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Psions and Psychic Warriors


So my group is just about to start a new Eberron game, and I am trying to decide what to play.

My current thoughts are floating around a Kalashtar Psion or Psychic Warrior, but I thought I'd put the feelers out and see what the general opinions were about these classes.

Have you found them fun to play? About the same power level as other classes? Cool things you saw one do? What's your general opinion about these classes?

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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Yes, both are very cool. Can I make a third suggestion, though?

If you like spellcasters in general and want to stay away from melee/archer builds, go Psion. [My favorites are Telepaths or Shapers, personally]

If you want to combat, how narrow is you focus. If you want to be a "jack-of-all-situations" go Psychic Warrior and give yourself a variety of powers.

But if you want to go combat (especially melee) and have a very narrow focus on what powers you want to grab, use, and hopefully abuse then go Wilder.

The difference between Psychic Warrior and Wilder are few, but huge. BAB is the same. Both get 1 good save and 2 poor saves. The Psychic Warrior nearly doubles the wilder in powers known, but the wilder almost triples the psychic warrior in powerpoints. [Granted, the psychic warrior's powers are only 6 level max, so the powerpoint disparity is really more like a double than a triple.] The psychic warrior gets feats to enhance its combat, the wilders gets wild surge to enhance its combat.

My point is if you have a narrow interest in powers, don't neglect the wilder.


First Post
I've seen a couple of Psions in action. Kinda like Sorcerers in that they have a few powers that they can use the heck out of. But they have more flexibility in that they can blow all their power points on using one power over and over, and they have the wonderful ability to choose their energy type.

I've seen two Psychic Warriors, one in a past game and one in the game I'm running. I'm finding them something of a one-trick pony in that both concentrate(d) on Enlarge, to the point where in both games, the rest of us have had to convince the overly-focused player that it isn't always in his best interests to "get big". Not in every single encounter, anyways.

And well, I think my PW player is a bit annoyed that my solution is that the Enlarged tend to 'fill the enemies vision' as it were, making them the focus of the enemy's efforts unless someone else proves to be more dangerous.


You are thinking of Expansion but same diff.

That and the full attack on a charge with Psionic Lion's Charge means some massive damage.

PW also make great grapplers.

Psions are very powerful but they sit around (need to rest) just as much if not more than spell slot casters.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Chimera said:
I'm finding them something of a one-trick pony in that both concentrate(d) on Enlarge, to the point where in both games, the rest of us have had to convince the overly-focused player that it isn't always in his best interests to "get big". Not in every single encounter, anyways.

And well, I think my PW player is a bit annoyed that my solution is that the Enlarged tend to 'fill the enemies vision' as it were, making them the focus of the enemy's efforts unless someone else proves to be more dangerous.

I'd support your conclusions here. You'll notice in my earlier post about Psychic Warriors I emphasize getting a variety of powers - for the very reaswons you mention here. Variety is always a good thing.

Furthermore, with most monsters/low INT opponents I would agree that the Psychic Warrior would become the center of the attention. An expanded Psychic Warrior brings reach, increased damage capability, and is easier to hit! Of course they'll be the center of attention. Who better to get out of the way that the guy with the biggest armspan who happens to likely now be the easiest one to hit?

Wrathamon said:
Psions are very powerful but they sit around (need to rest) just as much if not more than spell slot casters

True, but only at low levels (When all spellcasters sit around alot. Once a psion gets his powerpoint groove on they can be much more like the energizer bunny than either the wizard or the sorcerer. Of course, they need to not blow all their powerpoints on every power on every round, too.


Penguin Herder
Psions are great fun. They have some of the best utility powers in the game, and some of the most fun combat powers too. (Time hop, I'm looking at you.)

You will want to have a variety of powers. Here's a sample of mine, and the reasons why I took them:

Level 1
- Entangling Ectoplasm: No resist, no save, and only one PP. It's a budget power.
- Crystal Shard: No resist, no save, and reasonable single-target damage. It's my magic missile.
- Mindlink: I'm a Telepath. It's cool.
- Vigor: Pre-combat buff, or mid-combat life-saver.
- Detect Psionics: No Wizard in the party.

Level 2
- Energy Stun: Area attack that's doubly flexible (energy type and stun effect).
- Psi Suggestion: I'm a Telepath, and this is just an awesome power if you're creative.
- Psi Identify: No Wizard.
- Control Sound: We had a Dwarf in full plate. They're not so quiet.

Level 3
- Dispel Psionics: Duh.
- Energy Wall: Flexible battlefield control.
- Time Hop: Best. Power. Evar. I had more fun with this than any other power. "Door? Lock? Ogre? See you soon!"
- Touchsight (Blindsight 60 ft. radius): Hadn't used this, so I'm not sure how it would work out in combat. Took it for a utility sort of power.

... and that took my Telepath through level 6, which is when that campaign fell over.

-- N

EDIT: Oooh, let me tell you about my feat choices, too:

1 lev- Point-Blank Shot (for Crystal Ray and xbow)
1 hum- Boost Construct (for L3 feat)
1 psi- Psionic Body (2 hp per Psionic feat, which is all of these except point blank shot)
3 lev- Expanded Knowlege (Astral Construct)
5 psi- Psionic Meditation (recover focus quickly)
6 lev- Psionic Shot (expend focus to deal +2d6 ranged damage)

Now, the big trick with Psionic Shot is this: use it with Crystal Shard. Expend one PP and your Focus, and you have a touch attack that deals 3d6 damage (no save, no resist) for only one PP. That is what I call a good deal! Alternately, blow your wad (6 pp) for 6d6, and your focus for +2d6, for a total of 8d6 at 6th level. Not bad.

The obvious use of Psionic Shot (bow or other ranged weapon) isn't too bad either. It's nice to have a back-up plan when you're low on PP. It means that an Elf Psion is kinda cool.
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First Post
FWIW, Eberron mythology says that Kalashtar warriors are typically soulknives or monks, rather than Psychic Warriors or Fighters; Kalashtar psychic warriors are usually "orphans" who grew up apart from Kalashtar society.


First Post
I've seen a few of each, some in Dark Sun, others elsewhere. I play a (mostly) Psion in Dark Sun, actually. :cool: Great fun.

Both classes kick ass. No two ways about it. They're powerful, flexible, fun. I love all those bonus psionic feats PsyWars get. I love the range and [generally the] power of the Psion's, um, powers.

Haven't played in or run Eberron, but from what I understand, psionics is meant to be integrated from the ground up. So yeah, I can't see any problem on any level.

Also, they're the two most popular classes from the XPH, and I can see why. Wilder has its place, and Soulknife. . . I guess. I house rule them though, where relevant.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Nifft said:
Now, the big trick with Psionic Shot is this: use it with Crystal Shard. Expend one PP and your Focus, and you have a touch attack that deals 3d6 damage (no save, no resist) for only one PP. That is what I call a good deal! Alternately, blow your wad (6 pp) for 6d6, and your focus for +2d6, for a total of 8d6 at 6th level. Not bad.

You're right. That is pretty cool. And extraordinarily nice for the 1 pp. Well thought out.

For the record, though. At 6th level and up, you're better with a straight Mind Thrust. 6d10 is between 6 and 60 damage - and average of 33 for what, 6 powerpoints? Granted, there is a Will save to negate, so this is important to consider. That crystal shard is doing 8d6 (if you blow your focus) so between 8 and 48 damage with an average of 28. The no save is definately nice, but as your manifester level increases the mindthrust will get better. Plus, as your level goes up your opponents should have a more difficult time saving. Just something to think about.

I agree, though. That 3d6 for 1 pp is sweet. I wish I'd have thought of it, but I'll definately rip it off! :cool:

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