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Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)


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Once again, the young woman had slipped out of the conversation for a bit- but now the others were starting to notice something- it wasn't really as if she wasn't paying attention, it was more like she was paying attention to something else; something they couldn't see or hear. To an outward observer, though, she seemed distracted and distant.

Once they were back out on the streets, though, she took the lead, moving with confidence even as the neighborhood got more and more disreputable. There were no street signs, certainly, but she seemed to be able to interpret Miss Byrne's directions well enough. She did seem to notice the locals noticing them- and perhaps recognizing a few of them? In fact, at least one of them veered off and turned away after Lane made a particular (though subtle) gesture...

She did not seem terribly pleased to see their new teammate arrive- and for a moment it was a bit amusing to watch, as she tried to keep her distance from him, only to realize she was a bit too close to Eli, causing her to shift again, and repeating the steps of that dance for nearly a walking block. A careful observer would have seen it, but to a casual eye it seemed as if she was briefly uncertain about their path, and had stepped around a bit to make sure of the way.

Once they reached the site, she let the others choose a route of entry- she did watch as the kobold set to work (having seen professionals at that business, she was always curious). Once the door slid open and the dwarf made his way in, she quickly followed. "Don't bodge around too much. I want to get a sense of things first- some here and some there. Can't have too much dust kicked up, disturbs the aether..."

And with that she stepped forward a pace or two. She reached out with one hand, waving it through the air before her as if brushing aside (nonexistent) spiderwebs. Somewhere in the midst of the gesture, there was a small knife in her hand- which she drew across the ball of her opposite thumb. A drop of blood oozed forth, but instead of dropping to the floor, it drifted upwards and trailed away like reddish smoke- and was gone. The little knife was gone as well, and when she reached out her hand again, so was the cut on her thumb.

She seemed to be humming very softly, and her eyes were closed, for a moment at least...

[sblock= OOC]
1. General Perception/look around (for clues!): 1d20+14= 19
2. Streetwise for the neighborhood and the locals: 1d20+11= 27
>Rolls: http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=154870

3. Sleight of hand (knife trick) 1d20+9= 24; roll http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=154871

>Using Detect spirits, as well as normal Perception. Costs 1 Vitality, learn whether "nonperson creatures with magical abilities" are present within 30' cone, from just inside the doors.


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Eli noticed the strange way the girl was acting around him. He'd noticed it before. This was going to get very annoying if one of his crew couldn't talk to him. He'd have to fix that.

He steps forward, into the room, careful not to disturb the girl. "We should split up. Check out each of these doors. I can go one way, and link my mind up with someone in the other group so we can talk to each other. Any takers?"

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe waited as the rest of the party set about doing whatever it was they were doing. Idly and unconsciously, he pocketed the padlock he had just opened. He was happy to enter the blessed darkness of the room and vaguely wondered what was wrong with the dwarf for suggesting bringing light into the chamber.

With a quizzical look, the kobold watched the odd young woman perform her ritual. Slowly, a stupid, snaggletoothed grin formed on his face when it appeared the woman was about to perform some act of self-harm by cutting her thumb. His excitement and hopes were dashed, however, when it appeared the act had been nothing more than a parlor trick. His head hung sadly and he turned to other, more pressing matters.

When Eli offered to link his mind with someone else in the group, the kobold shrunk away. Turning to the only other things in the room, he examined the cases containing the urns.

OOC: Perception - [roll0]
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The kobold made short work of the locks, and they were in. "I'm not sure you wanna hear whats rattling around in my head, best link to someone else." It seemed like it was now or never, if he didn't excuse himself now he wouldn't have the opportunity to bind at all.

"You know what, breakfast isn't agreeing with me, I'll be right back while you guys figure out the logistics." Grynm returned to the street looking for an area that would hide his actions from view.

Stealth: [roll0]

Once he believed himself hidden from view he began binding neferti. Pricking his hand and drawing her sign in blood. He took on a deathly pallor as he gave up his ability to inflict pain and siphon off the last remnants of a dying soul, he gained the ability to detect undead and to create barriers against the living and the undead. Neferti's influence took hold, his hatred of undead became an appreciation and his soul was darkened by her presence. He exerted his will and his pallor returned before he returned to the group.

OOC: takes a minute and change to find cover and bind, gave up Vicious strike and Death Knell to gain Detect Undead and the Barrier ability from Neferti. If the group doesn't want to wait I can catch up later


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The first through the door, Moradin, looked around for signs of an electrolighting switch but saw only old gas lanterns hanging about. They all were cold and had been for a long time. As he moved in he kicked more of the papers that had been pushed under the door. There were several dozen at least spread about on the floor.

Lane was sure that the local gangs around here were all really the lowest of the low, whom would only prayed on the very weakest of society. Anyone who looked like they might be able to fight back, even a little, would scare them off. They rest of the people were probably residences of the tenement houses around here but there were not many, and they looked pretty poor. It was a bit odd to find so many abandoned buildings that were not filled with homeless paupers. When she stretched out her senses she felt the normal background of lingering spirits energy... sort of residue on the surfaces of the walls and streets and the recently deceased past by or through. The crematorium had no more unusual amount for a place where the dead would be brought. With her normal eyes she also so nothing unusual or out of place besides the dust on the floor. No one seemed to notice the knife appearing in her hand.

Eli stepped around Lane and Moradin into the lobby of the place. It reminded him nothing more then any other shop with its displays out front in the show area and maybe more behind one or both of the doors out.

Giuseppe, the lock now safely in his pocket, lingering back a bit, and saw nothing out of the ordinary either. Just a shop lobby that had been in neglect of a good dust and broom for some time. The tracks through the dust could have been yesterday or last week for all he knew.

Grynm moved around to the opposite direction that Trebuchet had gone, and around the corner started his ritual cutting. He noticed a few locals on the other side of the street but they quickly turned and walked away. He also saw the entryway to the ally about thirty feet away. There was a lot of garbage pilled up near it.

Victor then entered behind the others and removed a white handkerchief from his jacket pocket and places it over his mouth "It appears the maids have taken the last year off?" Looking about he adds "The building chimney is at the back end so it seems most logical that it would be behind those heavy oak doors. I would except that is where we will find the cremation ovens." he indicated to the door opposite the entryway.

GM: If you want to split up thats cool, just say which door you want to go through. They appear unlocked from here and no one saw anything out of the ordinary or dangerous like. Lane senses no angry spirits or such, only what she might expect of a place where dead beings are brought.

The lobby area is lite well enough that you don't need any special senses to see around but there are heavily shadows in the corners. The other rooms you are not sure on yet, but the side door probably leads into a windowless room (as there is another building on that side) so it will probably be dark

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Still near the door, Giuseppe reached down and picked up some of the papers. Squinting, he examined the papers, suspecting them to be either mail or demands from customers as to the whereabouts of their dearly departed.


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As far as he can tell, all the letters on the floor are notes from love ones demanding and/or begging to know the whereabouts of their love ones remains. Shattered among them are also a few inquiring about unpaid debts of one Mr. Vaquera.

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

"It looks-ah like he stopped paying his bills." Giuseppe growled, waving the bills around. "Strange though, he stopped ah-paying both rent and drivers, two things you'd ah-need if you wanted to steal bodies."


First Post
"I do not think 'e was stealing the bodies. In fact, I rather think we will find 'is body amongst the rest, if we find any bodies here at all. The spirits are quiet, not so you would expect if someone were taking liberties with their mortal remains." Lane looked around the room once more, but there seemed to be little enough to be seen here. "If 'e hasn't been paying 'is bills, in this neighborhood, I would rather imagine that something painful, maybe fatal happened to 'im- perhaps before he stopped, perhaps after. Most likely the place has been cleaned out, but don't be surprised if we find the poor man dead." After another moment, she stepped forward towards the smaller side door. "Perhaps storage, or an office? If it is a wreck, it might tell us a bit, and if it 'as been cleaned out a'purpose, that'll tell us summat else... Don't suppose any of you 'ave a light to 'and?" By then, she had reached the door and extended a hand to open it...


First Post
"Conclusions stemming from a false premise are flawed," states Trebuchet as it trundles in through the opened door. "I offer a competing paradigm: He stopped paying rent and drivers because he ran out of money with which to pay."

The torchlights of its eyes flickered rapidly as it surveyed the room. "I detected no signs of anything unexpected. Have the remains in question been located yet?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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