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Ragboy Presents: Artifacts of Oros, a Star Wars d20 Story Hour (updated 06/29)


Herder of monkies
Loved the last updates, Ragboy. You seem to be stretching your wings and really taking off in your writing, you've captured the Star Wars essence here while owning the Story as something wholly your own; it's nice to see someone putting out a story in a Star Wars world that succinctly captures the feel of it without kowtowing to the many tired conventions that writing in SW can bring. Good work.

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thanks ledded! This part's a little mumbo-jumbo, but relevant... My kids were a bit more frustrated than the characters at the lack of information...which is always fun... :)
Toba stayed on the ship to get some work done. The cool, damp interior of the chapel made Toba wish for home, somehow. He remembered his days in the swamps on Naboo, hunting for gig-frogs and swimming through cool, shaded waters. The past few weeks of constant running and fighting had the Gungan frazzled and in need of rest.

“Aha!” Toba exclaimed, his voice echoing in the deserted cargo bay. A tangled pile of cast off parts littered his workbench as he tinkered with a battle droid’s head.

The photoreceptors he’d installed, once part of a smashed protocol droid, came to life and the head emitted a series of diagnostic beeps.

He powered down the head and began installing a set of micro-repulsors he’d built from a melted blaster.

“Now I’m just needing a talker box, and I’m all set,” he murmured, staring into the receptors of his new droid.


Sia-Lann paced the interior of the chapel, stretching out her mind, seeking their mysterious charge. She felt nothing. The place was dead.

Rann sat propped against a cool brick wall trying to block the pain of his wounds from his thoughts. He felt the Force strong within him; stronger than it had ever been. It was like a well of cool sweet water just waiting for him to drink. He brooded over what he had learned during the fight with the strange dark creature. Its physical body, as well as its weapons had dissolved away, as if composed of the strange green sand of this place.

There was something left, though. Something he hadn’t told the others. A steel chain with a strange pink gem pendant lay on the sand where the creature fell. Rann had pocketed it without thinking. Now that he thought about it, he reached out with the Force, examining it. He felt something distant and hard to grasp. Not dark, but hidden.

“I think we’ve been had,” Arani said, sweeping her eyes across the hollow spire warily. “This thing is gone.”

“Maybe we stood somewhere, or did something that triggered the hologram,” Sia-Lann pondered aloud. She walked around the strange sculpture and reached out and touched it. It was frigid to the touch, like ice, but dry.

“I’m sure it’s waiting for something,” Rann said.

“The Uduz has waited long enough.” The watery voice echoed through the chamber.

Arani drew her blaster as she jumped in surprise. The two Jedi turned to look at the creature now standing in the doorway of the chapel.

It defied any anatomy that they had seen, even from the rich mix of races in the Galaxy. The green almost gelatinous body seemed to move of its own accord, gliding quickly across the dusty floor toward the statue. Though it seemed to hover, they noticed that it actually ‘walked’ on clusters of almost invisible cilia that also sprouted from all surfaces of the amorphous body. A single bristling stalk angled up from the thing holding a cluster of eyes and a small mouth.

Arani shivered slightly when the thing came near her and it smiled, grotesque on such a creature, but somehow allaying her fears. She holstered her pistol.

“We come seeking answers,” Sia-Lann said, formally. “A woman on Benelli Prime sent us.”

“Answers,” the Uduz said, gliding to a stop and pivoting its eyestalk toward the young Jedi. “Answers are everywhere. It is questions that you seek.”

Taken aback, Sia-Lann opened her mouth to speak, and then shut it. She realized that the Uduz was not physically speaking, though its voice rang in her ears.

“I don’t understand,” she said, finally.

“The questions you hold do not lead to answers,” it said. “Only to deeper questions. These questions, I hold.”

The young Jedi looked to her companions and shrugged. Rann pushed himself painfully to his feet and hobbled toward the Uduz, a look of determination on his face.

“Our master, Wei-Lun,” Rann began, grimacing as he stopped and tried to maintain his composure. “We believed he was killed on our planet by agents of the Dark Side. Now we believe he’s alive. Where can we find the killers?”

“There are killers everywhere. You yourself are a killer,” the Uduz said, its eyestalk pivoting again. “Why would you seek one over the other, when you stand before me and yourself?”

Arani sighed. This is going to take a while, she thought.

“We don’t think he’s dead, Master Uduz,” Sia-Lann put in, struggling to understand how this creature could help them. “The woman on Benelli…she said that he lives, and that you can tell us where he is.”

“Where.” The Uduz seemed to chew on the word. “There.” It seemed to gesture toward Sia-Lann with its stalk. “And there.” It pointed to Rann. “Your master is the Force. And within you, the Force resides.”

Sia-Lann sighed heavily and began to walk away. Rann put a hand on her shoulder and caught her eye.


She was surprised at this and suddenly saw her companion anew after the fight with the dark creature. Rann settled painfully to the floor and turned his eyes toward the Uduz.

“Tell me of the Force,” he said, calmly.

The Uduz seemed to settle, too, its eyestalk retracted to just inches above its undulating body. Rann felt waves of…pleasure…interest from the thing.

“You have known the light and the dark,” the Uduz began. “Let me tell you of a Force without these attachments.

“Ages ago, before galaxies, in the first days of the Universe, the Force is, as it is, not a tool for shapers or a religion for the sentient. The Force _is_. As pinholes in a very sheer fabric, the Force bleeds into our Universe. It is not as you are. It is not as I am. It is. Does it darken by the hand of one that would wield it in anger? No. Does it lighten by the mind of one that would serve a greater purpose? NO! The Force is. The darkness and the light are you. The Force is you. But these do not mix, any more than the weapon at your side mixes with a book that you read or a thought that you discover. These things are wisdom. The Force is not wisdom. The Force is not strength. The Force is.”

“What about the creature we found and destroyed?” Rann asked, his head trying to catch up. “It wielded the Force. You said it was ‘of the Dark side.’”

“The darkness is not the Force,” the Uduz maintained. “These are words. The Force is not words. I use words that you understand. Do you see? But these words are not the Force. The Force is.”

“I understand,” Rann said.

“So do I,” Arani drawled from the back of the room. “This thing conned us to take out that thing and his pets. Now he’s going to weasel out of telling us anything.”

“Wait, Arani,” Sia-Lann said, sitting beside Rann. “Why did we have to defeat the creature to speak to you? If the Force cannot be Dark or Light, then couldn’t you have defeated it yourself?”

“Defeat, victory,” the Uduz mulled. “These are not the Force anymore than darkness or light are the Force. The Force is. As your body, so mine. I wield not the Force, but my body only. The Force is. The creature was of this world and the pinhole through which the others peek. The creature you sought was not the Force. The creature was not dark or light. These are words. The Force is not words.”

“The Force is,” Rann finished for him. “You said that we could seek wisdom after this creature was destroyed. I have here evidence of our deed. Can you help us?”

Rann withdrew the creature’s necklace and the pink gem glittered in the dappling light from the statue.

“This is not the Force,” the Uduz intoned. “This is stone and stone. The Force is not stone and stone. The Force is.”

A long pause seemed to echo in the chamber as the two young Jedi stared at the strange creature.

“I can help you,” the Uduz said, finally.

“Where can we find Master Wei-Lun?” Sia-Lann said in a rush.

“Your master is not the Force. Your master is as your body. The Force is not as your body. The Force is,” the Uduz said. “Your master resides in the place where he was born. This place is not the Force. This place is stone and vacuum. The Force is not stone and vacuum. The Force is.”

“Where is this place? The place where he was born?” Sia-Lann asked.

“Where,” the Uduz considered. “There. And there.” Again it pointed to the two Jedi in turn.

“He doesn’t know,” Arani said.

“The Force is not knowledge. The Force is. The Uduz knows nothing,” the Uduz replied.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Sia-Lann said, standing.

Rann turned to look at Sia. “He can tell us,” he said. “We just have to try and understand.”

He turned back to the Uduz to see only empty air.

“Well,” Rann sighed. “I guess we have more than we came with.”

“More questions,” Sia-Lann said, irritated.

“I need to get this load to Coruscant,” Arani said. “Can we head on out, now? Maybe save the Galaxy after my bills are paid?”
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skullsmurfer said:
Ragboy, I am hooked. I like the way you write and I look forward to more.
DethStryke said:
*BUMP* to show some Star Wars love and see if there is more interest! Where'd ya go Rag Boy?

Well heck... If I have fans, then I guess I'll have to dust off what I have left of this campaign story. We never actually finished the campaign, but there are a handful of sessions that I didn't document here...


ragboy said:
Well heck... If I have fans, then I guess I'll have to dust off what I have left of this campaign story. We never actually finished the campaign, but there are a handful of sessions that I didn't document here...

This should be a lesson to all you lurkers. I've had this subscribed since he started, and never said anything! You don't know someone is enjoying it unless you say something! :)

Sorry for not chiming in previously. :(


Alright...I haven't even proofed this fully, but I'll just edit in place... This was the official end of our Episode I. We completed about half of Episode II, and I'll write that up shortly. Thanks for the push to get this done. I felt kinda guilty not finishing at least what I promised. There's one more wrap-up scene, then it's on to II.


As the Polestar breached the upper atmosphere of Benelli IV, lights began flashing
across the main control panels.

"We having incoming!" Toba yelled, swiveling to the targeting computer. "Two
fighters and a small transport."

"Can we catch a break, here?" Arani moaned, her maneuver sending the ship bouncing
across the thermosphere. "Rann, Sia! Man fire control!"

"I'm on it," Rann said calmly over the intercom.

"I have them," Sia said.

Two missiles streaked from the bottom of the ship, and then a loud clanking sound echoed through the ship. Toba cringed and checked the maintenance system.

"My launcher's dead," Sia said, frantically.

Arani looked at the Gungan with fire in her eyes.

"I using your friend's parts," Toba said, sheepishly. "Everything checking out. I
told you the dust would..."

"Save it," she growled.

"Locked on," Rann interrupted and a chain of missiles fired.

One of the fighters dissolved in a haze of superheated metal that the second fighter
split as it came in firing fast. The cockpit lights dimmed with every precision
strike. Overlapping alert klaxons followed. Arani barely avoided a collision with
the craft, as she cut the ship planetward in a sharp maneuver.

"We can't stand against this with one launcher," she said. "We'll have to hide
somewhere on the planet."

Suddenly a massive concussion rocked the ship and the shield alarm wailed.

"Sheilds down!" Toba called. "Ion blast taking out the generator."

A handful of concussions followed, and the entire cockpit went black. Sia was at the
cockpit portal instantly.

"The blasts came from that transport," she said, breathless.

"No kidding," Arani shouted, slamming her headset into the dead control panel.

The sleek little fighter glided by the disabled ship, the Quarren pilot gesturing at
them derisively. They could only watch as the transport moved into a docking


The docking hatch popped open and the pressure between the two ships equalized
violently. Toba shook his head, crouched inside the half-closed door of the lounge,
his blaster rifle pointed up at the gaping hatch.

"All aboard this ship stand where you can be seen and drop your weapons," an
amplified, metallic voice said.

"Hold steady," Toba heard Arani say from across the hall. "Wait until they come down."

"I surrender," she called, throwing a blaster pistol to where it could be seen from
the open hatch. She walked out into the hallway with her arms raised.

A helmeted head poked into the disabled ship, the pressure mask concealing the
creature inside.

"Where are the others?" the creature asked.

"I left them planetside," Arani said, lightly. "Couldn't pay for their passage out."

"Descant," the other said into his mic. "We only have one occupant....No, the pilot."

There was a long pause. The creature dropped into the ship with a heavy blaster
trained on Arani. He was followed by four companions, all Quarrens, by the shape of
their helmets.

The leader approached, snickering over his amplified communicator.

"You're going to take us back down and show us where you left them," he said.

"You can rot in the Core," Arani yelled jerking the blaster from her back holster
and firing into the creature's faceplate.

Behind the assailants, Rann and Sia leapt out into the cramped hallway, their
lightsabers swinging, as Toba popped out and fired. The leader of the thugs went
down with a wail, as his companions dove into open hatchways, returning fire.

Rann sliced one weapon apart and slashed the Quarren across the thigh, dodging wild
shots from his companions. Sia blocked a bolt into the deck and stepped under the
open hatch, preparing to do the same. Bright blue energy shot out from the open
hatch and she dropped, unconscious, as four more Quarrens leaped into the disabled
ship, cutting the downed Jedi off from here companions.

Rann charged them, but they were ready with long-handled stun batons. Two of the creatures slapped their batons on Rann's chest and he collapsed, a soundless scream on his lips.

"No!" Arani yelled. "Toba, light up those four!"

Toba stood and braced his heavy blaster against the wall, unleashing a hail of fire. Two of the Quarrens went down. Three others returned fire, while the last hoisted Sia-Lann's limp form over his shoulder and began climbing a rope ladder back to his ship. Without thinking, Toba charged, blasting two of the Quarrens, and smashing the third back with his shoulder. Wounds already scorched his glistening skin, oozing a thick orangish blood. Realizing that Arani was right behind him, he fired into the downed Quarren's chest and scampered up the ladder.

Something warned him, and he ducked back into the hatch as a massive plasteel axe slammed into the docking ring. Standing over the opening was the largest creature Toba had ever seen. Its thick matted hair wafted a foul stench and its massive wolf-like head leered. The Gungan swallowed hard and fired a blast into the thing's face, charging up the ladder and inside its long reach. The Yuzzem backhanded him across the docking bay and heaved the axe as he approached for the final stroke.

Toba crouched against a set of shipping containers, his ears still ringing from the strike. He pressed the firing stud on his blaster and heard the shrill tone of an empty energy cartridge. Throwing away the useless weapon, he struggled to rise, his vision goggling. The Yuzzem's grin was full of jagged teeth as he raised the axe, its blade humming certain death.

The blast was almost entirely absorbed by the massive creature, so that Toba did not even know the Yuzzem was dead until he collapsed, a blackened crater smoking in its hairy back. Arani stood with her head and shoulders out of the docking ring, her blasters already training into the hallway beyond.

"Come on, Gungan!" she snapped. "We got at least two more of these spitsnakes to take down."

The tink, tink, tink of an incoming grenade seemed to freeze both heroes, and then all was heat and movement. Toba, trying to slide between the heavy shipping crates, flew over them with the force of the blast, shrapnel peppering his mottled skin. Arani had disappeared in the explosion, and Toba, just regaining his senses, feared she was dead. A strained-metal creaking suddenly began and grew louder. The Gungan sat up, shaking off the effects of the grenade and the Yuzzem's attentions, realizing what was occuring. Already he could see the tell-tale signs of gas escaping around the blackened and twisted docking ring.

He leaped up and ran for the hallway where he'd seen Sia-Lann's captor disappear, only to run into the Quarren as he rushed to close and detach the docking hatch. The heavy Quarren scrambled to regain his feet, but Toba smashed him in the knee with a nearby hydrospanner, then brought the heavy metal tool down on the thug's head.

"Now to getting Sia," he said aloud.

"That won't be necessary, Gungan," a deep voice said from the end of the hallway.

A Duros, clad in a heavy armored space suit stood in the shadows, Sia-Lann clasped before him. His blaster lay against her temple.

"You being Descant?" Toba said, eyeing the docking bay with a sidelong glance. The Quarren's blaster pistol lay almost within reach.

"That's right little swamp frog," Descant said, his broad red eyes glowing. "You and your little crew are worth a lot. The rest of you are worth the same, dead or not, but this one..." He pressed the pistol against the unconscious Jedi's head. "She's worth ten times that alive."

"We having money, you know," Toba said, stepping forward.

"Not another step!" the Duros yelled, and Toba realized that not only was he not going to shoot Sia-Lann, Descant was also shaking with fear.

"You not shooting her, methinking," Toba said, giving one last look at the blaster.

"I can shoot you though!"

Toba's frog-like tongue shot out and stuck to the blaster pistol. Descant's shot went high, exploding on the roof above the Gungan's head, and he caught the pistol and fired.

The Duros dropped like a dead gundark. The strained metal behind him shrieking anew, Toba rushed to his fallen friend and slung her over his back. The hissing of the docking ring intensified, and as he reached it, he saw the first major breach. Calmly lowering Sia-Lan before him, he climbed down the ladder. He thumbed the docking hatch to the closed position, but all he heard was the strained sounds of broken machinery.

"No problemo," he said, rushing into the Polestar's docking bay.

He raked a mountain of junk off of a ladened worktable and lay the Jedi upon it, then began frantically searching through his junk boxes.

"Know it being here somewhere, and knowing I needed it," he mumbled.

The creaking and hissing of the two ships as they came apart intensified.

"Aha!" He held up a folded tarpualin. The light glimmered on its fine skein of plasteel fibers.

A dull whump sounded and Toba felt his ears pop. Rushing into the hallway, he unfolded the tarp, his ears already lifting into the air as the atmosphere in the Polestar rushed into space. He flung the tarp against the jagged edge of the docking ring and fitted the material into the hole, pushing it into the edges. The material became rigid where its surface met the void of space. As if on cue, Descant's ship broke away. Toba heard the superstructure drag against the top of the Polestar with a maddening scream of metal on metal. He cringed, hoping no other hull breaches occured. Satisfied with the sealer tarp, he sprayed the edges with additional sealant, and backed out of the docking tube.

He turned to see Arani, her face blackened and hair burned away, pushing herself up to a sitting position.

"What in the name of..." She ran her hands over her head. "Where's Sia?"

"She being in the cargo bay," Toba said. "I go seeing about power."

"Where's that freighter?" she said as he stepped over her.

He waved his hand vaguely in response, stomping toward the front of the ship.

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