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Pathfinder 1E Rate Paizo's Adventurers


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MerricB said:
I wish people would actually answer the question - it isn't about the Adventures, it's about the Adventurers. You know, the people actually doing the expeditions...



lol just noticed the OPs spelling in the thread title myself. :eek:

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Inventor of Super-Toast
My experiences:

Hollow's Last Hope: The first gaming experience for my girlfriend, and considering that she's now a raving addict, that should tell you something... A good little intro adventure with some fun encounters.

Seven Swords of Sin: A ludicrous and illogical dungeon crawl. I like ludicrous and illogical dungeon crawls. Not widely recommended, but if you're into that sort of thing, you're in for a treat. It was designed that way intentionally, deriving as it did from a Con competition for Paizo associates and authors to devise the most ridiculously deadly rooms possible. My players had a great time with it, devised clever ways around the awful traps (of which the Hedgehog's Dilemma room was my favorite), and generally monked stuff up.

Gallery of Evil: I didn't have high expectations for this one; I read it and wasn't too impressed. But it ran really, really well. The diplomatic aspects of the adventure got glossed over a bit, since the first session had most of the roleplaying and was run from 2:30 to 6 in the morning on a whim. Also of note, and of spoilers
the Painted Octopus is amazingly lethal. Definately raise the CR of that bad-boy, and replace the two in the encounter with only one

Entombed with the Pharaohs: This one was a blast. A great combination of roleplaying and combat, with some neat encounters that weren't straight-up fights. The presence of the rival adventuring party definitely helped to spice things up.

Demiurge out.


I've been a fan of Paizo since the Shackled City AP (the biggest problem of which is the large delve of Jzadirune too close to the beginning). But I have to say, I don't think anything since has really measured up.

Age of Worms focused far too much on a downright broken monster, the Spawn of Kyuss. Started really well with Whispering Cairn... degraded later. They should have stuck with the rod of seven parts storyline more.

Runelords also started off well... in the first half of the first adventure. After that, it's climb over a wall of goblin bodies to reach your goal. Then the whole path went horror flick... You know, that's fine. I like a horror adventure know and then. I just can't run a whole AP that way. It gets really, really old. Mix it up, guys. My group can't maintain a terrified state for 20 levels. That said, Runelords is my number 2 favorite from Paizo.

Crimson Throne has me worried though. A) the harrow deck. REALLY lame mechanics. Harrow points? No. The divination aspects are fine though. Reminds me of the old Ravenloft deck. B) Get the adventurers all together by having them hunt down and kill someone... Ok. Choose feats based on that. Ok. But then the whole thing seems dropped, unless Lamm is going to show up as undead in adventure #2. What was the point? To find a brooch? Hmmmm. C) You want to know anything about the city at all, you need the Player's Guide. But it's not really sufficient info. If you want real info, you have to buy the Guide to Korvosa! Why? Because they needed room to reprint Harrow deck information (it COMES with the Harrow deck, but lets duplicate it all here anyways). And because they needed room to tell you all about Varisians... Come on, Paizo. How about you instead give me a Guide to Varisians+Pathfinder diaries(which I won't buy), and you put the information I need to run the adventure IN THE ADVENTURE. I was tired of the filler in Dungeon, and I'm tired of it in Pathfinder. But I'm more tired of it when it displaces important stuff.

That said, Crown of the Kobold King and Bloodsworn Vale are decent adventures. I thought Bloodsworn captured the stronghold building concept very well.


PetriWessman said:
Paizo seems to be on a roll, nowadays.

Well, until very recently, anyway.

I have all of them. I haven't played any of them (damn AoW!), but they look mighty fine!


I'm reading Pathfinder #1 and it seems very well-done, though not for those with delicate sensibilities (and I understand #2 is even more disturbing). I'd definitely like to run it, but in terms of big adventure paths, I think I'd pick War of the Burning Sky or Paizo's own previous two (Age of Worms, Savage Tide) over Rise of the Runelords (though ending well before level 20 is a definite plus). There's just too many good adventures that have come out in the last few years to run in a reasonable amount of time, and it's mostly, though by no means entirely, Paizo's fault. Nice problem to have, though. :D
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I've played Gallery of Evil, Carnival Of Tears, and we're currently playing Guardians of Dragonfall.

My players had fun in all of them. From a DM perspective, the two that I've run each had a problem I ran into that I'd fix if I'd run it again.
Gallery of Evil starts with two tentacles monsters that are very, very strong. Either give lots of early warning signs or use just one, or both. Carnival of Tears is a single day adventure. Make sure your players have a healing wand and an offensive wand. And there's a nymph in the adventure that blinds you for the rest of the adventure unless you have an appropriate spell available somewhere.
Personally I still rate one problem per adventure as five stars out of five, but YMMV.


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I'm looking forward to this months (April) GameMastery... oops, I mean Pathfinder Module, W2: River into Darkness, by Greg Vaughan, the second wilderness-based adventure and hopefully as good as the first one, Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale.
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I recently finished the first 2 books of the Rise of the Runelords AP. Both myself and my players had a blast! The haunted mansion in Book 2 is great!

We're taking a break from that path so I can be a player in the Shackled City AP. I heard it was good, so I bought the hardcover for Xmas.

I like Paizo's style, mood, and layout of the adventures.

Two thumbs up from me.

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