Protection from Paralysis/Protection from Charm spells: What level?


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Trolling for opinions . . .

We've got spells to resist death magic, spells to resist damage, spells to resist energy damage . . . it seems to me that it would make sense to have a spell or to to resist (or completely prevent) paralysis (i.e., Hold Person, Hold Monster) or charm/mind-affecting spells (Charm Person, Charm Monster, Suggestion, etc).

But what level, do you think? Remove Paralysis is a lousy 2nd level spell . . . I can't imagine that Prevent Paralysis (one minute/level) should be more than 3rd level. Ditto Protection/Resistance to Charm effects.

For instance, say a spell gives a +8 bonus to saves vs all mind-affecting effects, lasts one minute/level -- 3rd level spell? 4th level if it was ten minutes/level?


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First Post
I think third is about right for both of these. Just make so they can be cast on other people as well, so it cannot be made persistant. :D

Geoff Watson

First Post
Mental Strength is a 3rd level Shaman/Sohei spell in OA. It gives +8 to Will saves and lasts 1 round per level.

Protection form Charm is a 2nd level Wu Jen spell that lasts 1 round per level, and gives a +1 per 3 levels bonus on saves against Charm and Compulsion spells.


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