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Is it out yet? Have I gotten my days confused and missed it?

I saw a free preview screening last night. It followed the priciple thread of the book pretty closely. I thought the tone was pretty close and the acting was generally good, overall.

No punches were pulled in the translation, and the R rating was well earned.

It's been about four years since I read the book, and i'm still digesting the film, so i'm not sure what else to say.


Just watched it, and thought the first hour or so which lays down a ton of establishment gets tedious, the next hour and a half wasn't too bad. Snyder does have a knack with visuals, though you have to give Gibbons and Moore a lot of credit for providing him with one of the best storyboards in the world.

I don't find the new ending that disruptive in enjoying the movie either. Superior to the comic? No way; but good, yes. One thing that did bug me was the blatant and distracting use of music. During the Vietnam scene where the Comedian and Doc Manhattan are showing the Vietcong their moves, Ride of the Valkyries is playing. In Veidt's office it's Everybody Wants to Rule the World. And of course you have The-Times-They-Are-A-Changing during the intro. Was so bad it made me cringe.

Credit to Crudup and Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach. I think they did a great job in their respective roles.

Rating: 7/10
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First Post
A solid 8.5 maybe 9 for me. As a science fiction movie, which is what it is, its up there with dark city and 12 monkeys in my book. Sadly, ts been so long since we've gotten a calibar scifi film like this, that people have forgotten that science fiction doesnt mean consistant space battles and alien assaults. It's a nice balance ofa ction and story. It deviates from the book in a few places, but the story here was good.

I feel embarrased to say i liked th ending here better the than the book, simply because it ties everything together just a little bit more. Regardless it was a nice homage.


Now that I have seen it...I loved it, giving it 9.

However, if you were not familiar with the storyline and the reasons for all the back story...it may have felt a little drawn out in the begining to some people.

Definately R rated.


I thought it was very well done, and most of the actors got the characters spot on. I would have prefered the original ending, but found the new one quite acceptable. I gave it a 9. Given Hollyweird's 'sensitivity' to original material, this was amazingly true to the graphic novel.

Silver Moon

9 out of 10 for me. I found Silk Spectre II to be poorly cast, but other than that I thought it was great (and I loved the comic). I'll also echo that the relatively minor change to the ending actually was an improvement. Note, I did see the IMAX version, which made the special effects scenes all the more spectacular.


First Post
Saw it today and throughly enjoyed it. The altered ending worked well, especially since some of the supporting parts like the missing scientists and artists were left out. I really enjoyed the actors playing Rorshach, the Comedian, and Nite Owl. Thought they got the parts down well.

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