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Rapiers and Rocketships

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First Post
Sinead looks around in panick, searching for something sharp that she might pick up.
"Do any of ye have a knive?"
(total defense)


Tom Hogan Gets Mad

Tars Tarkus said:
Ben pulls out his pistol and fires a shot at the beast. It roars in pain and rears it's head up out of the water.

Roland fires as well but his shot barely misses the creature.

Tom throws the rock like some all-star pitcher for the Dodgers and hits the otter like monster right in the head with a solid thunk.

The others scatter like leaves away from the creature and the water.

With a low angry growl, the beast jumps out of the water and pounces on Ben, knocking him to the ground. (take 5 points subdual as you are pinned to the ground under the beast.) .

Round 2:
Creature 16 - Bull Rushs Ben.
Leeann 16
Sinead 12
Ben 10
Roland 9
Tom 8

"GET OFFA HIM, YOU @#%%!* THING!!" roars Tom as he charges in and delivers a right hook to the @#%%!* thing's jaw, or snout, or whatever.
(+5 base, +3 Strength, +2 Improved Brawl +2 Charge=+12, damage 1d8+3 Strength+2 Improved Melee Smash, or 1d8+5 non-lethal)
If he has time and the creature fails to fall, he sneaks in an elbow under the ribs, which is not according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules, but neither is fighting otters the size of alligators.
(Street Fighting, +5 base +3 Strength+2 charge=+10, damage 1d4+3 Strength +2 Improved Melee Smash, or 1d4+5 lethal damage)


First Post
LeeAnn quickly moves back 30 feet and finds a rock to hurl at the beast. "I've delt with coyotes back home, I'm not afraid of a lizard!"

Tars Tarkus

First Post
LeeAnn's courage wells inside her as see looks for a rock to throw. She finds a small rock and hurls it at the beast. It bounces off with little effect.

Sinead calls out for a knife and she looks around. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops as she spots something. (OOC: more on this in a second.)

Ben punches the creature in the jaw with his pistol handle with a satisfying crunch.

Roland charges forwards and stabs his rapier deeply into the giant otter's side. It screams in pain and blood begins to foam out of its mouth.

Tom charges in and swings a meaty fist hard into the monster's head. It falls like a sack of potatoes off of Ben and lies motionless on the ground.

A few seconds of silence fall over the group as you stare at the downed creature. Then you hear the sounds of heavy footfalls, jingling, and Sinead's gasp. Turning, you see 5 large birds trot up. They resemble some giant moa (a large flightless bird) save for much larger heads with a wicked looking hawk like beak. The stand some 12 foot tall. Riding these giant birds are fierce looking but handsome blue skinned men and women with blonde hair and white in white eyes. They are scantly dressed in harnesses and small patches of brightly colored cloth. Two are carrying large lances and the others have exotic looking crossbows. They regard you with hard looking stares.


First Post
Sinead gets her jaw back there it belongs and gives the newcomers her best "I'm so innocent and don't know waht's going on" smile. She speaks softly enought to be only heard be the people directly beside her.
"Ye know, me was just asking for a knife ye didn't have to bring a whole armory."
She looks pretty much relaxed while she gets ready to jump out of the way or dodge bettwen any attackers (total defense).
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Tars Tarkus said:
A few seconds of silence fall over the group as you stare at the downed creature. Then you hear the sounds of heavy footfalls, jingling, and Sinead's gasp. Turning, you see 5 large birds trot up. They resemble some giant moa (a large flightless bird) save for much larger heads with a wicked looking hawk like beak. The stand some 12 foot tall. Riding these giant birds are fierce looking but handsome blue skinned men and women with blonde hair and white in white eyes. They are scantly dressed in harnesses and small patches of brightly colored cloth. Two are carrying large lances and the others have exotic looking crossbows. They regard you with hard looking stares.

To the newcomers, "We need a doctor immediately!" To LeeAnn, "Ma'am, bind their wounds if you can." To Ben and Tom, quietly, "Follow my lead, but be prepared for trouble. Protect the women and other noncombatants if it comes to a fight." Roland cleans and sheaths his weapons as he speaks, approaching the group while showing his empty hands. "If we have entered your territory, it was by accident and ignorance, and we ask forgiveness. We have no hostile intentions, nor do we intend to stay here overlong. We have few supplies, and would be grateful if you would sell us food and other necessities."


Rolling clear of the dead beast, Ben gets to his feet and dusts himself down. He nods in agreement with Roland's words, and moves closer to the passengers, letting the Captain parlay with the... blue skin? He stares for a long moment at the strange men, then steps alongside Sinead.

"Take this." He says quietly, passing his hunting knife to the Irish girl. "If things go badly here, take the other passengers and make a run for it. Myself, Tom and Captain FitzAmbrose will hold the line here as long as we can."


Woah. Blue...

Paxus Asclepius said:
To the newcomers, "We need a doctor immediately!" To LeeAnn, "Ma'am, bind their wounds if you can." To Ben and Tom, quietly, "Follow my lead, but be prepared for trouble. Protect the women and other noncombatants if it comes to a fight." Roland cleans and sheaths his weapons as he speaks, approaching the group while showing his empty hands. "If we have entered your territory, it was by accident and ignorance, and we ask forgiveness. We have no hostile intentions, nor do we intend to stay here overlong. We have few supplies, and would be grateful if you would sell us food and other necessities."

Tom rubs his knuckles nervously.
"Am I de only one who didn't bring a shiv?"
One long sidestep puts him between Sinead and the bird-riders. He speaks out of the side of his mouth to her while estimating his chances of getting past their lances.
"Where da heck are we? Nobody said nothin about guys with giant chickens anywhere near Bermuda."
He licks his lips thoughtfully. "Wonder what kind of omlette you make wit' eggs from a chicken dat big."

Voidrunner's Codex

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