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Question on Light/Darkness


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Greetings, I am working on a campaign that is set in a world where the majority of the creatures are undead. It is a world where actions have consequences. I know that Star Wars has darkside points that a character can accumulate but I am wanting to come up with a system that also rewards players for doing good with something like "Light" side points. Sorry I can't really come up with a better way to describe it. Basically if you do something bad you become corrupted, in this place the more evil you become the more you start to change both mentally and physically. On the opposite side though the more good you do you start to be able to channel more positive energy, without the transformation.......
It is a dark world where only a few people can become truly good enough to defeat the "Great Evil".....
So does anyone have any suggestions or do you know of someone that runs a similar system? ALso does anyone have any homebrewed "Undead Slayer" templates?
Thanks for the help!

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Mr Fidgit

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the closest thing to this i've ever heard of are powers checks in Ravenloft. basically, if you do something evil, the evil powers-that-be can grant you abilities to make you more evil, or intice you to commit more evil deeds. low level stuff might be something like granting darkvision to a character that doesn't have it. higher level stuff may be granting +10 to an ability score. higher than that, and you're the lord of your own domain

there's no good-aligned version of this, Ravenloft being what it is :D


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give em parts of the azimar or celestial or half-celestial templates.

Heheh, i like the Ravenloft evil setting, its pretty cool. For undead hunting, check the DMG "making your own prestige class", its corny I know, but there are some good starts for an undead hunter!:D

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