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Ragboy Presents: Artifacts of Oros, a Star Wars d20 Story Hour (updated 06/29)


The Mysterious Uduz

"So, you were _working_?" Sia-Lann asked, as the group moved down a mobile walkway toward the landing fields and their meeting with Arani's customer.

Neither Jedi had related their adventures from the previous night.

"I'm...ah... needing some credits for..a business opportunity," Toba said with a sidelong glance at Arani.

"You're making him work?" Rann asked Arani, lagging behind the group and keeping an eye over his shoulder. "That doesn't exactly seem fair to me. Your ship wasn't in that great a shape to start with... "

"No, no, I am liking to work," Toba said, raising his hands to prevent the argument before it came. "Arani making me ship engineer and first mate."

The group fell silent as the landing fields came into view. A checkpoint loomed and behind it the group could barely see their ship in a sea of hundreds of other vessels. Benelli Prime's blasted landscape surrounded the field was stripped-mined of every available resource. A plump man in a tight-fitting brown business wrap manned the checkpoint.

"Arani Korden," she said, handing the man a digital chit. "I'm here for a meeting and to conduct some routine repairs."

"Ms. Korden," the man said reflexively as he took the chit and scanned it through his datapad. "It'll be just a moment."

The group stood around awkwardly as the official whistled an inane popular tune. The Force flared in Rann's mind, and he realized the man was looking anywhere but at the group. He nudged Sia-Lann.

*Something's not right,* he projected to her.

*I feel nothing,* she returned. *Are you sure?*

*That man is acting very strange*

*We should remain vigilant* Sia-Lann unconsciously fiddled with her lightsaber.

"That sure is ugly," Arani murmured.

"What's that?" The official started, flushing suddenly.

She gestured beyond the landing field where the landscape seemed to shimmer with caustic heat.

"Well," the man fussed. "Our planet has been a great supporter to the Republic, you know. There are some that feel that Benelli has outlived its resources, but, as you know..."

A positive tone emitted from his datapad.

"I'm sorry," the man said. "Your party has requested that you meet in one of our conference rooms. If you follow the red marker around to the side of Maintenance Bay 4, you can't miss it."

He handed the chit back to Arani. Rann saw the sweat beading on his forehead.

"Thanks," Arani said and started off toward a cluster of low metal buidlings.

When they were out of earshot, Rann said, "Something about that guy wasn't right, Arani."

"Probably not. One thing you have to realize about Benellians: They'll sell out their mothers to their fathers if they think they can make a dime. It's no problem. I trust Thune."

Entering the conference room, even Arani felt that something was not right. A shabbily dressed older man stood with an IG-117 heavy maintenance droid and two equally shabby looking assistants, both human. The droid stood three meters tall, a blocky, tracked, utilitarian thing. Its heavy-duty lifting arms hung inert at its side.

"Where's Thune?" she asked, pausing just inside the doorway.

"Mr. Markle will be along. He informed me this morning that he would be a little late," the man said. "I'm Rek Yern, and I require the services of your ship, Ms. Korden. I am prepared to execute contracts to that effect."

Both Rann and Sia-Lann felt a tremor in the Force as the tone on Arani's communicator sounded. Arani ignored the communicator and moved toward the conference table.

"Well," she said. "Let's have a seat and get this hammered out, then."

Toba acknowledged the man's assistants with a slight wave and studied the droid as he sat down. Rann and Sia-Lann hovered at the doorway.

"Are your...friends joining us?" Rek asked, as he took a chair.

Arani looked over her shoulder at the two jumpy Jedi and winked. "I believe they'll be outside. Perhaps they can show your men the Polestar and get some specifics about the cargo."

Rek motioning his two men outside. The Padawans followed them, and the door slid shut.

"This is Toba Fin, ship's engineer and first mate," she continued, cooly. "What do you need transported?"

"Droid parts and tools for factories on Coruscant," Rek said. "I have to say, I'm a little nervous about not using the Transit Guild."

"Well," Arani said, pulling up a standard contract on her datapad. "With the Trade Fed problems and Benelli's problems, you may not have much of a choice. The Transit Guild no longer offers transport services from the Benelli system. Don't you love commerce?"

Rek grinned, and fired up his datapad to review the contracts.


*I still have a bad feeling about this* Rann thought to his companion as they escorted Rek's men toward the checkpoint.


They walked in silence, passed through the checkpoint and boarded a skimmer toward landing pad B-222F. The skimmer zipped past massive transport starships, larger than any Rann had seen, even compared to the Trade Fed droid ships. He glanced at Rek's men. They seemed ill at ease, if a little bored, but the nagging tremor he'd felt in the room faded.

"What does your master want us to haul to Coruscant," Rann asked, idly.

"Crates and crates of droid parts," the taller of the two men said.

"Lots of droid parts," the other said.

The droid skimmer came to a halt in front of the Polestar, and the group disembarked.

"So, are you kids from around here?" the taller of the two men drawled.

"No," Sia-Lann said, keying the gangway security system on the ship. "We just arrived, actually."

A high pitched whine, barely audible, echoed across the landing field.

"Where you from?" the smaller man said.

"Coruscant," the two Jedi said, simultaneously.

Rann spotted a large red aircar heading toward the field from the stark surrounding hills. The open top vehicle seemed crowded with occupants, though he couldn't tell from this distance.

"Funny, Mirek," the taller one said. "I heard they were from Naboo."

Sia and Rann froze, hearing the steel edge to the man's voice.


"Well, it's hard to find good help," Rek said, sitting back with a sigh. "You don't know how please I am with this. I would have paid double...triple with the Guilds. That combined with the credits I had to outlay for my two employees and their droid..."

"And, I always make my deliveries on time, Mr. Yern, unlike the Transit Guild. They can't really be bothered with small cargo like yours," Arani said, trying to mask her own excitement. The fee from this contract would catch her up with her creditors leaving enough for some much needed upgrades.

"Well, I'm very pleased," Rek said. "I've done business with Mr. Markle in the past. It's a pleasure to see there are still some trustworthy businessmen...and women, left in the galaxy."

Though he had been daydreaming, Toba suddenly came awake. A strange noise emitted from the droid. As Arani and Rek chatted, Toba watched in horror as the ballistics-grade plastics covering the droid's lifting arms separated and retracted revealing two integrated heavy blaster rifles.

"Arani!" Toba yelled, diving to the floor and drawing his blaster.


The man called Mirek fired into Sia-Lann’s back, as Rann spun, igniting his lightsaber. Sia crumpled to the ground, and the aircar streaked overhead unleashing precise and withering fire on the Polestar. Rann forced both men to retreat, glancing two shots off his lightsaber into the plascrete landing field.

“Sia!” Rann called, swiping at the men and sparing a glance over his shoulder.

His Padawan companion lay unmoving.

“Blast!” Rann growled, and then charged.

Both men fired wildly, attempting to backpedal, and Rann took the one called Mirek’s hands off at the wrists. As Mirek collapsed, wailing, the man’s companion only grinned firing to cover his move.

“That’s them!” he yelled, falling behind the Polestar’s landing strut.

Rann whirled at the low droning sound to see two heavily armored soldiers floating down on repulsor packs. In the blasts of rifle fire peppering the area, the Jedi crouched and ran, snatching Sia by the belt and dragged her to cover behind a low maintenance shed.


Arani’s first shot was so quick and so effortless, that Rek hardly had time to react. The super-heated bolt of energy passed his left ear and slammed into the IG-117’s front control panel. Almost before the burst of sparks and smoke, she leapt and swiped the merchant down to the floor. Toba popped up and fired, sliding around the edge of the table before the droid’s rifles barked a stream of death toward him. The table and the flimsy conference room wall disintegrated, the Gungan going down with a wail.

“Up! Up!” Arani yelled to the merchant, as she darted across the room, snatched Toba by his utility bandoliers and dragged him through the smoking hole into Maintenance Bay 4.
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“Is this your doing, Rek!?” Arani yelled while taking double-fisted blaster shots at the maintenance droid.

“Nah…no,” the merchant looked genuinely confused and shaken. A nasty burn across his forehead wept dark blood. “The droid belongs to the men I hired. I hope your friends are okay.”

“I hope for those thugs’ sakes that they are, too,” she growled, firing two blasts into the droid and shifting to another position. “Keep your head down and see what you can do with Toba.”

She pitched the man a blaster and a medpac, ducking behind the wrecked wall instinctively as the droid began firing its dual blaster rifles in her direction. Arani popped up and fired, then rushed forward with a thermal detonator. Two blaster bolts slammed into her as she arced the grenade at the droid. Ignoring her wounds, she dove back behind cover as the conference room exploded into a ball of searing flame.

“Sia!” Rann shook his Jedi companion. “Are you okay?”

The girl’s eyes rolled back in their sockets and Rann felt a cold void of fear open in his gut. Visions of Wei-Lun’s house imploding in flame, of friends left scorched on battlefields in Naboo and of the near-constant hounding by unnamed assailants since they’d left rushed into the void exploding into bright, clear anger.

Rann roared as he surged around the side of the maintenance shed, surprising the soldiers as they approached. His lightsaber cleaved one nearly in half and threw the other off-balance. Rann sent the man sprawling with a kick, barely recoiled as the man's wild shot creased his cheek with searing pain and, spinning his lightsaber, impaled the screaming soldier in the armored faceplate. A blaster bolt exploded on the maintenance shed over Rann’s head, and he whirled to face Mirek’s companion, the thug's blaster smoking and mouth agape. The young Jedi dissolved into a blur of motion and suddenly stood over the cringing thug.

“No, nononono! Don’t…no..don’t kill me,” the man cried, pitching away his blaster and covering his face.

His eyes flashing, Rann raised his blade. “Who are you working for? Tell me, and your death will be a quick one.”

The man’s face fell and he tried to scramble back in a panic. Rann’s blade slashed at the plastcrete landing pad near the thug's head and he froze.

“Alright, alright,” he said. “I’ll tell you. Descant. He’s local. A petty crime boss. Said he’d give me 200 credits for your heads and the girl. Alive.”


As the smoke cleared in the ruined conference room, Arani painfully raised her head to peer over cover. Melted lighting fixtures flickered revealing the smoking chassis of the maintenance droid. She slumped back with a sigh, looking over to her companions. Rek, the merchant, had just finished patching up Toba. In the distance she could hear the whine of Piranell City security sirens.

A barked command and the shuffle of boots alerted her, and she popped over the barricade, pistols at the ready. A security team fanned out into the ruined room, their blaster rifles coming up as they spotted her.

“Freeze!” one of the security soldiers barked. “Put your weapon on the deck and stand up!”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, gentleman,” a cultured voice said.

Thune Markle stepped lightly into the devastation, peering through the smoke and flickering lights. At a gesture the security troops filed out of the room.

“Arani? Are you there?”

“Late as always, aren’t you?” Arani said with a grimaced smirk.

“I must apologize for this, my friend,” The Bothan glided across the room, attempting to keep his rich robes from the ashes and debris. “I alerted security as soon as I heard.”

“How could you have heard?” Arani asked, standing and holstering her pistols. “It _just_ happened.”

“It is worse than a random attack, I’m afraid,” Thune said. “A local crime boss, Descant, organized this at the behest of an offworlder. A bounty hunter named Boors.”
“Great,” Arani sighed, looking into the startled eyes of her customer. “It’s not what you think, Mr. Yern. I’m legit. We just ran into some trouble on Naboo.”

“I…I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry to have caused you this trouble,” the man stammered. “I believe you. Of course, you still have my business.”

“I am afraid it is even more serious than that, Arani,” Thune said, pulling her aside and lowering his voice. “This…Boors… he has a small army and he’s heading to Benelli Prime right now. My sources tell me he’s due in system within the day.”

“Who’s he working for? The Trade Feds? Surely they don’t care about me and a couple of yokel Jedi.”

“I do not know,” the Bothan said as if not knowing pained him more than almost losing his friend. “But, I shall find out. In the meantime, we have to get your ship loaded and on its way. I have already arranged for exit visas and a friend here at the spaceport will make sure that all records of your stay here are purged.”

Rann appeared at the shattered conference room door, Sia-Lann leaning heavily on his shoulder.

“What happened?” he barked, easing Sia-Lann to the ground. “We were attacked on the landing pad. Is this guy in on it?”

His face set, he stormed across the room toward Rek Yern, waving his deactivated lightsaber.

“Rann, settle down,” Arani said, interposing herself between the merchant and the Jedi. “He had no idea. They were a couple of day laborers he hired.”

“Some… Descant… he set this up?” Rann said. He touched the wound on his face and looked at his hand, confused suddenly, drained. “I…ah… I think I did something really bad.”


Sia-Lann Wezz sat on her bed, her knees clasped to her chin. The pain of the blaster's stun bolt still radiated across her back.

What have we done? she wondered, thinking back over the last few weeks.

War and Wei-Lun's death and flight across the galaxy...in all that time she hadn't had time to think. To consider what they actually should do. It seemed logical to go to Coruscant. To seek guidance and report the loss of their master. Now nothing seemed logical. Fallen Jedi and bounty hunters harrowing them at every turn. She felt that Rann was slipping away without the guidance of a true Jedi. And the strange woman's message in a dirty alley. Could Wei-Lun still be alive, somehow? Did this...Uduz...hold the answers? She often tried to hold the Force to use it for knowledge and understanding, but the questions and the chaos that seemed to live inside kept her occluded. Though she had more doubts than ever before, she calmed her mind now, reaching out with the Force for an answer...a path that her and her friends should trod.
A searing wind whipped pale green sand into a dust devil, whipping across a barren dusty plain. Around this plain crouched massive green basalt hills, their visages scoured and shaped like dour old men huddling over a fire. In the center stood a pinnacle of the strange stone, not one carved by the wind, but by intelligent hands. The spire seemed long enough to pierce the orange sun of the Benelli system.

Below the spire, a small adobe chapel sat, and before it a creature, indistinct in the growing sand storm.

"You are called, young one." The creature's voice felt like sweet soft music. "A darkness gathers and you are called."

"Why?" Sia-Lann felt the question pulled from her. "Why me?"

"You are called," the creature repeated and the scene faded to a greenish blur and hissing sand.
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ragboy said:
“Some… Descant… he set this up?” Rann said. He touched the wound on his face and looked at his hand, confused suddenly, drained. “I…ah… I think I did something really bad.”

+1 Darkside Point!

Keep it coming!

Going to be interesting to see more 'straight from the session' dialoge once you get more caught up. I'm always keen to see just how players react, especialy in this case where munchkins are involved (size, not style ;))

Hatchling Dragon


Herder of monkies

Great stuff ragboy... you are making me want to pummel my group into another Star Wars campaign. I really enjoy how you build tension and the break it wide open. Very good. Daddy likey, daddy likey very much.


Hatchling Dragon said:
Going on nearly two months am I'm getting worried. Is this a 'dead' game/thread now?

Give us a sign oh Star Wars story teller!

Hatchling Dragon
I'll get some more this week. I've been writing other junk fer money, so it kinda takes away my playtime... :)


ragboy: I should be able to keep up a weekly schedule now...ug. Thanks for the push!
"The atmosphere is breathable," Toba said, keying information into the ship's computer. "But, it looking like the dust could cause problems."
"I can't believe I agreed to this," Arani muttered, then keyed her intercom. "Everything's clear, but we'll need to wear breathers."

"Alright Arani," came Sia-Lann's calm voice.

"'Alright,' she says," the pilot grumbled. "I have bounty hunters and Trade Fed after me, and a load to get to market and she wants to wander around a deserted planet looking for her dead master."

"Sia-Lann knowing what she doing," Toba said, reading maintenance data from his screen. "Thune getting a good astrogate computer. Seems to be working. Weapons online, too."

"Well they cost enough."


"This is the place, but I don't see anyone," Sia-Lann said, her voice muffled by the breather mask.

Before them sat a squat adobe building with a massive spire that disappeared into the green swirling dust above them.

"Maybe this Uduz is dead," Rann said, keeping watch on the building's entrance.

Toba stumbled over a protruding stone and yelped. The dust felt like acid on his skin and his senses were confused by the constant hissing.

"Quiet," Arani said. "We don't want to alert whatever's here to eat us."

"This being a dead planet," Toba said, irritated. "Nothing living here."

"We might as well go in," Sia-Lann said.

The companions moved up to the chapel and Sia-Lann stuck her head in the open door. The cool interior was lit with a strange greenish light, brighter than the outside. The spire was hollow all the way to its pinnacle she realized, and was composed of a translucent material with a fine etched design running halfway up its base.

"Looks clear," she said, and the group moved inside.

The cool air seemed humid, much more so than the outside, as they shuffled toward the center. A man-sized crystalline sculpture sat in the center of the room and the light from the spire twinkled on its crazed surface and reflected a dappling pattern on the plain white walls.

"What is it?" Arani asked, nervously sweeping her eyes across the shadowy edges of the room.

"Some kind of symbol," Rann said. He felt a tremor in the Force, but could not place its origin or meaning.

A drop of water from the spire struck the sculpture and it rang with a strange tone. Another struck Toba on the back of the neck and he yelped, whirling, and brought his pistol to bear.

"The spire must collect moisture from the atmosphere," Rann said, looking up.

"No," Arani said, looking at a series of fist-sized holes that surrounded the sculpture. She place her hand over one and felt an ice cold breeze. "There's a well under here. Planet's not so dead after all."

"I wonder what happened," Sia-Lann said. Her mind suddenly recoiled with the bright stab of the Force.

"Toba! Watch out!"

A thick ropy appendage lanced down from above them, whipped around the Toba's middle and began dragging the wailing Gungan into the air. To their horror, they could see it now. What appeared to be an etched design on one portion of the spire was actually a semi-transparent creature. Its multitude of skittering legs and tentacles writhed, striking blindly down into the room.

Rann dodged a strike and fired a blast into the tentacle that held his friend. A grating screech erupted from the creature, and Toba fell to the dusty floor. Sia and Arani fired indiscriminately into the point where all the appendages seemed to converge.

"Is this your contact!?" Arani yelled, dodging another strike and taking up a position on the other side of the sculpture.

"No," Sia said, dropping her pistol and drawing her lightsaber.

She slashed a tentacle in half as it whipped toward her. The severed limb continued to writhe and strike. She realized that Toba hadn't moved since he fell.

"Rann!" she called, taking another swipe. "Check Toba!"

Arani unleashed a barrage of fire from her position, and Rann scrambled to check the downed Gungan.

"Whaa?" Toba said, dazed. "What happened?"

"Come on!" Rann said, dragging him up. "And start shooting!"

Rann drew his own lightsaber to cover the Gungan's retreat and received a jab from a razor sharp tentacle. Another slammed into him and coiled around his leg. The leg was suddenly afire with needlesharp pains and then went cold and dead. The padawan yelled and slashed at the tentacle.

"These things are poisoned!" he yelled to the others.

Arani's second barrage of fire was greeted with another grating shriek and the creature uncoiled itself from the spire and began 'walking' down on its multitude arms.

"Ah poodou," she murmured, changing powerpacks. "It's coming down!"

Rann hobbled forward, the severed end of a whipping tentacle still locked on his lower leg and Sia joined him, slashing left and right. Toba's rifleshot took the creature in its writhing center and he was knocked across the room. Even with a dead leg, Rann held his own, severing the appendages that sliced toward him and edging ever closer to the creature's body. Sia-Lann went down, a heavy coiled tentacle knocking her lightsaber out of her grasp. She screamed an oath and backflipped out of a nest of the spiny arms, her saber flying to her in mid arc. She slashed out at those scrabbling arms that tried to encircle her as she landed.

Arani blasted another stream of burning bolts and the creature seemed to falter. Rann impaled what looked like a group of vital organs and the thing went into a spastic death throe, seeming to shrivel before their eyes.

"It's a blasted plant!" Arani breathed, as she stepped out and kicked one of the tremoring tentacles out of the way.

The pale green appendage was etched with darker green veins and seemingly turned to mulch under her touch.

"Meanest plant I ever saw." Rann breathed heavily.

"I am the Uduz!" a booming voice filled the interior of the chapel, startling the group. They whipped around to see a shimmering holograph projected from the crystalline structure.

"Ages ago, I came to this planet with a group of adherents intent on making a community of those that rejected the idea of the Light and the Dark," the holograph said in a rasping accented form of Basic.

Though its hazy form was difficult to discern, it appeared to be a creature not unlike the one they'd just destroyed.

"I was naive," the Uduz said. "Today, this world, called Benelli IV by those that inhabit the region, has been overtaken with the Dark side of the Force. My followers, believers, are slain or warped beyond their control. And I am in hiding."

"Great," Arani said, wiping sweat from her forehead and scanning the area for more enemies.

"You have come seeking the wisdom of the Uduz, but I cannot appear until the Dark is cleansed from this world. Over the years the power of both Dark and Light have waned, but a node of evil remains," it said. "Seek the mountain sunward in the morning and the shadow will reveal itself. With this guardian's demise, I can again seek the balance of the Force."

"Sia-Lann," Arani said, patiently. "I'm going to get in my ship and fly to Coruscant. You can do whatever you think is necessary."

"Arani," Rann replied. "We'll be here until we find out what this thing knows. And what it knows will probably prevent you from getting your head taken by one of those bounty hunters. You're in this with us, whether you like it or not."

Sia-Lann was surprised at Rann's sudden insight. She glanced from him to Arani.

"Let's have a look at your leg," she said to her padawan companion.

Toba stared out into the growing darkness and the pale green dust storm that never seemed to end.


Lots of action in this part...things'll slow down in the wrap up.

The group roused as the swirling darkness outside the ship's porthole began to lighten. During the long night, Toba, too restless to sleep, had configured one of the ship's scanners to create a map of the local area. Coupled with some planetary data he was able to bring down on a spotty holonet connection, they had a rough idea of the area they were to find this 'guardian.'

"Sounds like you've been busy," Arani, her eyes bleary and hair in disarray, said after the Gungan had briefed them.

"Wanting to get this over with," Toba said, eyeing the caustic storm outside. "We probably needing to take the ship there."

"Strange that I feel nothing," Sia-Lann said, distractedly. "This...node. It should give us something, shouldn't it?"

"I feel it," Rann said. "Like a void out there."

"Are you okay?" she asked. "We can't let fear guide our actions."

Rann nodded.


The two padawan were already on the ground before the Polestar's engines had wound down.

Rann limped slightly; the effects of the creature's poison still plagued him. He sucked hard on the breather, trying to calm his raging thoughts. The void out there seemed to call to him. To mock his ineffectual grasp on the Force.

"Toba and I will set up a perimeter at the base of the hill," Arani said over the comlink.

"If we can sneak up and draw this...whatever it is...out, we may be able to surround it," Sia-Lann said. "Keep your eyes open."

Rann put a hand to his chest as if to calm his heart, which suddenly began to race. A feeling of dread gripped him and even through the raging marbled dust storm, he could see a pocket of black appear.

"Too late," he said simply.

The dust storm seemed to flee away from the creature, a tall humanoid in thick fluttering robes. Beneath its cowl, twin green points flared, and then it MOVED.

Rann dimly heard Sia-Lann's cry, but all other sounds seemed to fade into the background. Pure raging hatred rumbled in his head, an almost physical wave of it that rolled off of the creature as it descended the hillside in a flash. It held a massive blade, jagged and glowing a sickly purple. The padawan barely brought his lightsaber to bear before the thing was on him, slashing quickly from the left. Their weapons met in a flash and boom of arced energy, and Rann flew back, stumbling slightly on the loose gravel.

"This is not good," he said aloud, preparing for the thing's next attack.


Sia-Lann was in the middle of her instructions when she felt the full force of the Dark Side slam into her senses. Reeling, she called out to Rann who seemed to disappear in a sphere of black energy. Before she could move to help him, two canine horrors seemingly appeared before her. Their arched and spiny backs towered over her, and slavering jaws whipped at her legs in blood frenzy. Jumping into the air, half-blinded by the dust, she flipped over their backs, igniting her lightsaber.

"Arani!" she called over the comlink. "Now would be a good time."

Laser blasts immediately lanced from the direction of the ship, crackling through the green wall of sand with an almost arcane energy. One of the creatures took the bait and charged off toward its attackers. The other whirled and snapped at its padawan foe.

Sia-Lan's overhand slash seemed to glance off the creature's hide. Dodging a quick slash from the monster's claws, she double backflipped and took a position on a more defensible point. Trying to control her gasps in the confining breather, she checked her balance and watched as the creature moved steadily toward her.


"They bouncing off!" Toba yelled as the stream of bolts from his rifle careened off of the charging creature.

"This won't. Down Gungan!" Arani called over the comlink. She heaved a thermal detonator and dove for cover.

The creature howled as it flew into the air above a billowing fireball. It landed heavily, but scrambled to its feet, shaking off the effects. Toba followed up with another burst of blaster fire and the creature bellowed, its thick hide streaked with smoldering patches.


The thing spoke no discernable language, but on its waves of hatred, images formed in Rann's mind. The very ground where they stood became black and lifeless, hovering in a starless void. Its flashing blade snaked around his lightsaber and he felt a painful chill as it pierced his stomach. His flinch backwards prevented the thing from eviscerating him.

Images assailed him, breaking his concentration.

....Wei-Lun standing in the corner of a close darkened room as the young padawan struggled with his meditation.

"If you grab for it, it will slip through your grasp," his master said. "You must not seek the Force, padawan. Let it grasp you."

He felt the frustration growing in him as he attempted for the millionth time to sink into a reverie with the Force. In that instant, he wished to drop his training. To walk away from Wei-Lun, the man that had taken him in as an orphan. The Jedi Master that had believed in him, but now seemed to berate him with mindless prattle.

I can find power without this old fool, he thought.

Rann cringed at the remembrance and guilt washed over him. He could almost feel the creature laughing as it struck again and again. He evaded its blows, backpedaling and reaching out for the calm that would keep him alive. The thing was on him before he could recover, and the cold purple blade opened a deep wound across his chest.


Sia-Lan's lightsaber finally bit through the creature's defenses, and it howled and lashed out at her, as she again leapt over its back. So far, her expedient strategy had been successful. She cut across its flanks and dodged to avoid a vicious back kick, surprised at her own calm. With a quick glance toward the coursing void that Rann had entered, she whirled the lightsaber in her hands and impaled the creature’s head as it spun to attack her. She kicked its twitching form and then raced off to help her fellow Jedi.


The growling monstrosity charged toward Toba, and he stood his ground firing bolt after bolt into its tough hide. At the last moment, a blaze of fire lanced from Arani’s position, striking the side of the massive tusked head. In moaning death, the horror slammed into Toba, knocking him back into the dust.

Arani raced up, firing into the still creature, just to be sure.

“Toba!” she called, eyeing the swirling storm.

“I'm okay,” he called weakly.


Another bone-numbing chill pierced the young Jedi, and he actually cried out. Rann felt his life draining from him. Inside the cowl, the twin green points flared, and Rann knew true fear. His sabre arm drooping and breath coming in crying gasps, Rann prepared for the end. There at the edge of his mortality, a peace settled over him and the Force filled him to near bursting. In this haze of calm, he glanced off the creature’s raining blows. The lightsaber slid up the blade of his foe in a shrieking explosion of energy, slashing into the sleeve of the apparition’s robes. The creature struck low, and Rann leapt over the blade, his sabre sizzling into the hand that held it. It dropped its weapon casually, backpedaling as Rann advanced. The padawan felt a change in his opponent and dove under a flashing, double-handed attack; short jagged blades had appeared out of creature’s sleeves. Rann snapped the creature’s head back with a high kick and tried to take its arm with an uppercut slash, but it seemed to flow around the attack, slashing down and through back of the Jedi’s ankle.

Rann screamed and collapsed, his lower leg dead below him. Narrowly glancing away another quick strike meant to take his eyes, Rann rolled to a kneeling position. The creature slashed him again, and kicked the padawan hard in the chest. Rann sprawled, his lightsaber flying away.

He heard its laugh, this time. It was the cry of a thousand souls. A chorus of rage, fear and pain. He knew then that he would soon join those souls, but he still held onto that peace.

The creature stepped on his wrist and dug it into the ground. It crossed its crackling blades, and then raised one for the kill.

Out of the void, Rann saw a bright light flash across his vision.

Sia-Lan Wezz let out a wild yell as she left her feet and slammed into the creature. The combatants rolled together, the padawan jamming her fists into its tough hide and creature attempted to slash her with its wrist blades. Sia flipped off of the thing’s chest and ignited her lightsaber, glancing off one snaking blade and slashing its other hand off at the wrist. Never pausing, the thing gashed Sia-Lan across the thigh and kicked her in the stomach, knocking her flat. Bringing its good arm around for a killing blow, its head left its shoulders. Rann jammed the sizzling blade into the robed back to be sure, and kicked the body away.

“What in the blazes was that?” Sia-Lann murmured as she painfully rolled onto her back and pulled herself to sitting position.

“Hopefully it’s the node that Uduz was gibbering about,” Rann moaned, sprawling on the marbled green sand. “Otherwise, just kill me now.”
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Voidrunner's Codex

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