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Psionic Characters, NPC's, and Monsters Wanted


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
If you have any psionics users that you want to share, I'm looking for all kinds: PC's, NPC's, Monsters, "Other," etc.

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First Post
Would this be 3.5, or any 3.x psionic NPCs? I have various 3.0 psionic characters I never got to play (or only briefly got to play), and I think a few psionic villain NPCs, for whom I still have the stats on my computer. I don't know how easily they may or may not be converted to 3.5 stats (especially with the XPH's changes to psions, their power lists, and that addition of the whole Psionic Focus thing).

Mostly 1st-level, but some have my expected 20th-level versions as well (characters I've made in my idle time; those I actually get to play are usually ones I have to make right before the game, since none of the character concepts I've been itching to play have ever quite been suitable for whatever game I join, sadly; generally because of the 3.0 or 3.5 division, or the WotC D&D supplements I use, or the DM using low point buy that makes monks/paladins/etc. rather useless, or whatever).

3.0 psionic characters I have sitting around, at first glance (just an overview, unless ya ask for the rest).... Kyudaka, a dwarven psion (telepath)/psychic warrior I made as an NPC for my Oriental Adventures campaign, set in an alternate Rokugan..... Some pregenerated PCs I made also, for other possible campaigns: Rovak Greytooth, a half-orc psion (egoist) that might advance into fighter or barbarian at some point..... Terris Grayburrow, a halfling psion (nomad) that could multiclass into rogue or fighter later.... Diran Spindlecrook, a gnome psion (savant) that might multiclass as a psychic warrior or rogue at some point... Zar'ak Deepriven, a dwarven psion (shaper) that might go into rogue or psychic warrior later....

And some other PCs I intended to play at some point: Varyn Stormbringer, a human psychic warrior that would multiclass into psion (savant) and focus a bit more on psion levels, take a few item creation feats along the way, wind up with a ton of crystal capacitors of his own making, and wield a psionic katana also of his own making...... Kentiro "Mindwalker" Karlyle, a gnome psychic warrior that would multiclass quite a lot and become a sort of crazy, sneaky, minor-power-wielding, illithid-slaying pyromaniac.... Jorvanian, a halfling monk/psion (seer) with only 1 monk level, but decent unarmed combat when psionically buffed, focused on becoming a master of high Armor Class (one of my rare, totally-munchkinned-out character ideas, to see just how much AC I could squeeze out of a core+PsiHB PC if I tried: normal AC of 48 at 20th-level, typical combat AC of 68, and max AC of 82, for a short period of time (quick edit: forgot, he doesn't need potions or dorjes, he just activates a lot of powers and a few magical or psionic items, like his Defending Gauntlet), but only works in 3.0 rules; and yet, this is without even using Psychofeedback or other abuse, which he could pump a ton of power points into for a briefly unhittable AC)......

And some NPC villains I made for a psionic campaign, a group under the leadership of Grovak: Grovak Halftooth, orc psion (savant)/psychic warrior, a tough and melee-focused thug with delusions of being a great schemer/outlaw (I gave him a feat from The 13 Kingdoms, though; it's called Versatile, and provides an extra favored class, and is only selectable once; though I dunno if the free T13K guide PDF is online right now, since the site's been under maintenance; I used the feat to get Psion as a favored class for Grovak)..... Yirelle Veeran, female human psion (egoist), similar fighting style to Grovak, physically stronger, but less experienced and less clever... Trandan Willip, halfling psion (seer), nimble and witty, but much meeker than Grovak, thus acting as advisor and ranged combat support.... Jovar, human psychic warrior, exceedingly nimble but otherwise sub-par to Grovak, sometimes joins Trandan as ranged support if he can't hit and run in melee at the time.... Rogarr, dwarf barbarian/psychic warrior, toughest and fiercest of the lot by far, an outcast from dwarven society, but dimmer than the half-orc he serves, basically the group's crazy muscle and the one to cover/guard them when they need to escape.
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I'll take any and all psionics users, 3.0 or 3.5.

If that's too many (and it sounds like you have very many), I would prefer higher level characters or villains.

It's all good.


First Post
Isobet Tevarre
Female [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#elans]Elan[/url] [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/psion.htm]Psion[/url] [Telepath] 10
True Neutral

Strength     14 (+2) +4 Enhancement
Dexterity    15 (+2) +2 Enhancement
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 28 (+9) +2 lvl +6 Enhancement 
Wisdom       16 (+3)
Charisma     20 (+5) -2 Race +4 Enhancement

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 95 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Violet
Hair: White; Wavy

Total Hit Points: 51
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 18 = 10 +2 [dexterity] -1 [vulnerable] -1 [aggressive] +4 [armor] +4 [monk's belt]
Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 16
Initiative modifier: +6 = +2 [dexterity] +2 [aggressive] +2 [nimble psicrystal]

Fortitude save: +8 = 3 [base] +2 [constitution] +3 [Resistance]
Reflex save: +8 = 3 [base] +2 [dexterity] +3 [Resistance]
Will save: +13 = 7 [base] +3 [wisdom] +3 [Resistance]
Note: Unless otherwise stated Isobet will always pay a PP to activate Improved Elan Resistance [+6]

Attack (handheld): +7 = 5 [base] +2 [competance]
Attack (unarmed): +7 = 5 [base] +2 [competance]
Attack (missile): +9 = 5 [base] +2 [dexterity] +2 [competance]
Attack (fully buffed Cryohydra form): 12 bites +16 = 5 [base] +8 [str] +2 [competance] +1 [enhancement] (2d8+8 damage)
Grapple check: +5 = 5 [base] 

Light load: 33 lb. or less
Medium load: 34-66 lb.
Heavy load: 67-100 lb.
Lift over head: 100 lb.
Lift off ground: 200 lb.
Push or drag: 500 lb.

Common Draconic Elven Giant Sylvan Undercommon Abyssal 

[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm#vulnerable]Vulnerable [/url][flaw]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Phantom_Spark,all]Phantom Spark[/url] [flaw]

[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Improved_Cohort,all]Improved Cohort[/url]
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#expandedKnowledge]Expanded Knowledge: Metamorphosis[/url]
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#metamorphicTransfer]Metamorphic Transfer x1[/url]
[url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psicrystalAffinity]Psicrystal Affinity[/url]: Nimble Personality
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Empowered_Psicrystal,all]Empowered Psicrystal[/url]: Power Storing, Energized Crystal, Hardened Crystal
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Elan_Resilience^_Enhanced,all]Enhanced Elan Resilience[/url]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Elan_Resistance^_Enhanced,all]Enhanced Elan Resistance[/url]


Bluff 18 = +5 +13
Concentration 15 = +2 +13
Diplomacy 22 = +5 +13 +2 [bluff] +2 [sense motive] 
Intimidate 7 = +5 +2 [bluff] 
Knowledge (arcana) 22 = +9 +13
Knowledge (architecture) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (geography) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (history) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (local) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (nature) 19 = +9 +7
Knowledge (nobility) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (religion) 10 = +9 +1
Knowledge (planes) 10 = +9 +1
Sense Motive 16 = +3 +13
Use Magic Device 21 = +5 +6 +10 [competence]
Knowledge (psionics) 10 = +9 +1
Psicraft 12 = +9 +1 +2 [know psi] 

* = check penalty for wearing armor
Bluff >=5 ranks gives +2 on disguise checks to act in character.

-2 charisma (already included)
Former humans that do not age or die naturally
Aberrations unaffected by spells that target human types
No darkvision
Use psionics to resist energy damage
Use psionics to reduce severity of damage
Use psionics to do without food / water

135 Power Points/Day:
2 [racial]
88 [psion]
45 [intelligence bonus]
Note: 9 Power Points stored in Psicrystal due to Empowered Crystal feat

Powers Known
1st Call To Mind, Force Screen, Mindlink, Psionic Charm, Psionic Grease
2nd Concealing Amorpha, [url=http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030829a]Skill Knowledge[/url], Psionic Suggestion, Psionic Tongues
3rd Dispel Psionics, Energy Burst, Hostile Empathic Transfer, Telekinetic Thrust
4th Metamorphosis, Psionic Modify Memory, Psychic Reformation, Schism, Psionic Dimension Door
5th Mind Probe, Power Resistance, Psionic Plane Shift, Psionic True Seeing

Cloak of Charisma +4 (16,000) 4,500 Royal purple trimmed in ermine
Vest of Resistance +3 (9,000) 2,531 Silken silver blouse with dangling sleeves
Boots of Speed (12,000) 3,375 Purple velvet folded boots
Battlegloves +4 Str +2 Dex (24,000) 6,750 White lace half gloves
Monarch's Tiara (Headband of Intellect +6, Hat of Disguise) (38,700) 10,884 Platnum tiara 
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (6,000) 1,688 Silver with amethyst pendant
Monk’s Belt (13,000) 3,656 Silver also set with amethysts
Bracers of Armor +4 (16,000) 4,500 Platnum, sculpted as coiled serpents
Eyes of the Artificer +10 UMD (10,000) 2,813 made to fit in eyes like contacts
Bag of Holding, type II (5,000) 1,406 Purple purse threaded with silver
Wand of Invisibility (4,500) 1,688
Wand of Shield 2nd CL (1,500) 563
Wand of Create Magic Tattoo (9,500) 3,563
Wand of Friendly Face (750) 281
Various Jewelry 300
10 30lb shotputs 300
134 gp
Isobet's Background[sblock]
Lady Isabelle Cyanoor, daughter of Marquis Evert Cyanoor, was born with her whole life planned out for her. Before she could walk, she was betrothed to the first son of a great duke. But she chafed at her courtly lessons. Instead she haunted her father’s library, souring it for obscure but ever-so-interesting lore.

Years passed, and eventually Isabelle was able to satisfy her tutors, more through sheer brilliance rather than focus on dreary matters such as heraldry and politics. Also she was often able to simply guess the answers, almost as if she was plucking the knowledge right out of the head of her mentors.

Upon her 14th birthday she was sent to be wed. En-route, she slipped away from the knights guarding her and struck out on her own to find the marvels she had read about. She asked to apprentice with several wizards. But they said she was already too old, asked for money that she couldn’t provide without returning to her father, or worse demanded favors of an unsavory nature. Eventually one of the mages referred her to Augustyn of Thrace. Augustyn immediately saw great potential in her and, after preliminary training, took her to the Elan council to be ‘remade’.

Since her rebirth as Isobet Tevarre, she has steered clear of her father’s lands. Although she has no fear of being forced into an unwanted marriage, she prefers not to risk the exposure of the Elan secret of rebirth. She does retain her love of arcane. But now, rather that reading about the great secrets of the world, she ferrets out such mysteries for herself, or even better, pulls them directly from the minds of her enemies.

Isobet has gone through a number of boy-toys as an Elan. Each has been rich or otherwise useful. The most recent and longest of these somewhat one-sided relationships has been with Vyncent a flamboyant and chivalrous catfolk artificer. For years Isobet has been giving her furry paramour just enough encouragement to convince him to produce one magical present after the next. But now that both are low on funds, rather than moving on, Isobet has decided she really likes having Vyncent around. Together they have set out in search of fortune and adventure.
And her cohort Vyncent
Male Neutral Good Catfolk Artificer 8

Strength     15 (+2)
Dexterity    26 (+8) +4 [Racial] +4 [Enhancement]
Constitution 20 (+4) +4 [Enhancement] +1 [Level]
Intelligence 24 (+6) +4 [Enhancement] +1 [Level]
Wisdom       11 (+0)
Charisma     19 (+4) +2 [Racial]

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 210 lb
Skin: Silvery
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Silver; Straight; Beardless

Total Hit Points: 74
Speed: 40 feet
Armor Class: 23 = 10 +4 [chain shirt] +6 [dexterity] +3 [Enhancement]
Touch AC: 21
Flat-footed: 17
Initiative modifier: +8 = +8 [dexterity] 

Fortitude save: +10 = 2 [base] +4 [constitution] +1 [passionate] +3 [Resistance]
Reflex save: +13 = 2 [base] +8 [dexterity] +3 [Resistance]
Will save: +8 = 6 [base] -1 [passionate] +3 [Resistance]

Attack (handheld): +8 = 6 [base] +2 [strength] 
Attack (unarmed):+8 = 6 [base] +2 [strength] 
Attack (missile): +10 = 6 [base] +4 [dexterity] 

Grapple check: +8 = 6 [base] +2 [strength] 

Light load: 66 lb. or less
Medium load: 67-133 lb.
Heavy load: 134-200 lb.
Lift over head: 200 lb.
Lift off ground: 400 lb.
Push or drag: 1000 lb.

Common Draconic Catfolk Common Celestial Giant 

Long Spear [1d8, crit x3, 9 lb., two-handed, piercing]
Javelin [1d6, crit x2, range inc 30 ft., 2 lb, piercing]
Chain shirt [light; +4 AC; max dex +4; check penalty -2; 25 lb.] 

[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Chivalrous_Courtesy,all]Chivalrous Courtesy[/url] [flaw]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Fussy,all]Fussy[/url] [flaw]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Magic_Artisan,all]Magical Artisan[/url]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Energy_Substitution,all]Energy Substitution: Electricity[/url]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Extraordinary_Artisan,all]Extraordinary Artisan[/url] (Artificer Bonus)
Maximize Spell (artificer Bonus)
Two-Weapon Fighting
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Double_Wand_Wielder,all]Double Wand Weilder[/url]
[url=http://realmshelps.dandello.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Legendary_Artisan,all]Legendary Artisan[/url]


Concentration 15 = +4 +11
Craft Armor 17 = +6 +11
Disable Device 17 = +6 +11
Knowledge (arcana) 17 = +6 +11
Knowledge (architecture) 8 = +6 +1
Knowledge (planes) 17 = +6 +11
Listen 2 = +0 +2 [catfolk] 
Move Silently 6 = +4 +2 [catfolk] 
Spellcraft 13 = +6 +5 +2 [Knowledge, arcane] 
Use Magic Device 17 = +4 +11 [+2 Artificer]

* = check penalty for wearing armor
Craft_1 >=5 ranks gives +2 on related appraise checks.
Know Planes >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks on other planes.
Spellcraft >=5 ranks gives +2 on use magic device checks on scrolls.
Use Magic Device >=5 ranks gives +2 on spellcraft checks to decipher scrolls.

Mithril Chain Shirt +3 (10,050) 4,425
Vest of Resistance +3 (9,000) 3,375
Amulet of Health +4 (16,000) 4,500
Gloves of Dex +4 (16,000) 4,500
Circlet of Intellect +4 (16,000) 4,500
Lesser Eyes of the Artificer +4 UMD (1,600) 450
2 Wands of Scorching Ray 7th CL (10,500 ea) 7,875
2 Wands of Cure Moderate Wounds (4,500 ea) 3,375
2 Wands of Vigor (750 ea) 563
Wand of Blindsight (4,500) 1,688
Handy Haversack (2,000) 563
186 gp

Vyncent's background[sblock]
Even in his earliest memories Vyncent was always repulsed by the warrior traditions of his people. Though occasionally forced to hunt or dance the spears, his passion lay in discovering how things worked, exploring the science of creation. And such was his interest in the outside world that after his name-day, he departed with the first passing traveler the tribe crossed paths with.

On the trail, Vyncent's new companion, a Knight of the Duchy of Paenmarck by the name of sir Albar, regaled him with tales of chivalry and courtly romance. The young catfolk was charmed by the stories, and arrived in the Duchy determined to make it in the wondrous new universe that is the city. In short order Vyncent apprenticed to a clockmaker and shined in the position to such a degree that his name was eventually passed along to Jean de Tocquerelle, Master Artificer to the Duke. Under that august and stern tutelage the catfolk's true talents came to the fore. 'The savage prodigy' soon became a much talked about feature at court. It was there Vyncent met and fell in love with Lady Isobet Tevarre. And though she was being courted by the Duke's son and heir at the time, the passionate and assiduous young catfolk was able to eventually woo her away with gifts and heartfelt sonnets. [/sblock]

Mundane items carried by 0-lvl retainers[sblock]
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lb.
Bottle, wine, glass 2 gp
Bucket (empty) 5 sp 2 lb
Chest (empty) 2 gp 25 lb
Firewood (3 days) 3 cp 60 lb
Flint and steel 1 gp
Lantern, bullseye 12 gp 3 lb
Mirror, small steel 10 gp ½ lb
Oil (10 1-pint flasks) 1 gp 10 lb
Paper (20 sheets) 8 gp
Rope, silk (100 ft.) 20 gp 10 lb
Sewing needle 5 sp
Soap (per lb.) 5 sp 1 lb
Tent 10 gp 20 lb
4 Noble’s outfits 300 gp 40 lb


First Post
Wraethmar LG Kalashtar Monk 5/Atavist 1//Psi-Artificer 6

Str 10 +0 2 cost
Dex 16 +3 8 cost +1 level
Con 14 +2 6 cost
Int 16 +3 10 cost
Wis 10 +0 2 cost
Cha 14 +2 6 cost

HP 52
AC 19 (10 base +3 Dex +4 Armor +1 Enhancement +1 Deflection)
BAB +4
Attack +2 (d8+1 unarmed strike)
Ranged +7

Fort +8 (4 base +2 Con +2 Resistance)
Ref +11 (7 base +2 Dex +2 Resistance)
Will +9 (7 base 0 Wis +2 Resistance)

Flaw: Non-Combatant
Two-Weapon Fighting
Extraordinary Artisan 
Empower Power
Dual Dorje
Quicken power (B)
Improved Grapple (B)
Combat Reflexs (B)
Imprint Stone (B)
Scribe Tattoo (B)
Craft Universal Item (B)
Craft Psionic Arms&Armor (B)
Craft Dorje (B)

Skills 63pts
Bluff 8 (6 ranks +2 Cha)
Concentration 10 (8 ranks +2 Con)
Disable Device 11 (8 ranks +3 Int)
Hide 10 (8 ranks +3 Dex -1 Armor)
Knowledge: Psionics 4 (1 rank +3 Int)
Move Silently 11 (9 ranks +3 Dex -1 Armor)
Psicraft 6 (3 ranks +3 Int)
Tumble 10 (8 ranks +3 Dex -1 Armor)
Use Psionic Device 19 (9 ranks +2 Cha +2 Artificer +6 Competence)

Special Abilities 
+2 racial vs. mind-affecting spells/abilities
+2 bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, 
  disguise checks to appear human
+1 power point/level
mindlink 1/day as wilder of level/2

unarmed strike
flurry (+2/+2)
still mind
ki strike (magic)
slow fall 20'
purity of body

call to mind 3/day
spirtual lineage: sociable (Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information are class skills)
unarmored strike (atavist levels stack with monk levels for dmg)

craft reserve
artificer knowledge check at +9 (DC 15) to detect magic on object
+2 to Use Psionic Device
disable trap
item creation
craft homunculus?
retain essence
metapsionic spell trigger

Chain Shirt +1 1,250 (625 xp paid by craft res.)
Vest of Resistance, Psionic +2 4,000 (1,968.75 part of xp paid by craft res. 60)
Psi-Goggles +6 UPD 3,600 (1,368.75 part of xp paid by craft res. 140)(formula: bonus squared X 100)
Cloak of Protection, Psionic +1 deflection 2,000 (562.5)(formula: bonus squared X 2,000)
Dorje of Energy Missle ML4 4,500 (1,828.125 part of xp paid by craft res. 150)
Dorje of Clairvoyant Sense ML4 4,500 (2,531.25)
Dorje of Astral Construct ML2 750 (421.875)
Dorje of Chameleon ML2 750 (421.875)
Dorje of Force Screen ML2 750 (421.875)
2 Dorjes of Mind Thrust ML2 750 each (843.75)
Dorje of Preconition ML2 750 (421.875)
Dorje of Psionic Charm ML2 750 (421.875)
Dorje of Psionic Protection from Evil ML2 750 (421.875)
Dorje of Synchronicity ML2 750 (421.875)
2 Dorjes of Touch of Health ML2 750 each (843.75)
318gp in gems

Description: Salt and pepper hair and stubble and the hard lines of his face combine to give Wraethmar a gruff but somewhat grandfatherly appearance. He is of medium height, with a slightly stocky build. Customarily he wears dark goggles and is rarely without a well a cigar even when circumstances prevent him from actually smoking it. A beat up leather surcoat drapes over his chain shirt and loose leather breeches.

Personality: For the most part Wraethmar's demeanor matches his gruff appearance. He curses incessantly and his dire pronouncements give one the impression that cares more for the letter of the law than the welfare of others. His actions are an entirely different matter. When called upon he is self-sacrificing and always willing to help those in need.

Background: For many years it looked like Wraethmar would lead a relatively prosaic life. He was content to seek the light and spend much of his time with his wife Etrianna. Largely it was a matter of aptitude, Wraethmar seemed to have little of the the psionic gifts of his kin, despite intensive training, and was ill-equipped to face the dreaming dark directly. Finally, years after others of the same generation had been taught to use them, he was handed a dorje to examine. Immediately things clicked in to place. He could feel exactly how the energies within the prism were arrayed. Almost effortlessly he activated the psionic device, and when shown other similar items, their function was just as plain. Even dorjes that had been passed down through the ages that others were unable to activate, Wraethmar had success with.

Wraethmar knew that with such an unusual talent he would be called upon to take a more active role in confronting the dreaming dark. He did not know that he'd be asked to leave Etrianna for further training with a group of mere youngsters. But the grizzled kalashtar didn't even consider shirking his new responsibilities. With grim determination he went forth to shed light on the gathering shadow.[/sblock]


First Post
Sorry, I don't have one for him. I wish I did though. A grizzled dual dorje wielding guy with blast goggles would make a really cool pic.


First Post
Psionic NPCs from my world (Complete with Flavor)


Bayesian Guard are the most elite warriors in Xorian society, charged with the protection of the Emperor, his home, and his family at all costs. Their loyalty is fierce and absolute, their vigilance unflagging, and their wrath terrible against any who would threaten their sacred charge.

Children from all walks of life who show psionic aptitude are taken by the Guard as potential candidates for training. It is considered an honor for a Xorian family to have their child selected for training, and a child who sucessfully completes the training and becomes a full member of the guard brings an even greater honor on themselves and their family. Only the best and brightest succeed, but there is no shame in dropping out, since the dropouts typically serve an honorable career as lesser officers in the Emperor's Army.

There are 20 active members of the Bayesian Guard at present, scattered around the Emperor's household, typically patrolling, and generally keeping an eye on all entrances.

They also fulfill a ceremonial function as well, and they are drilled to perfection. Any ceremony attended by the Emperor will have the complete formation of the Guard nearby, their movements as one, and in stoic silence.

Appearance: They look like average members of the Xorian race, tall, dark-skinned humans. Their heads are typically shaved, and they wear loose, flowing robes of blue silk, with a thick silver sash tied around the middle (The traditional colors of the Emperor). Each has a headband of the same deep blue silk, set in the center with a silver disk bearing the symbol of the Emperor that glitters and reflects the light oddly.

Appearing relaxed yet poised in a way that only a martial artist can, their seemingly casual glances miss almost nothing. You will rarely see more than one in any specific place, as if each is confident that he alone can end any threat single handedly.


Bayesian Guard: Monk 4 / Psychic Warrior 8

STR: 14 +2
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 14 +2
INT: 13 +1
WIS: 18 +4
CHA: 10 +0

HP: 106
AC: 26 (10 + 4[psionic charged robes] + 4[wis] + 4[ring of shield] + 2[ring of protection] +2[dex]) Touch: 18 Flat footed: 24
Base speed: 60 (30 + 10[speed of thought] + 10[monk] + 10[boots of speed])
Init: +4 ( + 2[dex] + 2[psicrystal])
Fort save: 14 (10 base +2 ability +2 [cloak of res])
Ref save: 10 (6 base +2 ability +2 [cloak of res])
Will save: 16 (6 base +4 ability +2 [cloak of res] +4 [psionic headband])
BAB: +9/+4
Grapple: +15 (9 base + 2 ability + 4 improved grapple)
Balance +9
Climb +4
Concentration +15
Knowledge Psionics +9
Listen +13
Sense Motive +11
Spot +13
Tumble +9
Autohypnosis +12


**Kama of Maiming +2**
Attack: +13/+8
Damage: 1d6 +4
Crit: 20 x2
Type: Slash

The guard usually use the kama to make trip attempts. If a foe is successfully tripped by the Kama of Maiming, the back of their legs get torn up badly. In effect, the foe takes a -10ft to base speed for 3 rounds. The foe can choose to ignore the pain with a DC 15 will save and move at normal speed, tearing the wounds further and taking an additional 3 damage per round for the same 3 round duration as the wounds tear and bleed.

**Psychic Claw Gloves +1**
Attack: +12/+7 OR +10/+10/+5 flurry
Damage: 2d6 +3
Crit: 17-20 x2
Type: Slash or Pierce

This is the primary attack of the guard. The blue silk gloves can conjure psychic claws made of pure energy at will. The claws persist until the wearer chooses to dematerialize them. The claws confer the benefits of the "Claws of the Vampire" power, allowing the wielder to heal a number of her own HP equal to half the damage she deals with the claws.

**Grapple w/ opponent pinned**
Attack: Opposed grapple check +15
Damage: 1d8 +2
Type: Bludgeon

**Dorje of Energy Push**
50 charges of the power "Energy Push" with a manifester level of 5.

The guard use this as a ranged attack to push opponents into walls or off of rooftops.

Improved Unarmed Strike (PHB)
Improved Grapple
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Improved Critical
Alertness (From Psicrystal)

Up the Walls (Ex. Psi HB)
Speed of Thought
Psicrystal Affinity
Psicrystal Containment
Psionic Body
Psionic Weapon
Greater Psionic Weapon


Note on gear: I use alot of magic and psionic items that I just made up or altered from the DMG and Expanded Psionics HB so some of this stuff is non-standard and doesnt have a "name".

Each person wearing one of these headbands is considered under the effects of a "Mindlink" with each other person wearing one.
Gives the wearer +2 INT.
Continuous "Detect Magic" and "Detect Psionics" effects.
Gives the wearer +4 on Will saves.

Gloves of the claw:
At will, wearer can manifest a pair of claws made of psychic energy that persist for as long as the wearer chooses.
The gloves deal 2d6 damage and are under the effect of a continuous "Claws of the Vampire" while the wielder is Psionically Focused.

Ioun Stone: +2 WIS

Amulet of Superior Health: +2 CON and wearer is immune to poison and disease.

Ring of protection +2

Ring of Shielding: Allows wearer to cast the "Sheild" spell at will. +4 Shield bonus AC and blocks Magic Missles.

Psionic Robes: +4 armor bonus to AC

Boots of Quickness: +10 base speed and +2 on jump checks after a running start.

Bracers of Dexterity: +2 to the characters DEX.

Cloak of Resistance +2 to all saves.

Belt of Self-Sufficiency: Wearer needs only 2 hours of sleep, as opposed to 8 normally. Wearer also needn't eat or drink, and gains fast healing 1 per round.

Cognizance Crystal storing 3pp.

Dorje of Energy Push 50 charges manifester lvl 5.

Psionic Tattoos:

2 Empathic Transfer
1 Animal Affinity
2 Body Purification
2 Body Adjustment


Power points: 35 (3 additional in cognizance crystal)

1st: Biofeedback
Precognition (Offensive)

2nd: Strength of My Enemy
Animal Affinity
Psionic Lion's Charge

3rd: Dimension Slide
Empathic Feedback

PS: Sorry its long, but these guys hold a special place in my heart, and I had to share!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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