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Rage and Fatigue- fix


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Hey, everyone. Have any of you ever thought that the duration of Fatigue after a rage has finished was... well... weird? I mean, a Barbarian, after Raging, is fatigued "for the duration of the encounter"- an arbitrary length of time not used for any other effect in the entire game, to my knowledge. Why is this? Whether the battle lasts another in-game hour (something I hope no player ever has to sit through), or if it ends one round later, the Barbarian is still fatigued the entire time, even if another one starts up two rounds later. The duration of "the encounter" is ridiculous, because it really boils down to "whether or not the DM feels like letting you get your strength back". Not only that, but the Barbarian is fatigued for the exact same duration whether they Rage for a single round, or twenty rounds. And to top it all off, a Barbarian can't Rage more than once per encounter, even if the encounter lasts an hour. This is a relatively reasonable rule for a low-level Barbarian(that is, if you think that the "fatigued for the encounter" rule is reasonable), but what if they're an Epic-level Barbarian with the tireless Rage ability? He still can't Rage more than once per encounter, regardless of the duration. Anyone find this odd?

I thought up a potential (and, in my opinion, quite feasible) fix for this. Rather than having the fatigue last "for the duration of the encounter", instead have it last for the same duration as the Rage itself- that is, for every round spent in Rage, the Barbarian must spend one round fatigued. This way, if the battle happens to last for thirty+ rounds (which I've never seen), and the Barbarian bursts into Rage in the first round and stays with it until it's gone, there's a chance that by the end of the encounter he'll have his normal stats back. Plus, it would give some sort of an reason to end your Rage prematurely (in case there's a round or two with no enemies, so that you could be sure to be back at full strength before the reinforcements come). Also, I think that a Barbarian should be able to Rage more than once per encounter, as long as he can't use his Rage ability until the fatigue ends (and, of course, as long as he stays within his daily limit for uses of Rage). So if that 20th-level Barbarian manages to get himself into a battle that lasts 30 rounds, he can enter Rage a second time once the second one ends. After all, he's got at least 5 uses of it per day, so why not use 'em?

So, for ease of recognition, here's the Barbarian's Rage description, per the SRD, with my suggested changes:

Rage (Ex): A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for one round per round spent in rage (so if a Barbarian with a constitution of 16 [20 while in rage] stays in his rage for the full 8 rounds, he is then fatigued for 8 rounds- however, if he were to end it after the third round, for example, he would only be fatigued for 3 rounds). A 17th-level Barbarian, as per the Tireless Rage ability, is no longer fatigued after his Rage.
A barbarian can fly into a rage whenever he wishes, but not while he is fatigued. If a Barbarian stays in rage for 5 rounds, and then the rage is ended (either because its duration expired or he ended it prematurely), he must wait until the 5 rounds of fatigue have passed before entering rage again, limited by his daily uses of rage. (A 17th-level Barbarian, since he is not fatigued after his rage expires, could spend another use of his rage ability to begin raging the round after his first rage expires.) At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else’s action.

What do y'all think?

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That's pretty much how we have house ruled it in two different games with two different DMs. The double raging in the same encounter thing hasn't come up but twice, and the DM allowed the barb to rage again while fatigued (combining the two effects) and then be exhausted afterwards. It didn't seem in anyway unbalancing. The next time the barb was fatigued, the decided to stay that way rather than risk exhaustion.


First Post
This looks good. Makes it a finite time frame, and also gives the player something to think about for ending the rage earlier.

Magic of Farun also has something called tireless that can be taken at first level.

Aust Diamondew

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IMC the barbarian is fatigued until he can rest (taking no actions except movement nor having to defend oneself) for for a number of rounds equal to the length of his rage.

Because fighting a battle isn't a great way to over come fatigue.


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I originally dictated that the fatigue lasted until the barbarian could rest (using only a move action each round) for one minute; but 1 round per round of rage sounds like a good fix too.


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UltimaGabe said:
What do y'all think?

I'll start by saying that, in general, I agree with your thoughts on the subject... So much so that I not only house-ruled the duration of the fatige IMC, but I never noticed that fatigue and the ability to rage again were NOT connected until it was pointed out later. I mean, of COURSE the reason you couldn't rage was that you were fatigued, right? (Wrong, oh well, another HR, no biggie)

I made the fatigue last two rounds per round you were raged. But it's the same concept. Assume a barbarian with a 10 con (an odd assumption), rage will last 5 rounds, in ten rounds after that his fatigue would end. I wanted the double to make it so that indeed in general even low level barbarians often considered it such that they *could* only rage once per encounter.

In campaigns where it's not house-ruled, or where GM's hate the concept of house-ruling, (ok I only did this once to demonstrate a point), I had a rage fatigued barbarian "retreat" around a corner (move action), sit down and drink some water from a canteen (standard action, I drew the canteed as an improvised bashing weapon while retreating), and announce that he was now out of combat. I then had him stand up, walk around the corner, "discover" a combat in progress :eek: fly into a rage and enter the fray.

He, unsurprisingly, looked at that situation and agreed that a house-rule did need to be made about how long the fatigue needed to last (and *can* you just declare yourself out of combat by walking away? We debated that for a while too, and as long as you declared yourself flatfooted... well, why can't you?)

Aust Diamondew said:
IMC the barbarian is fatigued until he can rest (taking no actions except movement nor having to defend oneself) for for a number of rounds equal to the length of his rage.

Because fighting a battle isn't a great way to over come fatigue.

I like this too, and I might actually modify my personal HR to be one round out of combat as above per round in rage, or two rounds IN combat per round of rage. Because, while I agree that being in combat isn't a great way to overcome fatigue, it also doesn't inspire fatigue (per RAW) in anyone else, so there should be a way to eventually 'catch your breath' so to speak.

I also think that a 17th level barb should be able to rage again right away, with his tireless rage. However at that point you're running into some potential balance problems... What if the person does not become fatigued at all? IMO there still needs to be some time limit for most characters, with the possible exception of the 17th level barbarian.

You can get immune to fatigue with ONE level of Horizon walker. Ok, so you'll need the Endurance feat, but still, that seems a little early in my opinion to be able to go into back-to-back rages. And, even worse, the Warforged (or any other race with a similiar ability that springs up). They're simply immune to fatigue. At FIRST level you could have back to back rages... well, you'd need a feat there to be able to have multiple rages at first level, and that would mean no armor EVER if you were a warforged. But the issue exists to be looked at and thought about.


Moderator Emeritus
I have made it one FULL minute of rest per round of rage is required to overcome the fatigue - well, that or a lesser restoration spell. :)

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