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Q'Barra: Into the Emerald Forest


'he has no name' warforged

Urko said:
”Now, before we reach the stage of signing contracts, I expect you will have some questions for me.”

'he has no name' considers the khorovar's words in silence. The warforged considers the ornate stonework of the pillars across the room. His gaze follows the complex pattern of sweeps and whirls that he can see no rational for. Aesthetics has never been something he really understood. He supposes that the living would describe them as beautiful. He supposes that the 'unfortunate conclusions' that the messenger's employer has come to are not unreasonable ones. Of human interaction, and conflict 'he has no name' has more understanding.

He considers the task on offer and its likely implications. The wilds are not an environment he has much experience with. He considers the others sitting around the table. Some look like they do have that expereince. He considers the amount on offer*. And how that goes divided 6 ways. He considers the possiblity of conflict with one of the Dragonmarked houses. The houses are not to be crossed without careful considerration, and good reason. He re-considers the messenger's words carefully. They are not being asked to do more than inform their employer of any third party involvement they discover. But if there is a third party, they would act to resist any attempts to stop the raids. But even a Dragonmarked House could not act openly to support raiding parties.

'he has no name' looks over to Erin, then Xavier. He waits to see what others have to say.

ooc: * doghead digs out his Campaign Setting book ... er, 1 galifar = 1 gp? sp? cp?

Not the most talkative fellow is he. I just can't see him opening the conversation.

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One galifar = 1 gold. It's in the Sharn: City of Towers sourcebook but originated on the official Eberron forums.
cp = crown
sp = sovereign
gp = galifar
pp = dragon


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Twenty thousand galifars... more than enough to begin work on that iron defender I've been reading up on. Erin takes a look over to Xavier, then to He-Has-No-Name, then looks up to the khorovar. "An interesting proposal, for sure. I myself have not been to that area of Q'Barra before. Have you, Xavier?"

"Anyway, I do have some questions. The first is travel. Will travel be provided? If not, do you know of where to procure transportation? Secondly, do you know where the tribe makes their home? Any other information about the tribe would be helpful. I know little about the poison dusks except of what I have seen firsthand. One thing I do know is that these lizardfolk, as their name implies, tend to use poisoned weapons. Is there a place to procure antitoxins and the like nearby? Plus, I can't speak for the others, but I am short of funds to safely brave the wilds of Q'Barra, so is an advance negotiable?"

"I am definitely interested in taking the job. What of the others?" she says, looking around at the group.


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"If we would need to act as a warband to solve this problem, then knowing the numbers and tactics of the poison dusk tribes, particullarly this one, would be essential. If we are to gather information through less straightfoward means, then knowing something of the personell and layout of the mining enclave could also prove important..."

Shar pauses and looks as if he is thinking to himself, trying to decide weather or not to add something ((Bardic Knowledge http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=76199 to see if I have heard any stories about Kolbek Novilderth or http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=76200 the Clan of Three Feathers))


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Calabas answers Erin's questions

Calabas nods thoughtfully at Erin's barrage of questions. "Transportation will indeed be provided. Mr. Novilderth has several small river vessels, one of which I brought here and will use to pilot you to the plantation, should you accept. At the conclusion of your mission you will be brought back to Newthrone."

"Most of my duties for Mr. Novilderth are performed away from the plantation grounds, so I'm afraid I have little information concerning the lizard folk to offer. I'm sure he can be more helpful on that point. As for the tribe's location, it is my understanding that no map of the area is presently available, but you will be provided with a general location. Tracking them down will be a part of your job description."

"You are correctly informed regarding the poison dusks' predilection for venoms. A supply of anti-toxin would be a wise precaution in any event, as the jungles are home to a number of poisonous species of snakes, lizards, amphibians, and vermin. Mr. Novilderth is concerned with both the success of the mission and your own personal safety and has authorized me to make funds available for any gear you may need - up to one thousand galifars, which will be considered expenses and not part of your pay."
He smiles. "If I may suggest, DiCorso's Exotic Liquers and Alchemical Marvels, on Thronehold Square, may have what you're looking for."
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"Your Plantation Master is wise in wishing those who serve him well, for in his generosity, he earns respect and...dare I say, some level of loyalty. It seems or voyage must needs begin with a meeting of your Plantation Master and ourselves, should we agree to these terms you have brought us. Perhaps you can answer the one question that bares itself unto my mind? You say there are raids. You say little life is lost. You speak of destruction of your posessions. Is nothing taken? Is nothing missing? You are losing, yes? So what is someone else gaining?"


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Who is who?

ValenarJaeldira and ByteRynn:
I tried to email and PM you both, but neither of you is accepting either, so I'll need to address this here. I thought that ValenarJaeldira was playing Dargin and ByteRynn was playing Shar, but the above two posts have me confused. Are you both the same person? If so, I don't think it's fair to take two slots in this game when I had to turn people away. Please choose one character to continue. The other will be written out of the story and an alternate player will be brought in.

If I am mistaken about this and there is some other explanation, please let me know what that explanation is and accept my apologies.


'he has no name' warforged

A boat trip!

'he has no name' adds another check to the 'pros' column. At the mention of the thousand gilifars, he adds another. Although more for the dogs benefit than his own, he ammends. He needs his meat.

When the messenger has finished with the last question, the warforged adds his own.

"Do any treaties with these lizardfolk exist? Is it possible that another holy site has been disturbed? Has there been any communication between your employer and the lizardfolk?"


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Sanae Considers The Proposal

Sanae quietly considered Calabas' words, then focused on Erin and her many questions. She adjusted uncomfortable in her seat as the questions were answered and she had the opportunity to speak her mind.

"If I might inquire, sir, what events led up to these raids? I'm sure it seems mundane to you, but from my position it does seem rather odd. Were relations with this clan previously good, and if so, was there anything on your master's end that changed? And, as Dagrin mentioned, what is being gained from the raids on the part of the Lizardfolk? if there is no loss of life, what is there?"

She adjusted in her seat again, apparently fighting to keep from fidgiting in her seat.Lizardfolk? these cannot be the same band that attacked my group and left me stranded here. They must be treated with respect and fairness, we cannot go in to this with swords drawn. I must insist upon a peaceful resolution as the first choice of action. Nevermind that having a Dragonmarked House involved could further complicate matters.

She looked to Calabas again, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You mentioned a mine run by House Tharashk, and they are having no difficulties with this tribe? That is highly unusual, but might I inquire about your Master's affiliation with this mine? Is he on friendly terms, have there been any previous difficulties? I realize this is presumptious, but I feel that we must be fully informed of all avenues of investigation before commiting ourselves to this task."


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Xavier Questions Motive

Xavier listened to the description of the task with a rather blank expression on his face. He spent most of the time contemplating his water, occassionally with a scowl on his face. I'll have to explain to Erin later that I've decided to try to give up drinking, yet again, and this time I plan on sticking to it.

Before addressing Calabas he answered Erin's query, "I've been near that way once or twice. The lizardfolk tribes of the area are typically tolerant unless provoked."

He then looked to Calabas pointedly. "Twenty-thousand galifars to find out the motivations of some lizardfolk? There must be more to it than that, and I figure we got a right to know now, before we sign away our lives."

I'll probably do this job no matter what, but might as well die with my eyes open instead of closed.
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