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Quick Reincarnate question


The High Aldwin
I was just talking to the player in our group whose Dragonborn died last session and tomorrow we are hoping to get him Reincarnated. Before this happens, since I am not sure how the DM will run it, I wanted to ask some questions that came up from the player:

1. Does he have to re-roll/ re-point-buy stats for his new body? I would think so since it is a new body, after all even your brain's physical make-up determines a lot about your non-physical ability scores. I know the spell says you retain knowledge and experiences, etc. so his skills, class, and level should be the same.

2. Do you think he'll have to re-roll hit points? I could see this going either way, but I am inclined to say no since his class and level will be retained. Obviously if his Constitution modifier chances, his hit points will change.

I'm sure more things might come up before we play tomorrow, but those were the key points for now. Any input? I would like to have ammo to challenge the DM if we aren't happy with his ruling on it. :)

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Mechanically, the spell specifies that the only changes are racial traits. If the player and DM want to use the opportunity to make further modifications that would enhance the fun and storytelling of the group, it would be a very appropriate time to do so. (I know myself if I ended up with a couple of 11s I'd appreciate the opportunity to make them 10 and 12, etc.)

The spell specifies it "forms a new adult body for it and then calls the soul to enter that body" and "It retains the capabilities it had in its original form, except it exchanges its original race for the new one and changes its Racial Traits accordingly." The random component of the spell is which race, from the list; if there were any other changes intended I'm sure it would've specified them.

One gray area that's jumping out at me is that technically Languages are a racial trait, so I suppose if he went from Dragonborn to Dwarf then by the rules he might forget Draconic and learn Dwarven? That would be a thing to discuss. To a lesser extent it might break a little immersion for racial traits that seem more like cultural upbringing than biological gifts; player and DM can discuss and come up with something that works well for both, whether it's slightly modifying the abilities against RAW or coming up with an interesting story reason how the spell enhances and implants additional childhood memories of training with dwarven weapons or constructing tinker gnome toys.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The spell is designed as an opportunity to help the player emerge as an even more unique and interesting character. Both the player and the DM should be working towards that end.

As a DM, I would not roll unless the player wanted; I might ask for a shortlist of three possibilities that the player would find interesting and decide (or roll) among them. I'd also give the player the opportunity to change gender, of other features if they want to play that, but I would not force it on them.

As to your questions,
1. The player does not have to reroll; as written, all stats stay the same, but are adjusted differently for race. The DM can always let the player re-roll or rebuy, of course.
2. Hit points do not change (except if constitution does). If we were rolling hit points, and the player wanted to re-roll, though, I would let them.

I would also not change languages known, though as written they should change.

It can be a great opportunity for a player, but both the DM and the player need to work together to maximize fun.


Ordinarily I would strip off the racial abilities and stat adjustments of the old race and bolt on those of the new, but then you get the problem of character-defining abilities like the feat the variant human gets. Is that lost too? If you allow abilities to be kept, you might get PCs accumulating them by repeated reincarnation.

I would suggest that only the extras from the variant human be kept (a very slight bonus to being human) and that the variant human only be allowed at character creation. Then, if a PC is reincarnated as a human they get the basic +1 to all stats.


The High Aldwin
Thanks all. When the DM gets here I'll suggest the three rolls and let the player pick one of those. Hopefully something will be ok for him.

I suppose we could remove racial stat bonuses and add the selected racial bonuses. Some of the stuff does seem strange like losing a language. I guess I get his feedback before the others arrive.


Some of the stuff does seem strange like losing a language. I guess I get his feedback before the others arrive.

I would keep the language but equally not gain a new racial language. (Racial languages seem rather silly to me anyway.) Or you could make it part of the magic that the PC loses the old one and gains the new one. Both offer opportunities for fun.


Ordinarily I would strip off the racial abilities and stat adjustments of the old race and bolt on those of the new, but then you get the problem of character-defining abilities like the feat the variant human gets. Is that lost too?

One option there would be to allow the feat to be kept, but require the character to forego a feat the next time they'd gain one.


The High Aldwin
Well, he ended up a female High Elf from his male Dragonborn corpse. We kept the Draconic language and "she" doesn't know Elvish. All-in-all, it worked out fine. Player is pleased with it since it gives him an opportunity to get in touch with his feminine side. :)

FYI, didn't reroll anything. Just adjusted and went along with it.


Other have answered the RAW mechsnics.

In my gsmes, I tend to reflect the reincarnation as a "court" where a number of invested advocates appear.

One represents the source of the reincarnate - related to who casts the spell. Others represent a variety of interested parties.

So, should out tiefling die and get reincarnate caster by a follower of "the green" in tonight's episode...

The character will appear in a mystic looking glade with a iconic representative of the green, a devil (not necessarily the same original) and likely a surprise appearance from a celestial and dragon rep due to the current state of plots and obligations.

In addition to them, there will be a pit (dont come back) and a pond ( random roll) or other such representations.

There will be back and forth pitches, each representing why he should choose them and which options exist.

But, in the end, they can choose to reach agreement with of of the knowns, take random roll or decide to stay gone.

In each case, changes in racial stats **and** re-spending ability scores are on the table. Some fest spends might be as well if they were obviously tied to race.

I want every "gone and back again" to present an opportunity for substantial change. Especially to open up some multi-class options if they wish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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