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ZEITGEIST Question about starting Zeitgeist


Is the Reason for his Voyage: "Creation of Life"?

I guess so. I got a mixed up actually; I told the PCs he was visiting the Danoran Consulate to get a travel visa. I just assumed it was to go to Danor, but then I read the section on him in the module and it turns out he's just come from Danor and is on his way to Ber. (What's he doing in the consulate then?) So now I have decided he must be going to a conference organised by a famous Drakr Professor in Danor on 'Theories in Harnessing Electro-Arcane Waves and the Potential Creation of Life'.

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He was going to make sure his visa (granted courtesy of Danor, since most Malice Lands nations aren't internationally recognized) was properly in order. He'd have to go to Ber's consulate after that.


Right - I have an observation. Adventure 2 Dying Skyseer is going really well in my opinion but the players are somewhat mystified. As far as they are concerned, they solved the murder int he first scene - its just a common thief killed by LeBrix. So what's the mystery? Why - after saving the world in adventure 1 - are these elite cops worrying about following some leads for this totally solved non-important case?

here is what they are saying:

PlayerA: So far our objective is a little unclear. At first, it was 'solve a murder', but Nilesa's death was justified homicide--unless we want to start an international incident. So our objective shifted to 'uncover the conspiracy via Recklinhouser', who was our best lead. Unfortunately, Porter's been ahead of us this whole time messing with our evidence, which makes it personal, and he has Super Kewl Powerz.

PlayerB: The premise isn't all that strong as of yet. Undoubtedly this will go out of control and the city will be threatened by some ancient evil or whatever etc. etc. -- but at the moment there's a criminal possibly killed by the people she was trying to rob and some other guy running away. Compared to known threats to the Flint populace, or the king, the RHC being directly targeted, etc. that kind of concrete motivation. Again I presume that's coming, but still a ways off.

Did anyone else experience this? I also have lots more handouts I can post up when I get a minute.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Did they miss Nilasa's connection to the fey terrorist Gale? She could fly. The only other person who can fly in Flint is Hana Soliogn, a wanted criminal whose activities they are investigating. LeBrix is lying (maybe they missed this); the criminal passed off documents to another individual and 'Porter' is trying to obfuscate matters - as they have already noted. I would have thought that would be enough motivation, but failing that you could always have Stover Delft reiterate their orders.

Bit of an exaggeration to say that they were saving the world in adventure #1, too.


They got that LeBrix was lying but they missed the Gale connection. I will get Stover point this out during the next morning's meeting. At the moment they have managed to corner Porter in the university (and he's about to whup their asses). Thanks Gideon.


Some more handouts - these are for the Dying Skyseer - Thread 3 the Doctor. The first is the guest list of the House of Blue Birds, in case the PCs ask. The second is the well-thumbed map at the front of the Doctor's Flint Guidebook with some important places (to him) marked. Apologies in advance for their huge size but this is because the EN forums don't do thumbnails for some reason.

Doctor's Map.jpg

Blue Bird.jpg


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Couldn't you, like, skip ahead a bit and make these handouts for all the adventures - particularly adventure #5 (which I'm about to start). I make handouts for my players, but they are lousy compared to these, and I don't even think of making some of the ones you think of.


Very nice handouts again!

With the appropriate permissions and credits, it might be worth collecting these handouts and putting them with the scenario downloads.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Very nice handouts again!

With the appropriate permissions and credits, it might be worth collecting these handouts and putting them with the scenario downloads.

I put them on the website in the resources section as and when I get chance.


And I of course provide my full permission.

... and I don't even think of making some of the ones you think of.

I only make the handouts AFTER the PCs think of asking for a specific thing. The advantages of play-by-post!


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