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Indian/Hindu myth, though the DnD take on them diverges alot from those original sources.

In DnD there's some on them in the writeups for Acheron in the MotP, or their writeups in some of the Planescape material (where they're native, though for bizarre reasons they're considered native outsiders in 3.5 :confused: ).

There was a pretty good Dragon article on them recently, including their racial deity Ravenna.

I've used them in my first storyhour as antagonists, and I plan on using them extensively in my second storyhour, but haven't gotten to that point yet in writing it. There's that stuff if you wanted to take a glance, especially SH#1 with the current plot arc.

And then here is a thread on WotC with some seriously inspired material written up by Rip Van Wormer. And I can't recommend it more.

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