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Rate this Fight. [My fri. night guys, out]


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Thats you, Craig, Simon, James, Steve

"Epic" fights, If they're too easy, it seems like just another encounter, if it's too hard, well you end up with avoidable PC deaths. Anyway, help me figure out if this is an acceptable encounter.

The party consits of a Level 4 Asimar Paladin, Level 5 Wizard, Level 5 Cleric, Level Dex Fighter/Rogue

The PC's should have advance notice of the BBEG's approach, and despite cleaning up a bunch of his level 1 lackies, will have 3 days to prepare, and will know where and when the BBEG and his party will be coming into the valley, unless they tip the BBEG off somehow.

Currain Male Tiefling Cleic 6
HP: 45
Stats: Str: 14, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 12 Wis: 18, Cha: 11
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20
AC: 22; 10 +1 dex +8 FullPlate, +4 Shield, Touch AC 11, Flatfooted 21
Grapple: +6
Attack: +7 melee (1d8+2 Mwk LongSword, +6 ranged (1d8 mwk light, crossbow)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will: +9
Special: Cold, Fire, And Electrical Resistance 5, Darkness Once per Day, Smite: +4 to hit, +4 Damage
Skills: Concentration 14, Knowledge Religion: 8, Bluff 2, Spell Craft 10
Feats: Weapon Proficiency: Long Sword, Spell Focus: Evocation, Skill Focus: Concentration

Domains: Illusion, Evil
Spells: DC 14+spell level (+2 for evocation)
0- (5) No Light, Resistance, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic, Cure Minor Wounds
1- (4) D- Silent Image, Protection/Good(7min), Sorrow(7 rnds), Cause Fear, Obscurring Mist, Remove Fear
2- (4) D- Desecrate, Mirror Image, Darkbolt DC18, Darkbolt Sound Burst DC18, Hold Person
3- (3) D- Magic Circle/Good, Displacement, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic, Bestow Curse

Equipment: Scroll: Bear’s Endurance/10 rounds, Protection from Good/10 rounds, Bless/10 rounds, Full Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield, Masterwork Cross bow, 10 Bolts, Broach of Shielding (45 hp), Cloak of Resistance, Potion of Cure Serious, Scroll of (2)Cure Serious, Onyx Amulet

Semmon Male Human Fighter 5
HP: 49
Stats: Str 19. Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20
AC: 19 (+1 Dex +8 Full Plate)
Grapple: +9
Attack: +11 (+1 Flaming Bastard Sword 1d10+9+1d6 Fire)
Attack: Full PA; +6, 1d10+19+1d6 fire
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3
Skills: Ride 9, Intimidate 8
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Sunder, Improved Overrun

Sunder: +19 (+23 against small) 1d10+9 damage
Sunder-PowerAttack: +15 1d10+19 damage
Overrun: +8, +2 for charge, +4 against small
Power Attack: -1 hit/+2 damage, up to -5/+10
Equipment: Full Plate, +1 Flaming Bastard Sword (Command Word: Darksun’s Touch) Potion Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Haste/5 rounds, Potion of Protection from Good, 2 Alchemists Fire, Onyx Amulet

Alusial Male Elven Sor 3
HP: 13
Stats: Str 8. Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
AC: 13
Grapple: +0
Attack: +0 ( Staff 1d6-1)
Saves: Fort 1, Ref +3, Will +4
Skills: Concentration: 10, Spellcraft 7, Knowledge 7
Feats: Skill Focus: Concentration

Spells Per Day: 0-7, 1-5
Spells Known: 0- Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Acid Splash, Flare
1- Burning Hands, Color Spray, Enlarge Person

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I don't know how twinked out your PCs are, but I see that battle as a cakewalk.

I'd add a couple more 1st level fighters, and increase the sorcerer's level to 4.

Then it will be *epic*, especially if you give the sorcerer "web". Then you could have a TPK on your hand.

It would also be helpful to know what kind of spell makeup your wizard has. Although I imagine that if they know they're coming, and he has fireball, one fireball could kill the sorcerer, and knock the other two to less than half hit points.

A Silence from that Cleric could be nasty to the wizard or opposing cleric in conjunction with the Web as previously suggested from the Sorcerer. Put the silence on an article of clothing that will take time to get off or locate - real mean!

For your Sorcerer: Summon Monsters can help you shape the battle field so it is more difficult for your pc's to pinpoint their attack. Also give the Sorcerer a potion of Invisibility while he's doing this. Shatter is a nice spell used appropriately as well.

Pump the big fighter up a level (2 Attacks) and swap his strength and con around. This will make him more threatening whilst being less deadly(slightly).

I would go a level 5 sorcerer, level 6 Cleric and level 6 Fighter (Make sure he's not evil).
If you want to really push the envelope, give the cleric a couple of pets. These should attack from a flank to help split up the battlefield. Chance of bigtime losses though - TPK possible.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
A Silence from that Cleric could be nasty to the wizard or opposing cleric in conjunction with the Web as previously suggested from the Sorcerer. Put the silence on an article of clothing that will take time to get off or locate - real mean!

That should allow a save, tho, same as being cast on the person, really.

Items in a creature’s possession or magic items that emit sound receive the benefits of saves and spell resistance, but unattended objects and points in space do not.

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First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
I would go a level 5 sorcerer, level 6 Cleric and level 6 Fighter (Make sure he's not evil).
If you want to really push the envelope, give the cleric a couple of pets. These should attack from a flank to help split up the battlefield. Chance of bigtime losses though - TPK possible.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Why not evil? They're Cyricists so yeah they're gonna be evil.

Hi Kyrail,

The thinking was to keep the fighter around for longer and thus present a greater threat allowing the two spellcasters time to cause some havoc. The Paladin's smite would not be quite as effective and obviously some things that the party may have are not going to be quite as high-powered.

If there is no way of making this guy not evil, go the full slog and turn him into a Blackguard for extra nastiness.

Just some thoughts. Best of luck, post back how it goes.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

If the party knows where and when the baddies are coming from then, as others have said, that won't be a problem. I would add a handful of smaller first and second level baddies just to give the PCs a few more people to have fun with. Having only one or two baddies allows the PCs to really gang up. By adding more little lackies, it really helps to diffuse that damage somewhat.

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