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Rate Gencon 2007!

Rate GenCon

  • 5 Stars - Fantastic Time, Superbad Gencon

    Votes: 42 40.4%
  • 4 Stars - Good Time, one of the better Gencons

    Votes: 31 29.8%
  • 3 Stars - Average with other Gencons

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • 2 Stars - Below Average

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • 1 Stars - Not a good one at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Can't Rate it or will not rate it.

    Votes: 21 20.2%

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I played OD&D with Gary Gygax.
The Ennies went really well, and I didn't fall off stage.
I got to see all but four moderators, including Morrus, and finally met Hypersmurf.
I played in Rel's Sky Galleons, Alenda's Halfling Musketeers, Barsooncore's DinoPirates of Ninja Island, and Hyp.'s "Elvis and Einstein's Excellent Adventure" game. I could hardly ask for a better set.
I saw some of my favorite people, including many publishers who I really like.
I got some books (including Pelgrane Press's great "Dying Earth" game) that I've wanted forever.
I was re-elected as an Ennies judge (thanks, everybody!)
I ran two Dread games, both of which were great.
I laughed. A lot.
I slept. Very little.

Great GenCon!

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
This was probably my best GenCon so far. I gave it five stars.

I got in Wednesday night with Brad and Joe (Inundator and Sire Brennen) and had a great dinner with some of Brad's gaming buddies at PF Chang's, then had some drinks at the CM/ENworld party, where I got to see Rel, Ghostwind, Piratecat, and a slew of other ENWorlder's - I walked up to Piratecat and said

"Kevin, great to see you! I see you're the only person here wearing a red shirt. It was nice knowing ya!" and walked off to get a drink. When I turned around to see his reaction, he had a priceless look on his face.

Thursday morning I played in Rel's Sky Galleons game, and had a blast playing Lizzie - Bubbalicious was a hoot as Tex, and Dave Stebbins as Carlotta hurled innuendo and insults my way with aplomb. Lizzie tried to impeded Carlotta hitting on her dad, and she and the Professor managed to take a Martian skyship all by themselves. I had lunch with Rel, Alenda, Belen, Seonaid, and several other folks whose usernames/real names I didn't catch (sorry, guys!). It was a blast as we kibbitzed long enough that I couldn't make it to the Exhibit Hall like I wanted to, but didn't mind a bit.

I played a a GURPS Dr. Who game that was my only bad experience of the Con (luckily only a 4 hour slot), where my PC had both the "No Hangover" advantage and the "Alcohol Intolerance" disadvantage, and who spent 16 of 137 points on the ability to fast draw his weapons, and 2 out of 137 on actually knowing how to USE those weapons, and who used only ranged weapons but had the "One Eye" disadvantage. That kind of summed up that game. That night was capped off with a pretty decent Star Wars d20 game.

Friday had an 8-hour Eberron game - ths could have been a disaster if it haad been as bad as the Dr Who game, but it actually went very well (aside from some DM house rules). I also hit the Exhibit Hall Thursday, and got some great pictures (which I will post later once I get them off my camera).

Saturday morning I met Xath, though I didn't know it was her till that night when she stopped by PC's game briefly), when she complemented me on my "You're not the DM of me" T-shirt. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to see her in her full (and award-winning) Queen Amidala costume, as I was gaming all day again - I spent some time in the D&D QA, played in a fun Warhammer 40K RPG demo, and then had a blast in Piratecat's Dread game (I took videos of almost every Jenga pull, and I'll edit those together) - Barsoomcore made five pulls at one point for running down a cliff path, in the dark, drunk, after having fallen down a flight of stairs - but befroe he got shot by Hypersmurf, whose character was flashbacking to the WWI trenches - and he made ALL FIVE pulls, and announced to the Embassy Suites in general, "I am the King of Jenga!"

Sunday, was Alenda's Halfling Musketeers games, in which Hypersmurf and I impersonated an Orcish Priest by standing on each others shoulders, and rescued a Princess, fought some orcs, and were assaulted by animated magnums of some very unpleasant wine - best line of the game from Hypersmurf: "Stand still, bottles of wine! I am French, and you are my natural prey!"

It was a long, rainy drive back to Chicago (though I know I'm lucky to be so close!) and I'm still exhausted. It's a good kind of exhausted, though.

I know I missed mentioning a lot of folks, and forgot a lot of names! I apologize for anyone I missed, and I know I'll be doing this again next year! Pictures will be posted at some point in the day or so, and I may Youtube an edit of the Jenga pulls from PC's game...


As far as accomplishments go, this was definitely the best Gencon ever. However, I felt as though I missed out on a lot of "hang-out" time because I was so busy all weekend.


Wednesday: Queen_D's DangerGirls! game was awesome. I played Sidney Savage (also pronounced Sydney Sausage) and had an awesome time. Afterwords, we headed to Queenie's non-Canadiana party for a rockin' time. Then we went out for karaoke where Fett repeatedly tried to assasinate me with what he called "hugs" which just so happened to involve his forearm crushing my windpipe. :p I got to witness some of the best singing that I've ever seen at a karaoke event, and quite a bit of it was coming from our group. We are a multi-talented bunch, it would seem. I think Hellhound's background dancing was one of the highlights of the evening.

Thursday: I did the Reaper and Privateer speed-painting contest where I got my keister handed to me by some really talented painters. It was fun hanging out with the CM true dungeon group. Unfortunately True Dungeon itself was a bit of a let-down this year. That night was the judge's party, where delicious drinks were made and consumed. Thanks to Nareau for teaching me how to use a phone as a modem for my laptop.

Friday: Friday morning was Crothian's Paranoia game, which seemed to end up being more singing than gaming (a very musical Gencon this was). The best part was when the Ultraviolet team-leader (aka. cow) turned out to be the best and most efficient team-leader we had ever had. The rest of that afternoon went to preparing for the ENnies ceremony, which went off fairly seamlessly. We managed to raise over $900 for the ENnies through the silent auction thanks to some fantastic donations from publishers. I also found out that I will be a judge for the 08 ENnies season (thanks to everyone who voted!). Afterwords, I spent a bit of time at the Red Garter, where nothing happened.

Saturday: Saturday was pretty much entirely devoted to the costume contest. Special thanks to Mrs. Fickle_GM, without whom I would have never been able to put on my costume, much less navigate the dealer's hall. (note to self: in future costumes, don't cover up ears). But all of the hard work paid off. I not only got 1st place in the professional category, but was also picked by the audience to be awarded Best in Show. And there was some serious competition. After the contest, I went out to dinner with Fickle_GM and Mrs. and we followed that up with another evening of TBR, where nothing happened.

Sunday: This was my only real day of relaxation at the con. I spent a few hours exploring the dealer's hall with Teflon Billy and Crothian and I volunteered at the ENnies booth for a shift. When the dealer's hall closed, I helped with tear-down of the booth, and then a giant group of us went out for dinner at the Rock-Bottom Brewery. Thanks to Belen and Alenda for setting up that 40-person reservation. Last night I actually got a full 8 hours of sleep.

It's been a great con.

Clefton Twain

First Post
Wow! I had so much fun it was probably illegal. Best. Con. Evar.

Crothian's Paranoia game was great. The singing was bad, the Starburst were good and the jokes...well, they varied widely. Our team leader (as Xath said, a cow...though we thought it was a monkey who produced food for us) steered us to glorious victory right before it was eaten. Had a great time meeting everyone who played.

Best Discovery: "Dogs in the Vineyard" with some friends. Great storytelling system. I don't think I could play it regularly but it'd be great for a one-off every now and then.

I helped a friend with filming for his documentary so we walked around with a camera and equipment to get some behind-the-scenes stuff. It was interesting to see GenCon from this perspective.

Wished I could've met Gary Gygax, played in more games, and hung out with more ENWorlders. I think I missed every party. :(


I'ts only my second GenCon, so I'm going to give it a 4. Better than last year, not because of the games, but because I got to hang out more with the ENWorld crowd. I'd give it a 5, but I want to leave some room on the scale as I'm hoping next year will be better yet.


Liquid Awesome
Rodrigo Istalindir said:
I'd give it a 5, but I want to leave some room on the scale as I'm hoping next year will be better yet.

This year was so awesome that if it gets better next year we'll have to expand the scale to 6.


First Post
This year I

got kidnapped by a giant ape, worshipped by natives, and chased by Natzis, while still looking perfect,
traveled to another reality with Jim Morrison,
got away with murdering my abusive husband by buying out the bounty hunters sent after me,
survived a Cthulhu train of death,
seduced a 17 year old Rolling Stone reporter AND a the Roman Prefect to Macedonia,
died in a burst of unholy fire,
defrosted a wooly Mamouth/Frost Giant popsicle and defeated them,
Fired a crossbow AND a grenade launcher in the same game,
was one of a pair of twins who discovered their godlike psychic powers, and survived,
and earned second place in the Cthulhu Masters' Tournament.

And I got to see many people whom I like and rarely see, especially a certain Cat, and to introduce some friends who have never been to a Con to the wonders of GenCon.

It was one of the best GenCons I've had. Topped only by my very first GenCon, which will likely remain unsurpassed, and not only because that was when I first met the aforementioned feline.


it wasn't in wisconsin so it lost 1 rating right off the top.

and i had a blast but i've had a blast in all the gen cons i've visited.

so it got a 3 from me.

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