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Question About Maximize Spell


The feat MAXIMIZE spell is applied to a single spell or for all?, I mean, when you cast a maximized fire ball spell, you can also cast another maximized spell using the same feat? or...you must spend another feat to be able to cast another spell?

I have a new group of friends that says that you can use one maximize feat for all spell and others says (another group olders and more experimented than others of my new party) that if you can maximize all spell spending just one feat you`re like a living GOD (in some case, I agree).

Maybe I´m a fool for spennd one feat (maximize) each time I want to maximize an spell, no matter if I wrong or not, but then, I must consider myself better player than my new friends for playing more difficult all these year before?


PD: God Bless...you.

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
With one feat, you can apply it to any spell that fits the description. The cost is that it takes up a higher level spell slot, so you can't do it to your higher level spells. You also have to prepare them that way, at the beginning of the day, unless you're a Sorcerer or a Bard.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
If you want the quotes:
Wizards and divine spellcasters must prepare their spells in advance. During preparation, the character chooses which spells to prepare with metamagic feats (and thus which ones take up higher-level spell slots than normal).
A maximized spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
So you have to be 11th level just to maximize a Fireball, 7th to maximize a Magic Missle.


First Post
my gruop say you can maxamise your spell past your caster level to the highest it can go.
eg. if you are casting a fire ball 7lvl it dose 7d6 damage maxamise to 36 but they say it is maxamised from 7d6 to 10d6 60 maxamise damage
but i say you cant maxamise past your caster lvl. would i be right?


[MENTION=83738]whorobbedme[/MENTION], You may not use any metamagic feat to cast a spell in a spell slot you don't have access to, so a 10th level Wizard, who has access to spells up to 5th level, would only cast spells at 5th level, as a 10th level caster. This means a level 2 spell could be maximized to take up a 5th level spell slot for the day.

A 10th level Wizard could not Maximize a 3rd level spell, because that would bump the spell up to a 6th level, which a 10th level Wizard cannot cast.

A 10th level Wizard has a caster level of 10, Maximize would not increase the caster level, therefore would not add die to damage of the fireball spell. It would deal the most damage a level 10 (or whatever level you're at) could deal.


First Post
Okay, look as what people have been saying you can't apply metamagic for free, unless you have a feature that says you can. What you need to remember wizards and most divine casters prepare spells in other words while they may be able to cast spells of their caster level but they can't actually store them until they have slots to do so because they apply metamagic at the beginning of the day. So, a wizard can't actually have and cast a 9th level spell until level 16. Sorcerers, bards, and other spontaneous casters though apply metamagic while casting so they can cast a maximized fireball even though they don't have a 7th level slot in their spells per day. Spontaneous casters are not off the hook though, since they apply it while casting they increase the time cast. If a spell is cast as a standard action applying one metamagic ability is a move action making it a full round total, but adding one more is another round again to cast. Prepared casters do not have increased casting time.


The Maximize Feat doesn't affect caster level, so it won't add any dice to the damage output.

Instead it adds to the level of the spell slot used.

To address the original question:

Maximize gives the caster the ability to maximize the damage of any spell prepared with it, and you can prepare as many Maximized spells as you can fit in your available slots.

As for "maximizing above your caster level", the answer is no. No matter what you mean by that, or how you're asking it, the answer is no. Just, no.

Now there is a separate feat called "Sudden Maximize". This feat allows you to Maximize one spell per day without it taking up a higher spell slot.

That feat would have to be taken several times if you wanted to Maximize several spells in the same day.


First Post
my group have a rod of maxamize spell. and war broke out cos one of the players could not except that the spells damage did not go to its max caster lvl 10d6( as he said thats what the feet says it dose) and only did max damage for his caster lvl.

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