Ptolus: The Prison of the Sahuagin Queen

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"Any ideas on how to deal with those? Should've brought some fire I suppose." muses Maugra, regretting her lack of preparation.

Garn shudders in disgust at the crawling mass. "Bugs don't like fire?" He asks Maugra as he reaches into a belt pouch. He draws forth a ceramic flask and hefts it once judging its mass. With a powerful heave he hurls the flask into the mass of the swarm snarling "There better be some more !@#$ing jewels down here. Traps, filthy water, bugs." As the flask shatters there is a spray of the oil and pitch alchemical concoction it contained. Upon contact with the air the concoction bursts into flames that start to crisp a large area of the bugs. Garn's eyes light up in the bright flames and a smile breaks across his ugly face. "I bet the stacks of paper in the Pelican'd make an even prettier flame." Having sloshed through the water to get here Garn readies to spring through an opening past any remaining bugs once the flames die down enough.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
As the group steps away from the front door, they find their strides taking them far further than they could have expected. The group stands, it appears, in the wastes of a desert, perhaps even the Great Desert of Uraq, far to the south.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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