R2: Rats in a Maze [Manzanita judging]


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"Nothing up here but a new window. Let me down and let's see if the others have found anything."

Upon rejoining the others, "The window's 'bout ten feet up and kinda small. A little guy might be able to squeeze through, but at that height I just don't see how. I've no idea how it just disappeared, either. You guys find anything interesting out here?"

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Kith Ra Ei, Elven Monk

"We were just looking at the drain. Its big enough halflings and the like could fit through it, but I doubt most of us would."


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"I am curious on how you come to that conclusion. The mere presence of a grate here does not in any way confirm that this was the means of entry, or that our enemies await us in the sewers below."

Kith turned to look at the rest of the party, an expectant look on his face making it clear he hoped someone would agree.


Patlin said:
"Look here... and here. This thing's been opened recently, and those crates have been moved. It's not very likely, but I guess we'd all better start hoping Ravensdale's got clean sewers." He frowns. "I'm feeling a bit foolish I didn't think of it before Gideon pointed it out. Where else indeed would the rats live than in the sewers? Couldn't it have been cats? They're a lot cleaner."

Tor wrinkles his nose, thinking of the insults it will soon have to endure.

Tor repeats his conclusion, again showing Kith-Rae-El the telltale marks which reveal that the grate had been moved, as had the crates.

"Looks to me like something came up out of the grate and moved the crates so as to get access to the warehouse. Maybe I'm wrong on that, but if you can come up with an explanation which *doesn't* involve hunting rats in the sewers beneath the city, be sure to let me know."


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"Well, there is the issue of the missing window which could have been the entry point. I suggest we check out at least one of the other crime scenes. If we find more evidence suggesting a sewer entrance, then we get dirty."


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Metrius straightens his clothing after putting Babette down.

"I'm with Babette on this - we need to see more of the scenes. I can't think of why they'd have moved the sewer grates if it wasn't a point of entry, but then I also don't understand why you'd remove a window pane if it was. Let's see what the situation is at other crime scenes before we jump to any conclusions."


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Relieved that their next step is not into the sewers, Gideon follows along, ready to search for similar signs at the next scene.

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