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Can someone please tell me, if there has been a thread in the nearer past that dealt about potions - better: creating potions under 3.5 rules which encompassed page 89 of the PHB and pages 229 and 286 of the DMG?

If there wasn't such thing, is anyone interested to discuss a list of quaffable potions and oils under above mentioned rules?

Eagerly awaiting replies :D

Kind regards

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da chicken

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Seeing as there's nothing inherently broken -- mechanically speaking -- with a potion of fireball or a potion of summon monster, all the restrictions and limitations for potions are entirely flavor-based. In short, your DM should judge what is and is not brewable. Seeing as Brew Potion is nearly worthless as it is now, I'd be willing to say that Brew Potion allows you to create single-use spell effects for all spells 3rd level and below. IMC, of course.

Really, I challenge you to find a spell that can't be explained by a drinkable potion, throwable vial, or spreadable oil.


An interesting house rule that can make potions more interesting:

Double their cost (gold, experience, etc ...). Make using them a free action equivalent to using a quickened spell. You'll usually still need to use a move action to fetch them, but using one as a free action makes them very useful.

I've just adopted this as a house rule. I'll let you know how it pans out.
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da chicken said:
Really, I challenge you to find a spell that can't be explained by a drinkable potion, throwable vial, or spreadable oil.

I actually agree with ya for the most part, but this is fun :).

Power Words, if only for the same reason that Silent Power Words are funny :), and Command.

"Power Oil, Stun" is comical though :)

Arcane Eye also comes to mind and most of the 'Summons a Magical Sensor" spells.

Contigency (And well, the new PGF spell of Spell Enhancer) feel like they'd fail, as would most of the more 'metamagic' type spells.

da chicken

First Post
Diirk said:
Call lightning?


I produce a dark, glass vial and smash it at my feet. A black, rumbling cloud spews forth and rises above the battlefield, unleashing furious bolts of electricity at those I select.

reiella said:
I actually agree with ya for the most part, but this is fun :).

Power Words, if only for the same reason that Silent Power Words are funny :), and Command.

"Power Oil, Stun" is comical though :)

Arcane Eye also comes to mind and most of the 'Summons a Magical Sensor" spells.

Contigency (And well, the new PGF spell of Spell Enhancer) feel like they'd fail, as would most of the more 'metamagic' type spells.

Well, the power words and arcane eye are all over 3rd level, but I do get the distinct image of a character chugging a 2-liter sized potion and unleashing a belch with terrifying effects for power word, kill.

As far as arcane eye... hm. The character produces a tiny jar with a disembodied eye floating in a briney fluid. Opening the jar releases the eye, and drinking the fluid connects the eye to your mind. The eye instantly vanishes from sight, and follows your mental directions.
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First Post
Ladies and Gents!

This is going off topic. I meant it - really - by pointing out the texts in the PHB and DMG respectively!

I am the DM, :D, Mr. DaChicken, and I wanted to read from you all what potions are quaffable. A potion of Shield comes to my mind, because the spell has a range of "personal"; and a "potion of Call Lightning" is not the thing that I was looking for :).

I really would enjoy to see a whole list of potions that are brewable considering:

1.) ... potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. [...] The one that drinks the potion is the target of the spell. PHB 89

2.) A potion can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute. [...] The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target. DMG 229

3.) […] The imbiber of the potion is both the caster and the target; therefore, spells such as shield other cannot be stored in potion form. Spells with a range of personal cannot be made into potions, so spells such as shield never exist in potion form. […] DMG 286

If you are interested indeed, let me read your opinions, suggestions or other contributions to a list of quaffable potions (and applicable oils etc.).

Is someone interested in pointing out potions or oils (3.5 only) that are found in various adventures (WotC, Green Ronin, Mongoose and all other great companies)?

Kind regards
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Danjin Masutaa
Well then, it seems you already know.

All the spells, up to 3rd level, with a range other than "personal" can be made into potions.

Do you really want someone to list all those spells out for you??



First Post
Tatsukun said:
All the spells, up to 3rd level, with a range other than "personal" can be made into potions.

There are a few more exceptions other than the "personal"-thing :) as you know.

There a many books with spells to make potions of. To put it boldly: Yes, I'd like to get help from someone who has the nerv to make a list with really usable and "legal" potions (not only producable but totally useless potions). ;)

I think about the BoVD, the BoED, the MH, the PHB and the CW.

At least, I'd really like to have someone explain me what it means: "that targets one or more creatures". Are only spells brewable that have "one or more creatures" in the description of Target/Area? What about Detect Undead or Acid Orb, Lesser, Charm Person?

You understand me, Tatsukun?

Kind regards
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Li Shenron

Scharlata said:
At least, I'd really like to have someone explain me what it means: "that targets one or more creatures". Are only spells brewable that have "one or more creatures" in the description of Target/Area? What about Detect Undead or Acid Orb, Lesser, Charm Person?

I think it really means the spell entry says Target: one creature or any variation of that, such as "creature touched", "one creature/level" and so on.

A specific exclusion is a spell which has Range: personal (which normally has Target: you).

The following notes are IMHO only, they are not adressed anywhere that I am aware of, so it's DM's adjudication, clear? ;)

1) you can make a potion if instead of generic "creature" the spell affects only a type or subtype (such as humanoid); the potion simpy doesn't work on creatures of different types

2) if the target is more than one creature, a single dose of potion can still affect only one

Furthermore, I really think that only spells with beneficial effects can be made into potions. Again, this is not adressed by the rules, but when they say that the drinker is both the caster and the ones who gets the effects, it means basically that. I have never seen a potion of Charm Person, and by this ruling if you drink such a potion, what happens? Do you charm yourself? Definitely it doesn't grant you the power of casting charm person on someone else: you drink the potion, therefore you are the charmed, if such a potion exist. You can rule otherwise, if you want Potions to be just a mean to let anyone cast spells (in which case, I see no reason to restrict the spell in any way besides level).

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