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Rant - The Forgotten Forge Adventure (Spoilers)


First, Admins please delete this if its been ranted at before, or its innapropriate for this forum.

Secondly there are spoilers here - so begone those who may want to play it some day (poor deluded fools that you are)

After DM'ing for the last 3 years I had a chance to play in a game with my old DM who moved back to town.

The DM has been doing it for over 20 years. 3 players have been playing for over 15 years, and the other 3 for 1-5 years.

We rolled up 1st level characters using the standard 25 point buy system. None were really power-gamed up. We had;

Changeling Rogue - High dex and int
Warforged Monk - High dex and Wis
Shifter Barbarian - Str
Some new race psion - High Con
Human Dragonmarked mage - High Int and Dex
Human Artificer - he only played one session (lucky guy)

No healer, but the noble chick paid us some money beforehand so we bought some healing potions. The adventure went through alright and we made our way down into the sewers. We had a standard marching order with the meatshield and monk in front, and me as the rogue at the back because of my spot and listen scores.

The Artificer was not part of the group during the early stages.

I looked down as a rapier appeared through my chest, I dropped to -9. *thud* Initiative. The warforged rogue stabbed our mage - he dropped to -5. *thud* 2 shifters approached from the front.

Our shifter and monk faced this new threat and traded blows with them, the monk was hit badly and dropped to -1. *thud* The warforged rogue stabbed the psion and he dropped also.*thud*

Our shifter started spending hero points and dropped a shifter and the warforged rogue. The last shifter tore him apart but the GM allowed him a death strike which also killed the other shifter. *thud*

None of us rolled that badly, our tactics were good, we didnt allow ourselves to get flanked or anything - we just got the crap beaten out of us.

We all recovered and rested up, and were joined by the Artificer and a new Shifter (ours died remember)

We proceeded on past some valves, down a big chute/slide thing to an underground cavern type area with some ruins.

We started walking towards some and were asked to make a spot check. I succeded and saw a swarm of beetles. we rolled initiative and i threw some oil - the flask didnt break. The artificer threw some which broke, and the psion set it alight. The beetles were upon us and swarmed over us. The mage dropped, *thud* the shifter got nauseated as did the psion.

We tried to get back up the ledge but were bitten some more and the artificer and psion went unconscious. *thud* *thud*

The shifter picked up the psion and ran to some ruins, near death. I climbed the ledge and threw more oil. I managed to drag the mage up next to me and somehow the artificer managed to get to safety (the Dm was fudging rolls in our favour badly by this time)

Somehow the swarm dispersed and we found some healing potions in the closest ruin (gee that was lucky) we rested yo full health.

We saw a ruined temple like structure and some other ruins. I said, lets make sure we clear behind us before we move on - stupid stupid idea!

We came across 2 rats. These rats are CR1 monsters. yes Cr1 with a +7 to hit, 20ac, 2d6 bite attack including acid and disease and around 20hp. Almost another TPK and 4 of us unconscious. *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

We rested up again in the ruined temple and found a magic healing font.

Once at full health we contnued and discovered a big building with adamantium doors. There was no way in so i climbed to the roof and discovered an opening. We dropped a torch down - seemed safe enough and lowered a rope. The Monk and Shifter climbed down and were set upon by construct dogs. These CR1 dogs has the ac, hp, and attacks of a standard level 5 fighter.

I rushed down to help them, holding out the journal hoping to make them stop attacking, I was killed alsmost immediately *thud* as was the shifter *thud*. The monk was reduced to zero and they stopped attacking him.

The others tried missile fire to kill them, but only damaged them before running out of ammunition.

They exhausted thier spells and climbed down to melee. They killed the psion *thud* and only the Monk, mage, and Artificer survived. They looted the vault and existed.

As they headed back to the surface another warforged appeared and demanded the surrender of the schema. They said no so he shot the mage in the head with a crossbow - the mage dropped. *thud*

The monk picked up the mage and started running. The warforged persued and stabbed the artificer in the back. *thud*

he caught up to the monk at the ledge. The monk was only on 0-1 life so decided to drink a heal potion. he healed 6 hp. The AoO dealth him 7 points. *thud*

Noone enjoyed this adventure, and we have decided not to play Eberron ever again, as we were so soured by this experience. I estimate we should have been 3rd level for this adventure or 2nd if we had a much higher point buy system.

The monsters we fought were very hard for us to hit, and could easily incapacitate all but out shifter with one attack if they rolled reasonably well. The highest ac in the group was 16 and the highest attack bonus we had was +3.

I admire Keith Baker for his imaginative setting and his hard work developing products over the years. However, in my opinion he should not write adventures. Ever.

Also, anyone wanna buy a couple of cheap Eberron books?

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First Post
I've DM'd this adventure twice. The first time was at the D&D Game Day with an inexperienced group of players. No one used their action points and the iron defenders did a TPK. That was with 6 players. It was a one-shot deal.

I ran it a few weeks ago against another completely different group of 4 experienced players as the start of an ongoing campaign. They got through just fine and really enjoyed it.

The iron defenders should not have attacked the person holding the journal.

For 4 players this only gave them about 1000 xp; 6 players would still be at level 1 after this adventure. My new players had a blast with this one.

What exactly was broken with the adventure? Did you have bad rolls?


I do not think we had bad rolls, but I belive we should have had a chance to avoid some of the encounters if we desired, and those rats were barely able to be hit by us and shouldnt have a 2d6 attack against level 1 players.

It is possible our Dm misinterpreted the way some encounters were handled - perhaps ill Dm this adventure with my regular group just to make sure.


Eternal Optimist
Sandain said:
I looked down as a rapier appeared through my chest, I dropped to -9. *thud* Initiative. The warforged rogue stabbed our mage - he dropped to -5. *thud* 2 shifters approached from the front.

Every PC has a DC 18 Spot check to notice the hiding rogue. He has an AC 18 and 9 hit points, +2 to hit and 1d6+1 damage (+2 and +1d6 for the sneak attack). For you to drop to -9 hit points required a critical.

The shifters begin about 60 feet away in shallow water. AC 13, hp 14, 10. With full attacks of +4 (1d4+2, 2 claws).

For you to (a) miss all the Spot checks and (b) be hit by a critical is extremely unlucky.

We started walking towards some and were asked to make a spot check. I succeded and saw a swarm of beetles. we rolled initiative and i threw some oil - the flask didnt break. The artificer threw some which broke, and the psion set it alight. The beetles were upon us and swarmed over us. The mage dropped, *thud* the shifter got nauseated as did the psion.

The beetles begin about 50 feet away from you and have a move of 20 feet. The swarm has 13 hit points - our group defeated them after the artificer realised he could spend an action point to quickly imbue his sword with the flaming ability. It was tough, though.

We came across 2 rats. These rats are CR1 monsters. yes Cr1 with a +7 to hit, 20ac, 2d6 bite attack including acid and disease and around 20hp. Almost another TPK and 4 of us unconscious. *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

Horrid rats have 7 hp, AC 20, +4 bite attack (1d6 + 1d6 acid).

Your figures are wrong.

Once at full health we contnued and discovered a big building with adamantium doors. There was no way in so i climbed to the roof and discovered an opening. We dropped a torch down - seemed safe enough and lowered a rope. The Monk and Shifter climbed down and were set upon by construct dogs. These CR1 dogs has the ac, hp, and attacks of a standard level 5 fighter.

AC 17, hp 21, Bite +5 melee (1d6+3).

You might want to try a 2rd level fighter.

My group found the adventure challenging (and got bitten badly by the beetle swarm), but they also decided to go back and rest when they were hurt too much.

Were you using miniatures? I drew out the entire cavern on my battlemat, and drew in the buildings as the PCs came to them. It worked very well.



First Post
They're only 7 hit points each. Our guys were able to take them down as soon as they connected. 20 AC is pretty bad but with as soon as you get the first bite everyone should think "Darn, those are some nasty suckers! Time for action points!"


Hi, I have never read the adventure and the figures were my best recollection of what the Dm told us. Going by these figures and the encounter distances I am beginning to think our Gm needs to familiarise himself more with 3.5 edition. I can verify that the rats we fought had more than 7hp though.

EDIT: maybe they didnt, and it was because we had roll 19-20's to hit them that made them so nasty.

I recall it was a critical I was hit with, and yes we all rolled around 15's for the spot checks for the rogue.
Last edited:


Somehow the swarm dispersed and we found some healing potions in the closest ruin (gee that was lucky) we rested yo full health.

Those are in the module as I recall, in case you were questioning DM creative license.


You know, I've never played nor seen this module, but nothing in a CR 1 dungeon should be dealing 2d6 points of damage. Well, the BBEG maybe, but not a freaking rat.

That sounds really broken to me.


I GM'd this adventure, and my players didn't have it that bad. On the other hand, I must admit that they did have a hard time with the swarm and horrid rats and Saber. Which is why they used the ruined temple as a refuge ("Well, if they really want to eat us, then we'll just let them walk in and kill them one-by-one...") and ended up actually running away from Saber due to the cleric's extremely effective obscuring mist spell. I also allowed a DC 25 Use Magic Device check on the journal to halt the constructs.

The only huge risk of actual death they had, in all honesty, was climbing down to the underground cavern, which they had to do by hand because they had no rope. Two characters almost fell to their deaths, and they had to use action points to not die horribly.

Sandain said:
Also, anyone wanna buy a couple of cheap Eberron books?

Actually, my players might need a couple...

A 1st-level orcish NPC fighter could have a better AC, more hit points and deal more damage than the rats (give him an axe and 17 Strength, damage 1d8+3, average damage 7.5, that's more than the rat). I don't think he could match their attack bonus, however, even if he were an orc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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