Raise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition looking for players near Joliet, IL

Hello everyone,

I've been having the urge to run Raise of the Runelords anniversary edition for a while now. Figured I'd finally give it a go so I'm looking for about 4 players that can be dedicated to 2-4 weekends a month(either playing weekly or biweekly) on Saturdays. My fiancee who is brand new to RPG's might be joining us so you have to be okay with new players and be willing to show her the ropes when I drop the ball.

We will either be playing at my home(in crest hill) or at the wandering dragon in Plainfield. I haven't talked to the people at the wandering dragon yet about using their space but will be doing so in the next week.

Since Raise of the Runelords is a rather...adult themed adventure path I would like the players who reply to be over the age of 21 and mature enough to handle some graphic sceens. I say over 21 since I tend to drink when playing pathfinder and don't mind if my players like to endudge but if you drink its BYOB.

If I do end up running at my house I should warn you that I have two cats and a dog that will be running around the house(the dog will probably end up in the back yard though) so please be aware of this for allergies and such.

Other than that I'm open to anyone who is interested. Either reply to this thread here, PM me, or shoot me an email at finalfantasyfan12632@gmail.com.

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