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Question about the Warforged



yes, there is a problem with the player.
but, as the OP already mentioned, he is the co-DM, and the primary DM has already stated this player will not be kicked from the group.

Therefore, the only way to keep such a player in line is within the rules available. I have a strong feeling this player is using his knowledge of the rules, and especially the knowledge that he knows them better than the DM, to bend and break the rules to his liking.

I don't think warforged artificers are broken. however, I've never played one, nor seen one in actual play.

of course, as an alternative to kicking the player from the group, the OP could also start his own group, and invite all the other players except the problem player, and ask the DM to co-DM for him.....

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First Post
It shouldn't be that hard to boost skill checks...

We have a base of 7 ranks in UMD at 4th lv.
Skill focus at 1st lv for another +3 (I suppose if you are desperate, you could also take magic affinity at 1st lv and get your DM to let you retrain it later).
A custom item granting +5 UMD checks costs a paltry 2500gp, and can also be used as a receptacle for item familiar.

What is the DC at 4th lv again?

How many feats to spend on such things does a 4th level warforged get again?

Only so many to choose from - and there is that armor plating issue that was mentioned earlier.

IIRC the base DC is 20 + level (so at least 24) - again it is not automatic (doable but not automatic).

And for each property another UMD check must be made (it specifically talks about duplicating 2 different spells when crafting the humonuclus).


First Post
I think the problem is more the OP really. If the player is a jerk but the OP can't even tell him in a mature manner that he is being unfun and ruining the game for the rest of the players then that is his problem. It just overall sounds like the games we used to play when we were 13 in our parents basement.

Sit at the table and call him out on a personal out of game level, ask the other players what they all think. Are they having fun or is this player making the game crap? I have a feeling that if you subject this rude kind of powergamer to some reality that he may just blow up and shout and leave on his own.


First Post
I think the problem is more the OP really. If the player is a jerk but the OP can't even tell him in a mature manner that he is being unfun and ruining the game for the rest of the players then that is his problem. It just overall sounds like the games we used to play when we were 13 in our parents basement.

Sit at the table and call him out on a personal out of game level, ask the other players what they all think. Are they having fun or is this player making the game crap? I have a feeling that if you subject this rude kind of powergamer to some reality that he may just blow up and shout and leave on his own.

I admit, that my first post was written out of anger. But to say that the problem lies with me is a bit unfair. This player already knows that he isn't that fun to play with, and I think that he revels in it. He brags about how several GM's before the current one have banned him from playing certain characters and no one is willing to sit through one of his games.

I've already spoken to the DM at length, and we have devised several ways to possibly diffuse the situation. I will be getting a copy of his character sheet (among the other players') so we can look at it, the DM has agreed that there will be a restriction placed on how many minions he can have at one point, and I've made the DM see that if these do not work, perhaps it is time to kick him from the game. I have come up with a pretty complex story that will steal some of this player's thunder (you guys have made me see the light about how nuking him just isn't the answer).

Another thing that we are going to do is come up with a new Monster's Manual (as more than just this problem player have them memorized).

When we have our next game session, I will get the character sheet and post it up here so you guys can take a look.



First Post

I am very sorry to read about such a situation - I really don't like situations like these.

As you allready have stated: One way to handle the situation is by simply confronting him with the rules itself. So I look forward to grab the character sheet when you post it.

But as a matter of fact I don't like to favor "rule-bitching" as well. As DuD still is a roleplaying game (yes, even DuD 4E) I'd try to get a solution from the other game contents.

First consider the world of Eberron: The background focuses highly on an after-war situation. One of the final major happenings in this war is some sort of a mighty magical cataclysm. Although magic is to be found in nearly any life situation, consider many living beings getting more and more suspicious on magic.
Then there is this class of the artificer - not a mystical mage, not a highly unworldly divine cleric, not a magecraft doing nothing but his daily job. The artificer may be seen as a freak by some - or even many? Who knows ...
And as the magic cataclysm is directly connected with the dragonmarked house of d'Cannith, which held and holds many artificers and also works hard with magic item creation and experiments (at least in the point of view on many people), you can create serious roleplaying situations in which an artificer looses any ground. Now again - what was that about time, money, room, materials for item creation?!?

Then there is this warforged; many still don't believe in them being sentient beings. Most consider them tools of war, machines to kill and slaughter. They and their big brothers, the warforged titans, drew havoc onto the battlefields. The peoplse of Khorvaire are traumatized about what happened there. And all this is just a handfull of years ago.

Wtf?!?!?!?! Warforged AND artificer in one creature-thing? Well, as long as you don't only play in huge citys and metropolitans, try to get a feeling about what people would think about it. And all these things are not really subject to rules.

Maybe the guy will try to get control of the situation. Let him. Sooner or later most people will quite likely plot against him; and doing it quite witty some of the other player characters might get involved into it. And even if all this results in a mighty slaughter, hell breaks loose ...
There will be almost all major and minor organization - secret or non-secret - seeking this guy - either to make him a compatriot or simply to destroy him. Make it epic!

I'd really like to DM your group for only a single evening ... It'd be great fun - to all, even this deadhead. In my humble opinion he seeks the challenge; and yet he hasn't found it ...


P.S.: I will try to create some sort of warforged artificer in my sparetime ... ;) Lvl 4 you said, right?


First Post
Ok...gaming session has come and gone, and I have watched the DM brush off any of my suggestions about keeping this player under control. After having the concrete plan of getting a copy of the character sheet (along with everyone else's) so that it could be looked at, I was brushed off with a 'I've looked it over and it's fine' (from a DM who is about as familiar with the warforged as I am). All suggestions about better control and knowledge of each character fell on deaf ears, and the DM allowed anyone to play without glancing over their character sheets beforehand.

I have come to learn that this group just may not be for me. I've already decided that I will no longer 'Co-DM' this game, as in my experience of co-running games I should have some imput in the world and adventures, and I don't. I want to thank everyone who offered up suggestions I could take to the DM, they were all great ideas.

I'm thinking about starting up a D&D game of my own...or another RPG I'm more familiar with instead. If I do decide on D&D, I'll be sure to come to you guys for any rules questions I have.



Staff member
You can generally trust the ENWorld brain trust to deliver at least a few good and/or interesting answers to any given gaming question...even though some of the suggestions may be mutually exclusive or totally off the wall.


First Post
Ok...gaming session has come and gone, and I have watched the DM brush off any of my suggestions about keeping this player under control.

i think you have two options and they unfortunately stem from a poor DM.

1) as you stated, start your own campaign where things will hopefully be more fair, balanced and transparent.

2) see if this powergamer would like to help you make an equally broken character he might be flattered that you're going to him for help. say that you'd merely play his warforged apprentice or something. then, the DM may be forced to realize something is wrong when half the campaign comes to a screeching halt due to really poorly and uncontrolled powergaming.

while the player in question could be blamed, i would suggest that the DM is just as, if not more responsible. it is his job to stop any crazyness like this at the table, and ensure all have a fair say and a fun time.

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