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D&D 5E Rate Eberron: Rising from the Last War

Rate Eberrron: Rising from the Last War

  • Excellent! *****

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Good ****

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • Average ***

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • Not Great **

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Terrible *

    Votes: 1 1.8%


Well, that was fun
Staff member
What do you think of the latest D&D book? Poll above (unless you’re using Tapatalk which doesn’t support polls).

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This book has just enough copyediting errors and small lore mistakes to become annoying, thus preventing me from rating it as Excellent in its current state. I still love it though, and would have rated it Excellent otherwise; Chapter 4 should be mandatory reading for all DMs.


I voted average, because I'm average meh on Eberron. I suspect a lot of votes will depend on how appealing the setting is to people, as opposed to other metrics.

Just my personal opinion as an Eberron DM in a 5e campaign, and having played and DMed 5e since release, but Artificer is pretty ridiculous. At 10th level, they can attune up to 4 items, at 14th level, 5 items (ignoring requirements, by the way), and at 18th level, 6 items can be attuned. Attunement is a huge balance equalizer in 5e...honestly surprised the designers allowed this. On the other hand, many of their infusions, which are Artificer-created permanent magic items, require Attunement.

Funny thing you can do: infuse an item, have your high-Charisma Deception-proficient friend sell it to a shop keeper or other buyer, then walk away. Shop Keeper can Identify it via normal means (spell or short rest), and see that it appears to be a normal item. Then, infuse an item over your Infused Item limit, expiring the oldest infusion you just sold, leaving the buyer with a mundane item.

Otherwise, great book from what I read so far and nice to see it updated for 5e.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Funny thing you can do: infuse an item, have your high-Charisma Deception-proficient friend sell it to a shop keeper or other buyer, then walk away. Shop Keeper can Identify it via normal means (spell or short rest), and see that it appears to be a normal item. Then, infuse an item over your Infused Item limit, expiring the oldest infusion you just sold, leaving the buyer with a mundane item.

One of things about Eberron is that very few things that a regular PC can do that are not fairly well known. People in Eberron live in a world where Artificers are well known (especially to anyone who trades in magical items) and there will no doubt be several counter-measures developed to tell a fraudulent temporarily infused item from the real thing (as many real-world stores do now with counterfeit bills).

This is the setting that very explicitly states that people know Changelings exist and so act accordingly when the situation warrants it.

One of things about Eberron is that very few things that a regular PC can do that are not fairly well known. People in Eberron live in a world where Artificers are well known (especially to anyone who trades in magical items) and there will no doubt be several counter-measures developed to tell a fraudulent temporarily infused item from the real thing (as many real-world stores do now with counterfeit bills).

This is the setting that very explicitly states that people know Changelings exist and so act accordingly when the situation warrants it.

True, but is this explicitly stated in the the new book somewhere? Sure, a DM can hand waive it as being impossible (a DM can hand waive anything after all), but not mentioning it seems like a miss to me.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
True, but is this explicitly stated in the the new book somewhere? Sure, a DM can hand waive it as being impossible (a DM can hand waive anything after all), but not mentioning it seems like a miss to me.

I'm not sure that it needs to be explicitly stated. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't want my rulebooks clogged with unceasing countermeasures to potentially exploitative edge-case player actions that I, as the personal master of my own personal campaign, can reasonably head off on the basis of the material that is present.

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