:           5      2      2       9 (Threat 19-20)
Jump:           5      1      2       6
Listen:         3      1      0       4
Move Silently:  5      2      2       9 (Threat 19-20)
Open Lock:      5      2      0       7
Search:         3      3      0       6
Spot:           3      1      0       4
Tumble:         5      2      2       9

Flawless:  English, Italian 
Not Flawless: Arabe, French, Spanish

Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Profeciency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle)

Hunted: 3

Evasion(no damage on save)

Personnal Budget: 42 BP
Gadget: 2 GP

Equipment: (Total: 42 BP)
Knife [Dam: 1d4, Er: 1, Thr: 20, Range: 5ft]...................3 BP
Taser [Dam: 1d8*, Er: 1, Thr: -]..............................12 BP
Average Clothing...............................................1 BP
Cell Phone.....................................................0 BP
Climbing Kit...................................................3 BP
Electronic Kit.................................................5 BP
Lockpicking Kit................................................4 BP
Handcuffs......................................................1 BP
Flashlight.....................................................1 BP
Glowstick x5...................................................0 BP
Binoculars.....................................................1 BP
Digital Camera.................................................6 BP
IR Filter Lens.................................................3 BP
Snoop Spray....................................................2 BP

Elliot is born in the streets of New Yorks. Not lucky from the start, he become a street scums. As the youngest member of the his gang and by so, the smallest, he was the one who was breaking into the house throught small holes to open the door so they can steal the house. Catched by the police and than release, he didn't know anything except stealing, and so he start to steal again. He was catch two more times and when he reached 15 years old, he joined a new gang. That time, they were more organized and he was trained so he could perfect his skills to the highest points he could. He became a good cat burglar.

At 21 years old, he start to act alone. Leaving the gang in good terms, from time to time, he gives some help to his olds friends by training them a bit. lately, he tried to do the big break and enter an house of a rich man. He got the hand on many precious jewels, a whole collection of rings of the 16th century, but on the way out, he fall face to face with the man. The man look at Elliot and told him: "I will leave a a chance, young boy. If you leave without those jewels, I will let you free, but if you try to pass that door with my collection in your bag, it is not only the police who will hunt you." The only answer the man recieved was the shock of a taser, and so Elliot left the house with big money in his bag.

- Elliot loved cheese cake and genrally eat one (and only that) before he go to a work. He tells it give him energy.
- Elliot hates cats, and feel insulted each time someone tell he is a cat burglar, as he thinks of the cats as a stupid and lazy animal, what he is not.
- Elliot is an orphan, and have travelled from family to family. From all these family, Elliot have stay in contact with Vanessa Whitaker. He consider her as a sister and generally meet her once per month in a nice little restaurant on broadway with the best cheese cake of the world.
- Elliot nickname come from his favorite comic hero, spiderman. He have a whole collection of comics, including X-Men, Fantastic Four, League of Extrodinary Gentlemen to name a few, but his greatest pieces is the whole collection of Spider-man, which is missing only some rare (and got many collection piece for free. ;))
- Elliot tried to have a girl friend three times, but everytimes, the girl leave him for another guy after less than two months. After the third times, he stop to try to have a girl in his life and just prefer the honest life of a single man and having one night adventure.
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First Post
Name: Julien Lambert
codename: Saint
Department: Urban Assualt
Class: Solider 2
STR: 12 [+1] (4 pts)
DEX: 16 [+3] (6 pts)
CON: 14 [+2] (6 pts)
INT: 12 [+1] (6 pts)
WIS: 10 [+0] (2 pts)
CHA: 12 [+1] (4 pts)

BAB: +2
Saves: Fort: +6,Ref +6, Will +0

Department Abilites:
+2 DEX, -2 Int
+1 to hide and spot
+1 to attack rolls with ready actions
One Free Ranged Combat Feat

Class Abilites:
Bonus Feat
Damage Reduction 1/-

Speed Triger [Department Bonus]
Point Blank Shot [Solider Bonus]
Persice Shot [1st Level]

Demolitions +6 [5 ranks]
Craft: (Explosives) +6 [5 ranks]
Climb +5 [4 ranks]
Jump +5 [4 ranks]
Tumble +5 [2 ranks]
Search +3 [2 cc ranks]

Languages: French, English, Spanish, Chineese

Personal Wealth: 49 [40 base, 5 from charisma, 4 from class]
Gadget Points: 1

Fabrique Natinal F2000 Assualt Rifle [5.56 MM Assault Rifle] [High Capicty Magazine] -------- 35 Wealth
Sling -------- 0 wealth
Laser Sight ----- 2 Wealth
Telescopic Sight ---- 2 wealth
Starlight Lenses---- 1 Gadget Point
100 FMJ rounds --- 5 wealth.
cell phone ---- 0 wealth
Headset, Radio --- 2 wealth
Average clothes --- 1 wealth
Artistans Kit [Demolitions] --- 2 wealth
Personal Wealth: 0

Here is what the F2000 looks like. http://www.fnhusa.com/contents/tw_f2000.htm

F2000- +5 to attack, 2d8+2 dmg, 19-20/2 crit, 100ft range, 50 shot magzine.

Nemisis: 2 points

Born and Raised in New Orleans, Julien moved to Belgium when he was 16. He passed S.W.A.T school with flying colors, but then, he suddenly was discontent with the life on the right side of the law. Moving back to New Orleans, he met up with an old buddy of his, Erik Klausen. They decided to pull a bank job, but were caught. Julien decided that getting locked up for 15 years wasnt smart, so he gave up Erik and his freinds. However, Erik broke out, and Julien has noticed some of Eriks old crew being around him by "happenstance". Fearing for his life, he moved to Toronto, where he has become a small time crook.
Julien is cynical, and not very happy. He belives hes some God Forsaken joke, and dosnt expect to live much longer. However, he loves the thrill of a job, and takes them for that, and the money.
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Jack Haggerty

First Post
Name: Jack Haggerty
Code Name: "Blackjack"
Age: 27
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Department: D-3, Computer Espionage
Class: Snoop/Fixer
Level: 1/1
Action dice: 3 (d4)

STR: 10  0
DEX: 12 +1
CON: 10  0
INT: 18 +4
WIS: 10  0
CHA: 14 +2

Vitality: 13
Wounds: 10

Fort: +1
Refl: +4
Will: +1

BAB:  +0
Def:  12 (+1 Dex, +1 attache case)
Init: +1

Skills:              Rank   Att   Other   Total
Bluff:                2      2      0       4
Computers:            5      4      1      10
Craft (electronics):  5      4      0       9
Craft (mechanics):    5      4      0       9
Electronics:          5      4      3      12 (Threat 19-20)
Forgery:              2      4      0       6
Hide:                 4      1      0       5
Hobby (gambling):     2      0      0       2
Mechanics:            5      4      2      11 (Threat 19-20)
Move Silently:        4      1      0       5
Open Lock:            5      1      0       6
Sense Motive:         2      0      0       2
Sleight of Hand:      2      1      0       3
Surveillance:         4      0      0       4

English (native)
1337-speak (native)

Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Profeciency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle)
Grease Monkey
Signature Gadget

Flawless Search

Personal Budget: 53 BP
Gadget: 2 GP

Equipment: (Total: 53 BP)
Average Clothing...............1 BP
Sunglasses.....................1 BP
Swiss Army Knife...............2 BP
Cell Phone.....................0 BP
Laptop Computer................0 BP (dept. bonus)
Electronic Kit, Superior......17 BP
Lockpicking Kit, Superior.....16 BP
Mechanics Kit, Superior.......16 BP
Standard Attache Case..........1 GP (signature gadget)
Safe Passage Unit x2...........2 GP (signature gadget)

Jack just never quite had the ambition or desire to make anything extraordinarily useful out of his talents. He was born the bastard son of a New York call girl, and any one of five different men he's never met could feasibly be his father. He grew up in Brooklyn under the tutilage of his Uncle Murray, a used car saleman.

He has several two-year degrees from a variety of vocational, technical and trade schools. His credentials include computer science, drafting, electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive repair, and television repair. In his younger days, he pulled off several car thefts for his uncle and his car lot in order to pay for school. Now, he works in a second rate pawn shop that fronts as a fence shop for stolen goods. He can most often be found in a dim workshop at the back of the store repairing and modifying hot items for resale.

Jack has few vices, though he's recently grown fond of card games. The pawn shop hosts an illicit backjack or poker game once or twice a week, and he joins in when he a little spare cash. He's not great at the games, but he wins more often than he loses and he's picked up a few tips and tricks from his fellow card players. His card table buddies jokingly gave his his nickname, because of one pariculiarly and exceptionally lucky blackjack hand that Jack had won. He enjoys the nickname, since most people mistake its origin for one that's a trifle more... brutish.
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Character Name : Maximillian Holcombe
Nickname : Million Dollar Max
Aliases : Hal McMillan, Malcolm Hanson, Maximillian Olucoin

Department : D-0: The Home Office
Character Class : Pointman
Character Level : 2
EXP Points Gained : 1000
EXP Needed For Next Level : 3000

Nationality : American
Gender : Male
Handedness : Right
Height : 5'7"
Weight : 151lbs
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Blonde
Skin : White
Age : 35
Date of Birth : 10.10.1968
Place of Birth : Baltimore, Maryland
Distinguishing Characteristics : Receding Hairline

Known Languages : English, French, Spanish, Japanese


Strength : 12 (+1)
Dexterity : 12 (+1)
Constitution : 12 (+1)
Intelligence : 14 (+2)
Wisdom : 14 (+2)
Charisma : 12 (+1)


Vitality : 19
Wounds : 12


Defense : 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex)

Special Defense Notes :


Save vs. Fortitude : +3
Save vs. Reflex : +3
Save vs. Will : +5

Special Save Notes :


Initiative Modifier : +2 (+1 class, +1 Dex)

Base Attack Bonus : +1

Melee Attack Bonus : +2

Ranged Attack Bonus : +2

Special Combat Notes :


Action Dice : 3d4

Inspiration : +4
Education : +4


Weapons :
Browning High-Power 9x19mm Service Pistol
(15 shots, damage 1d10, error 1, threat 20, range 20 ft.)


Skills :

Name/Total Mod (Ability) # Ranks taken

Bluff/+4 (Cha) 3 ranks
Concentration/+7 (Con) 4 ranks (+2 Scholarly)
Demolitions/+5 (Int) 3 ranks
First Aid/+5 (Wis) 3 ranks
Gather Information/+4 (Cha) 3 ranks
Hide/+4 (Dex) 3 ranks
Knowledge (Tactics)/+7 (Int) 3 ranks (+2 Scholarly)
Listen/+5 (Wis) 3 ranks
Profession (Criminal)/+5 (Wis) 3 Ranks
Search/+5 (Int) 3 ranks
Sense Motive/+5 (Wis) 3 ranks
Spot/+5 (Wis) 3 rank
Surveillance/+5 (Wis) 3 ranks


Feats :
Armor Prof (Light, Medium)
Weapon Group Prof (Handgun, Melee, Rifle)


Department and Class Skills, Abilities & Features :
+1 Dept. bonus to any Action Dice rolls
Assistance (1/2 time)


Equipment & Gear :

Bundle B
Bundle C (Added high capacity magazine and sling holster to the pistol)

Standard Laser Watch (Gadget)

Budget Points : 51
Gadget Points : 1


Base Speed : 30 ft.

Normal Speed : 30

Defense Check Penalty : ?

Maximum DEX Bonus : ?


Character Description :

Character History :


Name: Manuel Antonio Delacruz
Code Name: Mad Manny
Age: 26
Height: 6' 1''
Weight: 243 lbs.
Department: D-2: Military Ops.
Class: Soldier
Level: 2
Action dices: 3 (d4)

STR: 16 +3
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 0
WIS: 8 -1
CHA: 14 +2

Vitality: 23
Wounds: 14

Fort: +6
Refl: +4
Will: +1

BAB: +2
Def: 13
Init: +4

Skills: Rank Att Other Total
Bluff: 0 2 1 3
Craft(Gunsmith): 2 0 0 2
Intimidate: 3 2/3 0 5/6
Jump: 2 3 0 5
Spot: 5 -1 0 4
Swim: 2 3 0 5
Tumble: 2 2 0 4

Flawless: English, Spanish
Not Flawless: Creole

Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy)
Weapon Profeciency (Hurled, Melee, Handgun, Rifle, Tactical)
Iron Will
Martial Arts
Basic Punch

Debt 2

Bonus Feat x1
Damage Reduction 1/-

Personnal Budget: 54 BP
Gadget: 1 GP

Average Clothing x2....................2 BP
Cellphone..............................0 BP
Card Deck..............................0 BP
Alcool Flask w/Tequila.................0 BP
Switchblade............................5 BP
Survival Knife.........................4 BP
Knife..................................3 BP
Throwing Knife x3......................2 BP
Pistol, Backup [7.65mm]................7 BP
Ammo Military Ball [7.65mm] x50......1 BP
Pistol, Service [.50 Magnum]..........27 BP
High Capacity Magazine...............1 BP
Ammo Teflon Tipped [.50 Magnum] x20..2 BP
Ammo Military Ball [.50 Magnum] x50..1 BP
Laser Sight..........................2 BP

Weapons: Attack Damage Range Error Threat Magazine
Unarmed +5 1d6+3 N/A - 20 N/A
Knife +5/+4 1d4+3 5ft 1 20 N/A
Survival Knife +5 1d6+3 5ft 1 20 N/A
Switchblade +5 1d4+3 N/A 1-3 18-20 N/A
Throwing Knife +4 1d4+3 20ft 1-2 20 N/A
Pistol, Backup [7.65mm] +4 1d6 10ft 1 20 8 Ammo
Pistol, Service [.50 Magnum] +6/+4 2d8 30ft 1-2 19-20 15 Ammo

Character Description :

Manny is a good looking guy but probably not as good looking as he thinks he is. He dresses like a biker with black leather vest (Large “Los Poco Locos” gang patch on back), jeans, leather bike chaps, boots and head bandanna. He sometimes wears a cowboy longcoat to conceal his equipment. His initials "MAD" are tatooed on his arm and they can be also be found somewhere on all his major possessions. He has knives stored away everywhere like smokers have cigarette packs. He enjoys gambling, strong liquor, mexican food, women, guns, knives, and the occasional cuban cigar. His childhood hero is Che Guevarra and he would love to start a revolution somewhere someday. If only his personality didn't get in the way, which is something along the lines of Steve Buscemi’s outlook on life. Mad Manny is usually the guy complaining that nothing will work and everyone is going to die in a deal gone bad. However all his friends know that when the rubber hits the road, he can be counted on to do his part. To get a visual of him, here is an actor that would be great to play Mad Manny's role:

Character History :

Manuel Antonio Delacruz was born in Cuba. He was a troubled youngster who never faired well in school and was in constant trouble with the law. His widowed mother sent him away to live in the States with his uncle, who promptly put him in the Army right after high school in the hopes they can teach him some discipline. Being better suited to be a soldier rather than an academic, Manuel took to the military relatively well. The martial training only served to fan his interest in guns and knives into a passion. When he got bored of the discipline and thought he learned all he wanted to from them, he got himself thrown out by the clever application of some explosives and an inconclusive alibi. Shortly after his uncle threw him out he moved back to the streets of Cuba where he met up with his old friends who had since stepped up their childhood deliquencies into sizable illegal gunrunning and drug businesses. Manny was content being their strongarm and weapons expert and liked the exposure and action the job provided. However despite making good money his gambling habits soon got the best of him and he wound up owing a large sum of money to a local loan shark. Right around this time the only family he cared much about, his mother, died and she made him promise her he would get out of the business she suspected he was into all these years. Manny forced himself to mentally quit his self-destructive lifestyle, but his employer friends won’t let him. They always seem to make him do “one more” job for them. These requests always come at a time when he needs the money the most, like when the loan shark is due to send some boys over to collect his interest-only payments. Lately Manny has come to look forward to any job that takes him to the States. He likes it there and it is where he was given his nickname “Mad Manny” which probably started out as a reference to his tatoos and initials but eventually turned into the loco reputation he was building on the streets. He dreams of one day leaving his reckless lifestyle behind and opening up a saloon/gunshop combo called “Shots and Shots” somewhere in a state like Texas. He doesn’t seem to realize the absurdity and danger of such a business combination and feels other people are crazy for thinking it won't work. He would also like a vintage Harley some day. But first he has some debts to pay and some ties to cut. Ties that don’t necessarily want to be cut.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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