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Q'Barra: Into the Emerald Forest


First Post
Aftermath, Sanae (14/42)

With her foe beaten, Sanae slumped slightly, finally realizing the seriousness of her injuries. She regained her composure quickly and turned to face the khorovaran woman who spoke. WHile Xavier answered, Sanae sheathed her weapon before speaking as well.

"You have nothing to fear from us, as my companion said. The one who attacked us is vanquished, we are not full of blood lust." She paused, then nodded to Xavier. "We also have no need for your wages. However, I would like to see what the captain, here, had in his quarters. We may find something of importance there."

She looked at the corpse of Kajalaketh and closed her eyes for a moment, saying a silent prayer.

I must ask the others if they knew what he was saying. In our dreams? What form of evil did we face here?

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First Post
Searching Kajalaketh

Kajalaketh is dressed in loose fitting clothing. His only adornment, apart from his headdress which has been knocked askew, is a gold ankle bracelet set with tiny gemstones which seem to change color as they shift in the light. The workmanship is very different from anything you’ve ever seen before, but exquisitely done.

‘He has no name’ recognizes that Kajalaketh’s tattoos (which have once again rearranged themselves to be away from damaged portions of his skin) are psionic tattoos – single manifestations of a psionic power trapped in ink on the flesh until released. There are three inscribed upon him. The warforged cannot identify them, however.

Kajalaketh’s scimitar is composed not of steel, but a purplish crystalline substance. The decorative lines and swirls are similar to those on his jewelry. Both are works of art that rival even the craftsmanship of elven masters. There are no other items of interest on his person.


First Post
Xavier turned with a wry smile from checking Kalajeketh's corpse addressing Sanae, and Erin. "Would one of you lovely ladies like a slightly used ankle bracelet? Only one previous owner! Seriously though, why don't we gather up this stuff, check his quarters and get on our way. No sense in delaying these fine people any longer."

Turning to address the crew "Can one of you show us to your previous captain's quarters? I'd like to check them out before we go."


Old borden, human Clr4

Devian Borden
Old Borden

Human male, Cleric 4 of the Sovereign Host
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 67
Languages: Common, Halfling, Celestial
XP: 300

Str 6 (-2)
Dex 9 (-1)
Con 8 (-1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 19 (+4)
Cha 16 (+3)

Action Points: 7

HD 4d8-4 (hp 19) Current: 15

Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 .......... [base 30, light armor]

AC 15 ... [base 10, +5 armor, -1 dex, +1 deflection]
- Touch 10 ........ [base 10, -1 dex, +1 deflection]
- Flat Footed 15 .. [base 10, -1 dex, +1 deflection]

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +8

BAB +3, Grapple +1

- Quarterstarff +2 melee (1d6-2, bludgeoning 20x2)
- Crossbow +3 ranged (1d8, piercing, 19-20x2, 20 ft.)


+6 Concentration ......[7 ranks, -1 con]
+10 Diplomacy ..........[7 ranks, +3 cha]
+9 Knowledge(religion).[7 ranks, +2 int]
+1 Knowledge(history)..[1 rank, +2 int]
+5 Heal................[1 rank, +4 wis]
+5 Craft (woodworking).[1 rank, +4 wis]
+6 Sense motive (cc)...[2 ranks, +4 wis]

- Scribe scroll
- Sacred Boost
- Extra turning

Turn undead: 9
10/day, 60ft
check: 1d20+3
damage: 2d6+7

-Sun (greater turning 1/day)
-Healing (+1 CL healing spells)


Lv0 (DC 14) 5
Cure minor wounds, Guidance, Detect magic, Light, Purify food and drink

Lv1 (DC 15) 4+1
Bless, Cause fear, Sanctuary, Nimbus of light* + Endure elements

Lv2 (DC 16) 3+1
Curse of ill fortune*, Hold person, Delay Poison + Heat metal

*: Complete Divine


Chain Shirt +1...................1250gp
Mwk Quarterstaff / Holy symbol....300gp
Ring of protection +1 ...........2000gp
Mwk light crossbow................335gp
Bolts x30...........................3gp
Cloack of resistance +1 .........1000gp
Wand of cure light wounds x30 ....450gp
Pocket knife........................2gp
-Rations x2
-writing tools and parchment


Devian is a neutral good cleric of the Sovereign host.
When he was younger he served in the war, fighting against the Karranthi
(that's why he hates undead) but he was always in support,
healing the wounded -a thing he's always had a knack for.

For 30 years he's been content with being a small town cleric,
helping refugees and people fleeing from the fronts.
He never wanted profit and will heal anyone who needs it.

Now that the war is finally over, he intends to fullfill a
promise made to a halfling friend who died in his care, to
find out what happened to his family, a young dragonmarked
halfling of house Jorasco with a wife and infant son who
dissapeared in one of their travels 20 years ago.

For the last two years Devian has been joining bands of adventurers
and honing up his skills, he discovered that he enjoys life on the
road and adventure makes him feel younger.

Tall and thin, Old borden has weathered olive skin. He is completely bald, but keeps a short and thick white beard he usually strokes while thinking.
His green eyes look intelligent and happy.

He wears loose priest robes, tied by a sash on the waist from which the silver holy symbol of the Sovereign host hangs. Underneath the robes a fine chain shirt can be seen.
Borden uses a quarterstaff bound with mithril and with an embedded holy symbol as a focus for his power, walking aid and ocassional weapon. When he travels he hangs his crossbow and a small backpack on his back.

Old borden is wise and kind. He has seen a lot of good and bad in the world, and since the days of the war he dedicated himself to selflessly help those in need. He is a positive fellow, always in a good mood. He preaches the Host's teachings but is no fanatic, he accepts that many are faithless or neglect their worship, Borden hopes that by his acts of good he will set an example and win them over.

He doesnt tolerate liers and is a very good judge of character.

You can always find with him a small pocket knife that he uses to carve wood when he has time, and candles for a nightly prayer.

He prays for spells and guidance at night before sleeping or first thing in the morning. He prefers praying at night for spells of a more agressive nature.

Borden steps onboard. His face saddened by the resemblance the scene has with some from his worst days at the war. Without hesitation he starts looking for the wounded and still living. Comrades first, but also the neutral sailors and the enemy soldiers.

He unconsiously rubs the healing flesh of his formerly scorched arm.

ooc: -well, I'm back to work.

- Borden can consume his remaining spells and use his Sacred Boost ability to heal the following hps: So, everyone who recieved wounds can consider themselves the target of one of them. The more seriously wounded first (sanae?)
Urko, after you've posted who was healed, I'll scratch them from my spell list and turn attempts. Notice the up to date sheet.
- DM, companions: Great fight!


First Post

Erin refuses to speak for a while after the assault. It is obvious that, even over the years, the sight of combat leaves her with much to be desired.

As Kajalaketh utters his last words, it sends a fright into Erin, shocking her from her speechlessness. "In our dreams..." she mutters, thinking back to the horrible nightmare she had a few scant days ago. As she thinks of the dream, she wracks her memory of something very similar...

However, the act of defiance from the crew brings her back to the present. She is shocked at the bravery of the crewwoman, and pleasantly surprised at Xavier's response. She echoes in her thoughts that Sanae is having a positive effect on the group, raising them to the higher standard that they've needed in a while. She tries her best to look unthreatening to the rest of the crew.

When Xavier makes his joking offer, Erin replies "actually, I would like to examine the equipment that our foe was carrying. Maybe it can shed some light on his mysterious parting words." Unless anyone has any questions, Erin takes her time examining his headress, the ankle bracelet, and the scimitar.

She accepts one of Borden's cure spells, and as Xavier mentions checking out the cabin, Erin offers that she wishes to remain topside, to examine the equipment.

OOC: Erin's got a lot to do. She will:
-- Knowledge (arcana) check 1d20+2 = 19 on things about travelling in dreams
-- Knowledge (the planes) check 1d20+2 = 8 on "eternal" creatures that might inhabit others
She will then examine each of the three pieces of equipment specified above:
-- Artificer Knowledge check 1d20+4+2 = 26 on the headdress for magical powers (holding for 1 minute)
-- Artificer Knowledge check 1d20+4+2 = 25 on the ankle bracelet for magical powers (holding for 1 minute)
-- Craft (armorsmith) check 1d20+11 = 24 on the ankle bracelet to determine if it is used as some sort of armor protection (like a ring of protection).
-- Artificer Knowledge check 1d20+4+2 = 26 on the scimitar for magical powers (holding for 1 minute)
-- Craft (weaponsmith) check 1d20+11 = 16 + 1d6 (action point) = 17 on the scimitar to determine its material composition.

If I detect magical properties on one of the items, let me know and I will identify them.

Also, FYI I have 5 of 7 action points left, and have used 2 1st-level infusions today.


First Post
Searching the patrol boat

The crew watches in silence as Xavier loots their captain’s body. Borden passes amongst you, dispensing healing and looking for surviving soldiers. Sanae, Xavier, and Erin have done their grim work all too well, but Borden does find one still breathing. The old priest’s healing magic restores him to consciousness. The soldier leans up on one elbow to view the devastation around him. He unleashes a torrent of Riedran. His words are unknown to you, but his tone is venomous.

When Xavier asks to see the captain’s quarters, there is an awkward pause. The first mate finally speaks up. ”Right this way.” She indicates a hatch in the center of the deck, about one third of the way up from the stern. She crosses over and opens it. The crew backs away as Sanae and Xavier approach, keeping as far away as possible at all times. The first mate leads the way down the short flight of steps.

The lower deck is more brightly lit than one might expect. In addition to the sunlight streaming in through the oar holes, there are two everbright lanterns that provide even, almost cheerful illumination. The rowing benches are widely spaced, with hammocks slung in the spaces between. Behind the staircase, at the rear of the boat, is a simple wooden door. The first mate bites her lip as the paladin and scout approach it, then calls out. ”Wait. Don’t touch it. It’s trapped.” She gently pushes Sanae and Xavier aside and stands before the door. She speaks a quick phrase in a lilting tongue while making the same gesture Kajalaketh greeted you with. The door swings open and she goes over to sit on the steps. ”I’ll wait for you here.”

The cramped cabin is amazingly opulent for such a small space. The bed has a feather mattress and intricately patterned silk sheets. A beautiful everbright lantern is suspended from the ceiling. There is an open footlocker at the end of the bed. It contains fine clothes and grooming tools, including several bottles of perfume.

A desk and matching chair carved of a deep red wood take up most of the rest of the space. The desk has only one drawer, which is empty save for a roll of sheepskin on which is inscribed a proclamation empowering Kajalaketh to wield the authority of the crown as part of the Royal River Patrol. It bears the seal of the king. There are a few papers on the desk, mostly navigation charts. A few are covered with an unfamiliar script which seems to consist of circles surrounded by swirling embellishments. There is also a small metal chest, about a foot square and eight inches deep. The keyhole is surrounded by four green gems, possibly emeralds.

Tacked to the wall above the desk is a detailed map of Khorvaire, done in full color with most major settlements and national borders noted. Xavier notices that Newthrone is circled in blue, as is Sharn. Several other cities are circled as well: Trolanport and Korranberg in black, Karrlakton and Regalport in green, and Fairhaven and a few other communities in Aundaire and Karrnath in red.

Erin becomes oblivious to all else as she immerses herself in examining Kajalaketh’s gear. She detects no magic in any of it, although she feels something unusual from the sword – similar to the feeling she got from examining Aldinis’ rod the night before. She guesses that it may be imbued with psionic power. The material is easier to identify – it is Riedran crysteel. Erin has read about it, but never actually seen it up close. In addition to being almost as strong as metal, it is said to act as a conduit for psionic power.

About the nature of the being, Erin is less certain. She has heard of the mysterious kalashtar, and seems to recall that although they come from Sarlona, they are reputed to originally have been refugees from the Plane of Dreams, spirits that inhabit human bodies. Perhaps Kajalaketh was one of them - his appearance and manner of dress are certainly similar.

Borden and ‘he has no name’ note that as time passes the crew seem to be growing more fearful and tense and are becoming restless.

Borden’s healing was distributed as follows: Sanae 21; Xavier, Erin, and enemy soldier 13 each.
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First Post
Searching Kajalaketh's Quarters

Sanae gladly accepts Borden's healing before venturing down with Xavier. She is very pleased with Xavier's present attitude and makes a note to mention it to him later.

Once inside the room Sanae looks around slowly before turning to Xavier. "I believe the only things of use are those charts and the map, as well as the chest. If we can manage to find a way to open it. I do not see the point in taking everything, only that which may help us identify our foe and nail down their intentions. I am uneasy being separated from the others, I think we should hurry back."

After regarding the chest she began to search the room for a key. "If we cannot find a key, perhaps we can take the entire chest with us and open it later..."

Sanae will try to search the room for a key to the chest.Search Check: 8 not that she's bloody likely to find a damn thing...
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First Post
Room Search

Xavier makes a quick pass of the room and then gives a more detailed look at the chest itself to determine if it is trapped. "Miss do you have any idea where the key for this chest is? It would be a great asset for us all of us. Again, I tell you that I will not be taking your payroll. Just looking for more items of interest."

After his search, Xavier will take the Khorvaire map, Kalajeketh's sheepskin authorization papers, and the papers with the strange seals.

Room Search = 11
Trapfinding = 26


First Post
"Sanae, I'm pretty certain that's the payroll. We can force the lock if needed, but there is no reason to take their money, as I'm sure they'll forget about us once we are gone."

Xavier addresses the first mate. "Right miss? No need to mention us at all is there? I'm sure lizardfolk or bandits were the cause of the problem here, don't you think?"

Sanae posted as I was typing, so I thought I'd post a new response, instead of just editing my earlier one.


First Post
Erin senses the crew's nervousness, and looks over to Borden and He-Has-No-Name. "Perhaps we should be going." She returns the headdress, ankle bracelet, and scimitar to the captain's deceased body. As she places the scimitar on the body, laying it across the chest, she pauses a second as thinks to herself "Riedran crysteel... so it looks like psionicists abe behind this. Looks like we were right to hide our gifts from the patrol." She shows all due reverence to the body, as well as the others that fell in combat.

Erin calls out to below decks. "Sanae! Xavier! Are you ready? Let's be on our way." She looks over her shoulder to Calabas and Eff Flat on the Kolbek's Pride, making sure they are still safe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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