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Rapid Shot/Many shot, SA, and weapon enhancement


First Post
... I've a wand of grave strike for undead so I think I got that covered,....

Not sure about a wand containing a swift spell that last only 1 round.
As I understand the spell you cast the spell and attack in the same round with the new given benefits.
Now activating a wand is a standard action itself. Won't the spell run out 'till your next possible attack (Except AoO maybe) ?

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First Post
Yeah, we were all wondering about the wand. The DM allowed me to change it to my "next attack" instead of the 1 round duration for that reason. However, ironically enough, when I found it, we ended the quest that same night, so I've yet to use it...

As for char development, I'll post my char and let you guys see what to do. I've got a decent bit of money that I've been saving for some time, and just got this crazy twitch to spend some. Need to go to the car to grab my sheet, I'll have it posted in a bit.


First Post
Alright here it is. Criticism is always appreciated, both good and bad. This was my first attempt at rogue, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit (dispite the fact that 2/3 quests we've done so far have been golem/undead based). As far as I know it lines up "legally" and mathematically but double check it if you don't mind... If I forget something let me know

General Info:
Zane - Halfling Rogue (13), Align - NE, Deity - Zaphaxius (self created), Size - S, Age - 31, Gender - M, Weight - 27, Eyes - Red (magically changed), Hair - Black (again with the magical changing), Skin - Pale (reagain - my appearance got warped by a permanent physical change back in the day...)

Str - 15
Dex - 22
Con - 16
Int - 14
Wis - 10
Cha - 10

HP - 126 (which is legit, I've just gotten some sick rolls all DM witnessed)
AC - 27 (10 +6(armor) +2(shield) +6(dex) +1(size) +2(deflection))
Touch - 19, Flat Footed - 21

Fort - 14 (4(base) +5(ability mod) +4(magic) +1(racial))
Reflex - 19 (8(base) +6(ability mod) +4(magic) +1(racial))
Will - 9 (4(base) +0(ability mod) +4(magic) +1(racial))

Base Attack Bonus - 9/4
Spell Resist - 0

Grapple - 7 (9(bab) +2(str) -4(size))

+1 shocking adamantite rapier - attack bonus - 16/11 - damage - 1d4 + 1d6(shock) +3 (wielding 2 handed) - critical - 18-20/x2 - special qualities - Bypass hardness below 20

Sling - attack bonus - 16/11 - damage 1d3+2 - critical - x2

Monkey - attack bonus - 16 - damage 1d3+2 - critical - x2 (see previous post which I'll give a link for that has a bit of info behind this...)

Skills (relevant..):
Balance - 9 (6(ability mod) +2(misc, synergy I think))
Bluff - 18 (1(ability mod) +15(ranks) +2(misc, again synergy, I should label my miscs...))
Climb - 4 (2(ability mod) +2(misc))
Diplomacy - 13 (1(ability mod) +10(ranks) +2(misc))
Disable Device - 16 (2(ability mod) +12(ranks) +2(misc))
Gather Info - 9 (1(ability mod) +8(ranks))
Hide - 18 (6(ability mod) +12(ranks))
Intimidate - 13 (1(ability mod) +10(ranks) +2(misc))
Jump - 4 (2(ability mod) +2(ranks))
Listen - 15 (13(ranks) +2(misc))
Move Silently - 20 (6(ability mod) +12(rans) +2(misc))
Open Lock - 19 (6(ability mod) +11(ranks) +2(misc - mw thief tools)
Search - 15 (2(ability mod) +13(ranks))
Sleight of Hand - 23 (6(ability mod) +15(ranks) +2(misc))
Spot - 8 (8(ranks))
Tumble - 14 (6(ability mod) +8(ranks))

+2 Mithril Shirt - Type: Deflect - AC Bonus: +6 - Max Dex: +6 - Special Property: Hardness: 15, HP: 30
Ring of Protection +2
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Ring of Force Shield - +2 AC (shield bonus)
Belt of Giant Str +4
Cloak of Resistance +4
Amulet of Natural Health +4
Boots of Speed

Improved Init
Combat Expertise
Weapon Finesse
Combat Reflexes
Improved Feint

Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack 7d6
Trapsence +4
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Crippling Strike

Common, Halfling, Draconic, Undercommon


First Post
PrinceZane said:
Yeah, we were all wondering about the wand. The DM allowed me to change it to my "next attack" instead of the 1 round duration for that reason. However, ironically enough, when I found it, we ended the quest that same night, so I've yet to use it...

If your GM is going to allow that, then get a wand of the spell that will let you sneak attack constructs. Coupled with a Golembane scarab, you should be set.

Darth Malakh

First Post
if money's what you got and tweakin' a-dem magic devices is what you do (after all, you're a rogue) then i propose:

a) a wand of "keen edge" / "weapon of impact" / "spikes" if you still think crits are sexy (which i do because me mama gave me rolemaster instead of milk) and / or

b) a wand of wracking touch from CompAdv (the wandstrike feat from CompArc is a nice go-along) which deals 1d6+itemCL (max 10) for a touch attack that allows full SA even if your target isn't flatfooted or flanked). also, this damage passes through any kind of DR because it's magic damage. and / or

c) a level of cleric. swiftly cast "grave strike" yourself and beef up your low saves


Darth "Misery" Malakh


First Post
Hmm.. well, A, B choices sound decent. I'd rather not take any other class, I'm trying to stay pureblood rogue (even no PrCs!).

On a similar note, as shows in my char above, my UMD skill isn't trained (hense why its not on the list) due to us having 3 casters in the group (1 cleric, 1 wiz, 1 warlock)

My Use Magical Device skill ranks as follows:
Total - 1 (1(ability mod) +0(ranks) +0(misc +0(pity points from DM))


First Post
Based on player outline above, and UMD in previous post... what do you think about my next level:

Should I put ALL of my 10 skill pts for leveling into UMD? Or should I put 5-6 then distribute 1 point in the others?


First Post
As for golems, in Quintessential Rogue, there is a feat (I believe called Splintering Strike) that allows you to sneak attack golems....and gain +2d6 damage to them with a sneak attack. so said 13th level rogue will have +7d6 vs everyone else, +9d6 vs golems. ;)

I could be wrong on the extra damage, but im pretty sure its there. I dont have access to the book at the moment :/

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