Psionic weapon


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So a basic question.......

Psionic weapon requires a person with 13 Str. to acquire the feat. What happens if the creature or person looking at the feat does not have a strength score. Would you use another score for it? A good example it a wraith, they use its Dex. stat to figure out to hit, would one use that stat instead of Str.? Thank you for any insites.


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As a DM, if you want a wraith with Psionic Weapon, you could possibly look at the way that undead in several situations get to substitute Cha for Con.

I'd consider Int for Str to be a similar analogy.

It's not RAW, but if you really want a wraith with Psionic Weapon, I'd call Int 13 an okay prerequisite for an incorporeal creature.



Hypersmurf said:
As a DM, if you want a wraith with Psionic Weapon, you could possibly look at the way that undead in several situations get to substitute Cha for Con.

I'd consider Int for Str to be a similar analogy.
Not related to the original post, but I think a much better analogy is:
Int = Dex (an agile mind)
Wis = Con (the stat used to resist things trying to affect you)
Cha = Str (the stat used to affect others)


Staffan said:
Not related to the original post, but I think a much better analogy is:
Int = Dex (an agile mind)
Wis = Con (the stat used to resist things trying to affect you)
Cha = Str (the stat used to affect others)

Sure. But since the Cha-Con mapping is already taken, I had to use something else :)


Str = Int: How much labor can you mind do? Can it handle heavy houghts well?
Dex = Wis: An "Agile Mind," both are Save stats, the ability to notice things corresponds to the ability to react to them.
Con = Cha: The robustness of one's mind, how much can you endure and keep shoving.

Any parraleling of the different ability scores can be justified. Comparing one physical stat and one mental stat is particularly easy, I think. It becomes tough when you try to say that, for instance, Dexterity and Constitution are essentially the same thing.


First Post
Staffan said:
Cha = Str (the stat used to affect others)
Keep in mind that undead use Charisma for Concentration checks (i.e. Cha = Con). So, if you have Cha = Str, then you are essentially double-dipping for this particular ability. I personally would lean toward using Dex 13 for the prerequisite.


The best precedent for comparison of mental to physical stats in the game is probably the conversion for travel on the Astral Plane, which... I can't sodding remember right now... :\

Aaron L

I think Staffan has the correlations nailed down, and its the way Ive always seen it. Equating the physical stats to the mental sstats is just something I picked up from DC Heroes :)

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