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Pathfinder 1E Puzzle needed for opening door

Answering riddles are fun. Especially if you can pick riddles with overlapping answers that provide a key when combined.

A personal favourite is a series of domino-like blocks set into the wall beside the door, with varying numbers of pips: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. There's space in the door for one block and you have to pick the one that's not like the others. Every wrong guess shocks the party (you always have to think about how to avoid mass power solutions).

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They're in an ancient mage's complex, whichever you think would be most suitable, thanks.

Gates of Amandeir

A double-height stone door bars the way into Amandeir. It is inscribed with four rulers of different races raising their weapons aloft while pledging an oath with hands on their chests. The eladrin queen bears a scepter, the human king a sword, the dwarf king a hammer, and the elf king a staff. A foreboding eye in a sun motif overlooks the rulers. Around the edges a riddle is inscribed in Common , Dwarven, and Elven:

I’m the center of the wood, but matter most when made of gold,
I’m jealous when there’s fire, yet sharpest when I am cold,
When bound in stone, I stand alone, when secret, I am near,
When forged of glass, I shatter, when I die, of fear.


“Heart” is the answer to the riddle, and the hand of each ruler at their heart can be opened by saying “Heart” to the door, revealing holes bored into the stone. When all are opened, the weapons shift from stone and become real.

To open the door the weapons must be inserted in the holes in this order: (1) Eladrin Queen – Staff; (2) Human King - Scepter; (3) Dwarf King – Hammer; (4) Elf King – Sword.

Then they must be rearranged in this order: (1) Eladrin Queen – Hammer; (2) Human King – Sword; (3) Dwarf King – Staff; (4) Elf King – Scepter.

Explaining the 1st Combo

Each of the following verses represents one of the races.

I’m at the center of the woods = staff (made of wood)
Matter most when made of gold = scepter (sign of regency)
I’m jealous when there’s fire = hammer (at the forge)
Sharpest when I am cold = sword (finished forging)

Explaining the 2nd Combo

Next the positions of the weapons are moved, according to a characteristic flaw of each race described in the following lines.

Bound in stone I stand alone = move staff to dwarf

When secret I am near = move scepter to elf
When forged of glass I shatter = move hammer to eladrin
When I die of fear = move sword to human

Attack (when weapons placed in wrong order)

Opportunity Attack, Close Blast 2 (all in blast)
A booming ghostly voice and blast of scathing light emanate from the eye in the sun engraved on the door.
Attack: +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8+4 radiant and thunder damage and knocked prone
Effect: Once the door “attacks” the PCs’ cover is blown. They have one more round to try, but after that add 5 minions per round until the PCs are defeated or escape.


Intelligence DC 10: The rhyming of the lines suggests that there might be two separate solutions to this puzzle, or that two solutions are required.
Intelligence DC 18: Figure out one move (see ANSWER).
Arcana DC 22: Strong abjuration and transmutation magic was worked into the door when it was made. Portions of the door should be able to move or change with the right command.
Perception DC 22: The hands and weapons of the engraved rulers are especially weathered.


Channel Divinity: Expend a use when the door “attacks” to reduce damage by half and resist getting knocked prone.
Dive Underwater: DC 22 Endurance to find a tiny crack big enough for a small character to squeeze through. Failure costs 1 healing surge.


The massive doors open, allowing the PCs entry to Amandeir.

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