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Railroading... but not really

Have you used the lightning rail for a fight scene?


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Only two sessions into our new Eberron game and I've already had my players fight atop the lightning rail.

Now I'm curious; how many of you that are DM'ing an Eberron campaign have had a rail-top battle? From previous posts on this site, it sounds like you can't sneeze without hitting someone who's fighting on top of a lightning rail. Not that thats necessarily a bad thing; I'm just interested to know how common it really is.

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awayfarer said:
Now I'm curious; how many of you that are DM'ing an Eberron campaign have had a rail-top battle? From previous posts on this site, it sounds like you can't sneeze without hitting someone who's fighting on top of a lightning rail. Not that thats necessarily a bad thing; I'm just interested to know how common it really is.
Voted no. For some reason, there was never a really fun opportunity to do this. But then, they defused an arcane bomb in a Lightning Rail, accidentally re-activated it, then thrown it out of the window and've seen a big boom.

But no fight on top of a Rail... :)

the Jester

I may be running something very thematically similar in my next session for the Year 272 Campaign; but it isn't Eberron, and it hasn't happened quite yet.


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The first Eberron game I ran was the official adventure path, which has a lightning rail battle in one of the adventures.. Whispers of the Vampire's Blade I believe. I took both it and the lightning rail trip out of the adventure, because it made a lot more sense to go straight from the crash to the ziggurat. The whole adventure was pretty bad, but it's at least consistant until you're on a lightning rail being attacked by the Lord of Blades and halflings on pteradons. It was like someone reached into a hat and pulled out Eberronisms at random to write the chapter.

So no.


I've never run an Ebberon campaign, so I can't answer the poll. However, one of the big things that appeals to me about Ebberon is the idea of fighting bandits on the roof of a speeding lighting rail.


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I've run a fight on top of, inside, and under a steam train, if that counts. Not Eberron, of course, but it was a lot of fun. A pair of trains running side-by-side, actually, a passenger train and another run by an evil cult, trying to get at some of the passengers of the first train. I had a pair of warriors and a mage on top of the train, fighting off waves of mooks, another warrior and priest inside trying to fight their way through the invading cultists to the engine, and a rogue who decided to climb underneath the train to get into the engine from below, to stop the guys who had taken control. The entire battle took about two hours real time, but it was a blast.

They won, by the way. The good-guys, I mean.


First Post
I dont run an Eberron campaign but in my homebrew world Dwarves have harnessed the use of elementals to power underground trains. My party had invaded a abandoned mine being used as a hideout for bandits. The bandits had restored the disabled train and the party had an incredible battle on a fast moving train. Unfortunately the bandits had not unblocked the far end of the passage and the party had a very rough landing as the train slammed to a stop. They survived and had a great time. All in all a great adventure

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