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First Post
Aeshen Jhil'meon
Lawful Neutral Shoal Elf Rogue 1

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity 18 (+1)
Constitution: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 10 (--)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Point (Current/MAX): 6/6

Armor Class: 14 (10 Flat-footed, 14 Touch)

Base Attacks: +0

Rapier: -1 melee (DMG 1d6-1, x1) Crit 18-20/x2

Saving Throws: Fortitude +0, Reflex +6, Will +1

Skills: Appraise +4 (3+1) Balance +5 (1+4) Bluff +4 (2+2) Climb +1 (2-1) Diplomacy +7 (3+2+2) Disable Device +5 (2+1+2) Escape Artist +5 (1+4) Gather Information +5 (3+2) Hide +6 (2+4) Jump +1 (2-1) Knowledge (Local) +2 (1+1) Listen +5 (1+1+2) Move Silently +6 (2+4) Open Lock +8 (2+4+2) Search +4 (1+1+2) Sense Motive +4 (2+2) Sleight of Hand +5 (1+4) Spot +4 (2+2) Tumble +5 (1+4) Use Magical Device +3 (1+2) Use Rope +5 (1+4) Profession (Sailor) +2 (2)

Languages: Common, Shoal Elf, Aquan

Class/Race Abilities:

Immunity to Sleep, +2 Sv vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Proficiency: Longsword / Rapier / Longbow / Shortbow, +2 Listen/Spot/Search (Incl. Above), Sixth Sense regarding Hidden Portals, Sneak Attack, Trap-finding


Master-crafted thieves Tools, Courtier's Clothing, Traveler's Clothing, Jewelry (Gold hoop earring 5g, Silver Kraken Pendant & Chain 15g, Silver & Garnet Dolphin Ring 10g), Backpack, Grappling Hook, 50ft Hemp Rope

Wealth: 6gp

XP: 0


Like his parents before him Aeshen spent most of his youth aboard the deck of a merchant ship. His father had been the first mate aboard the vessel and his mother a servant in the galley.

Life aboard the ship taught Aeshen a great many things but at its core it gave him a love of the sea and of the people who ride her. Before he was ten Aeshen helped out where he could, climbing high into the sails or squeezing himself into the crawl spaces of the vessel iteself. He became the tiny spider aboard the Velvet Crest. It was also during these years that Aeshen taught himself Aquan from various books and scrolls in his father's cabin. As he grew older and began accompanying his father on trade-missions to shore Aeshen discovered he had a knack with people. They naturally liked him and it was quite easy to get them to do what he wanted - whether it be accepting damaged merchandise, giving his father an extroidinarily good price on trade goods, or hosts turning a blind eye to his trysts within their households.

When Aeshen was twenty-one he decided to disembark from his floating home and seek his fortune in the city, his eventual goal to captain his own fleet of merchant vessels. Aeshen found uses for his skills within Ptolus almost immediately. Petty theft came as easily to him as polishing the brightwork in his father's cabin. With equal ease Aeshen began to establish himself among the minor thieves as something of a gentleman and diplomat. Aeshen has made no enemies to his knowledge and prides himself on his nuetrality as far as the petty bickering that usually takes place among thieves.

Six months ago Aeshen was approached by the personal butler of Erac Kunstler. Mr Kunstler had need of someone to assist with the purchase and gathering of various supplies for the househould. The pay offered was paltry but the opportunities a patron like Kunstler would make available for Aeshen were too valuable to pass up. Aeshen has been serving as a minor representative of Kunstlerhaus for the last eleven weeks, using his ties within the business and criminal communities to get whatever the butler requires - often in greater quantities or of better quality then originally asked for - at no additional cost.

Aeshen is driven by a need to make himself known among people who matter and he dresses the part. He drapes his handsome and ship-hardened body in the finest fashions of the day. He accentuates his appearance with modest jewelry inspired by the sea: A silver kraken pendant, a silver ring in the shape of a dolphin with a garnet for an eye, and a tradional sailors hoop dangle from his ear. He has an aura of calm and poise that seems to comfort people and he is quite proficient in using that to manipulate them to do whatever his heart desires. Again, his eventual goal is to have many ships flying under his flag, making him the fortune he desires and finally allowing himself to be the Prince of the Seas that he envisions himself as.

Aeshen is a rogue and is no stranger to the skills at a rogue's disposal. His nimble fingers can defly disable complex traps and locks in seconds and he seems to melt into shadows whenever the whim strikes him. However, whenever possible Aeshen happily allows others to do his dirty work for him, something that invariably doesnt cost him very much, thanks to his charm and demeanor.
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First Post

Chaotic Neutral Human Fighter 1

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (--)

Hit Points (Current/Max): 12/12
Armor Class: 18 (18 Flat-footed, 10 Touch)

Base Attack: +1

Master-crafted Longsword: +3 Melee (1d8+3, x2) Crit 19-20/x2
Shortbow: +2 ranged (1d6, x2, 40) Crit x3

Saving Throws: Fortitude +4, Reflex +2, Will +1

Feats: Weapon Focus (Longsword), Power Attack, Cleave

Skills: Jump +4 (2+2), Ride +3 (1+2), Swim +3 (1+2), Spot +2 (1+1), Sense Motive +2 (1+1)

Languages: Common

Class Abilities: Weapon/Armor Proficiencies, Bonus Feats

Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Lamp (Common), Flask of Oil x3, Whetstone, Waterskin, 50ft Hemp Rope, Traveler's Clothing x2

Weapons/Armor: Masterwork Longsword, Scalemail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Shortbow & Quiver (40)

Wealth: 28gp

Mairan's mother died when Mairan was an infant. Her father became despondent due to the loss of his wife and fell into a depression that led him to alcholism and gambling. During one of his sober moments, he gave Mairan to a friend who was a member of the Order of the Fist to be raised. Mairan has no recollection of her parents. While in her early training with the Order, she was summoned to Master Kunstler. As far as Mairan can ascertain, her father died while deep in debt with one of the criminal organizations within the city. Master Kunstler and the organization, during a settling of accounts between them, transfered Mairan's father's debt to Master Kunstler. Mairan is now in the service of Master Knustler in order to clear the debt of a virtual stranger for whom she has no love or respect.

In Kunstler's household, Mairan has been relegated to a position slightly above the completely inanimate belongings. Mairan has to this point been treated as an ignorant, witless servant with no acknowledged skills. There is no task so demeaning or disguisting in the household that she isn't expected to complete it without complaint or hesitation. Mairan fervently hopes that one day she will be able to further the training she had begun with the Order. To help cope with this new adjustment in her life, as well as relieve frustration, Mairan has continued to practice the things she was taught while with the Order.

Mairan has an idealized view of her mother and no knowledge of whether she has any brothers or sisters. Her view of her father is negative to say the very least. Mairan blames her father for her mother's death and imagines that he had done something to precipitate the tragedy. She believes her father was a soulless scoundrel with nothing redeeming to speak of.

Mairan has had some difficulty forming friendships and social connections, her feelings of abandonment and betrayal cast a shadow over most possible relationships. She does however become very loyal and attached to the very few people she manages to form a connection with over time.

XP: 150
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First Post
Valana Wavecrest

Valana Wavecrest
Neutral Good Shoal Elf Wizard 2

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 9 (-1)

Hit Points (Current/MAX): 8/9

Armor Class: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 touch)

Base Attack: +1

Short Bow: +4 ranged (1d6, x3, 60')
Dagger: +1 melee, +4 ranged (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10')

Spells Prepared: 0 (4) Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Light 1: (3) Mage Armor, Sleep 2: (0+1) Flaming Sphere

Saving Throws: Fortitude: +1, Reflex +3, Will +2

Feats: Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Precocious Apprentice

Skills: Concentration 6 (5+1), Craft (Shipbuilding) 6 (3+3), Decipher Script 8 (5+3), Knowledge (Arcana) 8 (5+3), Listen 1 (0-1+2), Profession (Sailor) 2 (1-1+2), Search 5 (0+3+2), Spellcraft 12 (5+3+2+2), Spot 1 (0-1+2), Use Magic Device -0.5 (0.5 -1), Use Magic Device (Scroll) 3.5 (0.5 -1+2+2)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Gnome

Class/Race Abilites:

Immunity to Sleep, +2 Sv vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Elven weapon proficiencies, +2 Listen/Spot/Search/Profession(Sailor), Notice Secret Doors.

Spells: To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, Valana must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a wizard's spell is 10 + the spell level + the wizard's Intelligence modifier.

Equipment: Backpack, Sack (2, empty), water skin, trail rations (3), spellbook, Belt Pouch, Chalk (5), Flint and Steel, Sunrod, Tinderwig (3), Spell Component Pouch, Signal Whistle, Gong Striker

Weapons and Armor: Short bow, dagger, arrows (31)

Wealth: 5gp 10sp 45cp


0-Acid Splash,Arcane Mark,Dancing Lights,Daze,Detect Magic,Detect Poison,Flare,Ghost Sound,Light,Mage Hand,Mending,Message,Open/Close,Prestidigitation,Ray of Frost,Read Magic,Resistance

1-Mage Armor, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Magic Weapon, Mount

2-Flaming Sphere

XP: 1160

The daughter of an elven ship builder, Valana spent most of her youth underfoot in her family's shipyard. To keep her out of the way, her father gave her an old spellbook that he had taken in trade years before Valana's birth. Much to her family's surprise (and horror), Valana nearly burned down the shipyard a few months later trying to cast a spell from the book. With her blossoming arcane talent, her family agreed to apprentice to Erac Kunstler for a proper education. Despite their modest success as ship builders, Valana's family can barely afford her apprenticeship. A fact that is always present in Valana's thoughts.

Edit 01/30/2009: Level Up.
Edit 01/22/2009: XP Update, post 761 of the adventure thread.
Edit 07/21/2008: XP Update, post 712 of the adventure thread.
Edit 05/20/2008: Spell used (Sleep), post 683 of the adventure thread.
Edit 03/28/2008: XP Update, post 666 of the adventure thread.
Edit 01/15/2008: XP Update, post 636 of the adventure thread.
Edit 11/05/2007: Healed for 8 points of damage, post 590 of the adventure thread.
Edit 11/05/2007: XP Update, post 585 of the adventure thread.
Edit 10/25/2007: Stabbed Again. Take four points of damage, post 578 of the adventure thread.
Edit 10/11/2007: Gave two tinderwigs to Aeshen, post #559 of the adventure thread.
Edit 08/22/2007: Added Gong Striker to inventory, post #492 of the adventure thread.
Edit 08/16/2007: Healed 1 point by Thurst, post #473 of the adventure thread.
Edit 08/14/2007: Healed 2 points by Thurst, post #469 of the adventure thread.
Edit 08/14/2007: Added Exp, current as of post #467 in the adventure thread.
Edit 07/27/2007: Combat Update, current as of post #453 in the adventure thread.

[sblock=Valana, Level 1]Valana Wavecrest
Neutral Good Shoal Elf Wizard 1

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 9 (-1)

Hit Points (Current/MAX): 4/5

Armor Class: 13 (10 flat-footed, 13 touch)

Base Attack: +0

Short Bow: +3 ranged (1d6, x3, 60')
Dagger: +0 melee, +3 ranged (1d4, 19-20/x2, 10')

Spells Prepared: 0 (3) Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Light 1: (2) Mage Armor, Sleep 2: (0+1) Flaming Sphere

Saving Throws: Fortitude: +1, Reflex +3, Will +1

Feats: Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Precocious Apprentice

Skills: Concentration 5 (4+1), Craft (Shipbuilding) 6 (3+3), Decipher Script 7 (4+3), Knowledge (Arcana) 7 (4+3), Listen 1 (0-1+2), Profession (Sailor) 2 (1-1+2), Search 5 (0+3+2), Spellcraft 9 (4+3+2), Spot 1 (0-1+2)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Gnome

Class/Race Abilites:

Immunity to Sleep, +2 Sv vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Elven weapon proficiencies, +2 Listen/Spot/Search/Profession(Sailor), Notice Secret Doors.

Spells: To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, Valana must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a wizard's spell is 10 + the spell level + the wizard's Intelligence modifier.

Equipment: Backpack, Sack (2, empty), water skin, trail rations (3), spellbook, Belt Pouch, Chalk (5), Flint and Steel, Sunrod, Tinderwig (3), Spell Component Pouch, Signal Whistle, Gong Striker

Weapons and Armor: Short bow, dagger, arrows (31)

Wealth: 5gp 10sp 45cp


0-Acid Splash,Arcane Mark,Dancing Lights,Daze,Detect Magic,Detect Poison,Flare,Ghost Sound,Light,Mage Hand,Mending,Message,Open/Close,Prestidigitation,Ray of Frost,Read Magic,Resistance

1-Mage Armor, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Chill Touch

2-Flaming Sphere

XP: 1160[/sblock]
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First Post
Mata Lodstari

Chaotic Good Grailwarden Dwarf Wizard 2

Strength 9
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 10

Hitpoints (Current/Max): 7/9

Armor class: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)

Base attack: +1

Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2

Club: +1 melee (1d6, x2)
Masterwork Light Crossbow: +4 ranged (1d8, 19-20x2)

Spells prepared 0 (4): Daze, Daze, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand 1 (2+1): Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Sleep

Feats: Spell focus (Evocation)

Familiar: Anyang, lizard.

Skills (ability mod + ranks + misc): Climb 3 (0+0+3) Concentration 7 (2+5) Craft (Alchemy) 9 (3+4+2) Decipher Script 7 (3+4) Hide 2 (2) Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 8 (3+5) Listen -1 (-1) Search 4 (3+1) Spellcraft 8 (3+5) Spot -1 (-1)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnomish, Terran

Equipment: Artisan's outfit, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (5) Crossbow bolts (20), Ink (8oz), Inkpen, Parchment (5 sheets) Rope (50ft hemp), Rations (5 days), Spellbook (duh), Spell component pouch, Torch

Weapons and armor: Club, Masterwork Light Crossbow

Wealth: 1 gp, 2 silver. (feh).


0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic,Resistance

1: Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Tensor's Floating Disk

Mata Lodstari's father is a Grailwarden gunsmith, her mother was a Stonelost merchant who did the two clans the courtesy of dying in childbirth, allowing her father to raise her within the Grailwarden clan. Well, almost within the Grailwarden clan: she also spent many hours at her maternal grandfather's knee hearing stories of his days of in the dungeons beneath Ptolus guarding the sealed city of their ancestors.

Her paternal grandmother was a wizard, and Mata started learning the basics of wizardry from her when it became clear that she was far more interested in magic books than the guns of her father and paternal grandfather. Unfortunately her grandmother died before she could complete her training. Her father wished her to apprentice to another dwarf outside Ptolus, but Mata insisted on finding a teacher within the city. She let her father believe that this was due to a desire to stay with the family, but in reality she wants to see inside Dwarvenhearth, a desire fired by the childhood stories. Leaving Ptolus would only take her away from that goal.

Kunstler's reputation as an adventurer attracted her to him in the hopes that she might be sent on errands under Ptolus. However, she tends to be frustrated with what she sees as the undisciplined approach of Kunstler to magic, preferring more science and less performance. Still, she cannot deny his magical skill, and she has learned a considerable amount about evocation from him. Her grandmother had eschewed the showiness of evocation in favour of divination, and had expressed a certain disappointment with Mata's obvious talent for "crude explosions". Her natural dwarven stoicism makes bearing with his unreasonable perfectionism somewhat easier, but not easy, and she has been known after a few beer to suggest that perhaps he would like to feed his topiaries personally.

XP: 1160

Edited Feb-08-09 for level up.
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First Post
"Stop spilling the soup"

Ella Windsor
Neutral Good Wizard - Agnostic

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 10 (0)
Constitution: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 17 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Hit Points (Current/MAX): 6/6

Armor Class: 10 (10 flat-footed, 10 touch)

Quarterstaff: - 1 melee (1d6-1, x2)ATK -7 DMG 1d6-1 CRIT 20/x2

Base Attack: +1

Spells Prepared:

0: Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash

1: Grease, Color Spray

Saving Throws: Fortitude: +0, Reflex +2, Will +5

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Magical Talent, Education (general), Weapon Proficiency (simple)

Skills: Rank (Modified Rank) (Modifiers)

Decipher Script: 4 (7) (INT) +3
Knowledge (arcana): 4 (12) (INT) +3 + 1 (education) + 2 (magical talent) +2 (Level 2)
Knowledge (local): 3 (7) (INT) +3 + 1 (education)
Spellcraft: 4 (9) (INT) +3 + 2 (magical talent)
Concentration: 3 (5) (CON) -1 +3 (Level 2)
Profession (cook): 4 (6) (WIS) +2
UMD: 1 (2) (CHA) +1

Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Orcish

Class Abilites:

Spells: To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, Ella must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a wizard's spell is 10 + the spell level + the wizard's Intelligence modifier (+3).


Weapons and armor: Quarterstaff

Other Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Torch x3, Ink pen, Paper x2, Waterskin, Grimoire, Chalk x2, Flask, 3 days trail rations, flint and steel, components pouch, Candles x4

Quest Items:

Map of sewer, Map case

Wealth: 29 gp


-6 GP for map, case.


0- Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

1- Magic Missle, Color Spray, Grease, Identify, Tenser's Floating Disc, Comprehend Languages

XP: 150 + 360 = 510


Ella washed the floors in the kitchen vigorously.

"Next time I'll know better!" the fat man's sour voice rang out.

Saying nothing, Ella continued scrubbing.

"Thats the fourth batch of soup you've ruined this week! It's a wonder anyone around here gets to eat at all!" the fat man continued.

"Soup. The damn soup. Why do I always knock over the soup?!" Ella thought.

As she scrubbed, Ella remembered a time before she was indentured to Erac Kunstler... when she waited on Nobles and Lords at her father's tavern, when she was a proper student at the Academy, when things made sense.

"Don't doddle with that all day! Clean it up and get back to work!" the fat man's words rang through her head, forcing her to recognize the present.

Life has been hard for this one. Becoming endentured to Erac might be a cruel fate for some, Ella believes it is the Universe paying her back.

A rather sullen 'sorry' was all she could muster.

A striking, albeit frazzled woman, Ella's dark black hair (usually tied in a bun for working in the kitchen) contrasts her pale skin and sharp green eyes.

Ella has significant scarring on her left leg from the fire that destroyed her father's tavern and took his life. She always wears a long robe, even in the summer, usually black.

While carrying her staff, Ella is bound to knock something over. In combat, she can be just as likely to hit an opponent as an ally.

Ella believes she was responsible for the tavern fire that killed her father. This is the main driving force in her life, it has kept her meek despite her considerable magical talents. A talented spellcaster, Ella find great interest in obscure and forgotten tomes and lore.

Ella is woefully clumsy, an odd trait for a chef. However, her meekness and talents keep her in the good graces of everyone that enjoys her food.

Ella picked up enough around her father's tavern to find a job with Kunstler's kitchen staff with the intention of continuing her training under Master Kunstler.

Erac has promised her a familiar, however it would likely end up growing bored of her.

Her peers might say she is a nice girl, if a bit odd. On most occasions, Ella seems distant and introspective, she only seems to smile when pouring over a kettle of stew or a dusty tome. Her lack of focus is the source of her clumsiness, when practicing magic or working in the kitchen Ella is usually pretty focused, only knocking over or breaking 1d4 items per week.[/sblock]
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First Post
Thurst "the TechPriest" Steamhammer
Lawful Neutral Grailwarden Dwarf Cleric of Teun 2

Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 7 (-2)

Hit Points (Current/MAX): 16/17

Armor Class: 16 (14 flat-footed, 12 touch)

Base Attack: +1

Heavy Mace: +0 Melee (1d8, x2)
Dragon Pistol: +2 ranged (1d12, x3, 50') Within 30': +3 ranged (1d12+1, x3)
ammo: 5 shots, powder (5 shots)

Spells prepared:
0 (4): mending, detect magic, light, unprepared
1 (3+1): bless, sanctuary, unprepared, [protection from chaos]

Saving Throws: Fortitude +5, Reflex +2, Will +5
+2 save vs. poison, spells, spell-like effects

Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms), Point Blank Shot

Skills: Concentration 10 (8+2), Heal 6 (4+2), Knowledge (machines) 10 (4+2+2+2), craft (machines) 8 (2+2+2+2), profession (engineer) 6 (2+2+2)

Listen 2 (2) Search 2 (2) Spot 2 (2)

Languages: common, dwarven, celestial, infernal

Class abilities: Turn Undead, Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells, Domains (Law, Technology).

Spells: To prepare or cast a spell, Thurst must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a cleric’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier.

Equipment: License to own a firearm, Ammunition pouch (5 shots), Powder horn (5 shots), artisan's outfit, artisan's tools, wooden holy symbol, backpack, waterskin, rations (5 days)

Weapons and armor: Heavy Mace, Dragon Pistol, Hide Armor, Light Wooden Shield

Wealth: 7g, 5s

Loot: Small chain shirt, studded leather armor, 23 ratling tails

XP: 150 + 360 + 150 + 150 + 150 + 200 = 1160

[sblock= 1 -> 2 changes]
+7 hp
+1 base attack
+1 fort save and will save
+1 level 0 spell
+1 level 1 spell
+4 concentration

Reclusive even by dwarven standards, Thurst comes from a long line of dwarven machinesmiths. Traditional followers of Teun, the Mother of all Machines, Thurst is no exception. There is a certain order in the workings of the mechanical world that the rest of reality could benefit from.

Spending most of his time with machines and books has left Thurst with few social skills and he can often be unpleasant to be around. Often referred to as "TechPriest" due to his dedication to machines, he has very little patience for the workings of biological organisms and often has to be coerced into healing them.

When Thurst was young, his father left home and journeyed to Ptolus, claiming it to be necessary to continue his research. Although he keeps it to himself, Thurst has now come to Ptolus himself in search of what became of his father and his research. He carries with him his father's Dragon Pistol, and an unusual mechanical mace of his own design.

Favoring patience and order, Thurst wisely chose not to immediately jump into the world below Ptolus, and instead worked as an engineer and mechanic throughout the city. He saw in Erac a great opportunity, but little did he know all the trouble that "crazy fool" would put him through.
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First Post
Chaotic Neutral Human Fighter 2

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (--)

Hit Points (Current/Max): 17/20
Armor Class: 18 (16 Flat-footed, 12 Touch)

Base Attack: +2

Master-crafted Longsword: +6 Melee (1d8+2, x2) Crit 19-20/x2
Shortbow: +4 ranged (1d6, x3, 60) Crit x3

Saving Throws: Fortitude +5, Reflex +2, Will +1

Feats: Weapon Focus (Longsword), Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge

Skills: Jump -2 (2+2-6ACP), Ride +3 (1+2), Sense Motive* +3 (2+1), Spot* +2 (1+1), Swim -3 (1+2-6ACP)
*Cross Class Skill

Languages: Common

Class Abilities: Weapon/Armor Proficiencies, Bonus Feats

Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Lamp (Common), Flask of Oil x3, Whetstone, Waterskin, 50ft Hemp Rope, Traveler's Clothing x2

Weapons/Armor: Masterwork Longsword, Scalemail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Shortbow & Quiver (40)

Wealth: 28gp

Mairan's mother died when Mairan was an infant. Her father became despondent due to the loss of his wife and fell into a depression that led him to alcholism and gambling. During one of his sober moments, he gave Mairan to a friend who was a member of the Order of the Fist to be raised. Mairan has no recollection of her parents. While in her early training with the Order, she was summoned to Master Kunstler. As far as Mairan can ascertain, her father died while deep in debt with one of the criminal organizations within the city. Master Kunstler and the organization, during a settling of accounts between them, transfered Mairan's father's debt to Master Kunstler. Mairan is now in the service of Master Knustler in order to clear the debt of a virtual stranger for whom she has no love or respect.

In Kunstler's household, Mairan has been relegated to a position slightly above the completely inanimate belongings. Mairan has to this point been treated as an ignorant, witless servant with no acknowledged skills. There is no task so demeaning or disguisting in the household that she isn't expected to complete it without complaint or hesitation. Mairan fervently hopes that one day she will be able to further the training she had begun with the Order. To help cope with this new adjustment in her life, as well as relieve frustration, Mairan has continued to practice the things she was taught while with the Order.

Mairan has an idealized view of her mother and no knowledge of whether she has any brothers or sisters. Her view of her father is negative to say the very least. Mairan blames her father for her mother's death and imagines that he had done something to precipitate the tragedy. She believes her father was a soulless scoundrel with nothing redeeming to speak of.

Mairan has had some difficulty forming friendships and social connections, her feelings of abandonment and betrayal cast a shadow over most possible relationships. She does however become very loyal and attached to the very few people she manages to form a connection with over time.

XP: 1160

Edit: 2/11/2009: Fixed some errors in skill points.
Edit 01/30/2009: HP should be current for adventure. I mostly skimmed the adventure thread looking for combat, hopefully I didn't miss anything.
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First Post
Reposting Aeshen so I can edit.

Aeshen Jhil'meon
Lawful Neutral Shoal Elf Rogue 2

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity 18 (+1)
Constitution: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 10 (--)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Point (Current/MAX): 10/10

Armor Class: 14 (10 Flat-footed, 14 Touch)

Base Attacks: +1

Rapier: 0 melee (DMG 1d6-1, x1) Crit 18-20/x2

Saving Throws: Fortitude +0, Reflex +7, Will +1

Skills (rank+ability mod+misc?): Appraise +4 (3+1) Balance +5 (1+4) Bluff +4 (2+2) Climb +1 (2-1) Diplomacy +8 (4+2+2) Disable Device +5 (2+1+2) Escape Artist +5 (1+4) Gather Information +5 (3+2) Hide +7 (3+4) Jump +1 (2-1) Knowledge (Local) +2 (1+1) Listen +5 (1+1+2) Move Silently +7 (3+4) Open Lock +9 (3+4+2) Search +6 (3+1+2) Sense Motive +5 (3+2) Sleight of Hand +5 (1+4) Spot +5 (3+2) Tumble +5 (1+4) Use Magical Device +4 (2+2) Use Rope +5 (1+4) Profession (Sailor) +2 (2)

Languages: Common, Shoal Elf, Aquan

Class/Race Abilities:

Evasion, Immunity to Sleep, +2 Sv vs Enchantment, Low Light Vision, Proficiency: Longsword / Rapier / Longbow / Shortbow, +2 Listen/Spot/Search (Incl. Above), Sixth Sense regarding Hidden Portals, Sneak Attack, Trap-finding


Master-crafted thieves Tools, Courtier's Clothing, Traveler's Clothing, Jewelry (Gold hoop earring 5g, Silver Kraken Pendant & Chain 15g, Silver & Garnet Dolphin Ring 10g), Backpack, Grappling Hook, 50ft Hemp Rope

Wealth: 6gp

XP: 1160

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Like his parents before him Aeshen spent most of his youth aboard the deck of a merchant ship. His father had been the first mate aboard the vessel and his mother a servant in the galley.

Life aboard the ship taught Aeshen a great many things but at its core it gave him a love of the sea and of the people who ride her. Before he was ten Aeshen helped out where he could, climbing high into the sails or squeezing himself into the crawl spaces of the vessel iteself. He became the tiny spider aboard the Velvet Crest. It was also during these years that Aeshen taught himself Aquan from various books and scrolls in his father's cabin. As he grew older and began accompanying his father on trade-missions to shore Aeshen discovered he had a knack with people. They naturally liked him and it was quite easy to get them to do what he wanted - whether it be accepting damaged merchandise, giving his father an extroidinarily good price on trade goods, or hosts turning a blind eye to his trysts within their households.

When Aeshen was twenty-one he decided to disembark from his floating home and seek his fortune in the city, his eventual goal to captain his own fleet of merchant vessels. Aeshen found uses for his skills within Ptolus almost immediately. Petty theft came as easily to him as polishing the brightwork in his father's cabin. With equal ease Aeshen began to establish himself among the minor thieves as something of a gentleman and diplomat. Aeshen has made no enemies to his knowledge and prides himself on his nuetrality as far as the petty bickering that usually takes place among thieves.

Six months ago Aeshen was approached by the personal butler of Erac Kunstler. Mr Kunstler had need of someone to assist with the purchase and gathering of various supplies for the househould. The pay offered was paltry but the opportunities a patron like Kunstler would make available for Aeshen were too valuable to pass up. Aeshen has been serving as a minor representative of Kunstlerhaus for the last eleven weeks, using his ties within the business and criminal communities to get whatever the butler requires - often in greater quantities or of better quality then originally asked for - at no additional cost.

Aeshen is driven by a need to make himself known among people who matter and he dresses the part. He drapes his handsome and ship-hardened body in the finest fashions of the day. He accentuates his appearance with modest jewelry inspired by the sea: A silver kraken pendant, a silver ring in the shape of a dolphin with a garnet for an eye, and a tradional sailors hoop dangle from his ear. He has an aura of calm and poise that seems to comfort people and he is quite proficient in using that to manipulate them to do whatever his heart desires. Again, his eventual goal is to have many ships flying under his flag, making him the fortune he desires and finally allowing himself to be the Prince of the Seas that he envisions himself as.

Aeshen is a rogue and is no stranger to the skills at a rogue's disposal. His nimble fingers can defly disable complex traps and locks in seconds and he seems to melt into shadows whenever the whim strikes him. However, whenever possible Aeshen happily allows others to do his dirty work for him, something that invariably doesnt cost him very much, thanks to his charm and demeanor.

Edited Feb-8-09 for level up. I can't find anywhere he took damage atm but I will keep looking. I think I counted the skill points right -- it doesn't indicate clearly but it looks like he has ranks first.
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