Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC/Recruiting One More: Need Arcane Type]


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ok ok... you rules beat me into submission LOL ..... if anyone wants to make a Knowledge (Local) roll to pull some information as to what this creature is can do so if you have the ability to.....

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That'd be awesome; Pocket Elemental! That could be fun actually... :lol:

Lessee, that's an additional +3 to hit and AC and a +8 to Hide. On the downside I'd suffer an additional -8 penalty on grapple checks, threaten no squares and my carrying capacity would plummet. Hm. Still worthwhile I think. Alright, I'll accept your diminution offer and change my character in the rogues' gallery. Thanks Rathan. :)


Well, you could always try the ol' DM standby: "rocks fall, you all die." Oh wait, Menhir would just earth glide through the falling rocks so I guess that wouldn't work either. Ah well, tough luck buddy. :p


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Sorry to spoil your fun Pebble I have a question about the humanoid

You forgot to mention pointed ears of dead elf. And we should all recognize from that feature alone who (or rather what) that is because I believe we were warned about them...didn't we? Or was it OOC? I'll search little bit tomorrow


First Post
I wasn't giving away any features other than hair color and skin color from the non burnt portions of the body which was few and far between on the underside of the corpse after it was moved... you can find out more with a knowledge local check.. well someone else can... you rolled really low heh..... ears are a very overlook commodity if you ask me personally... pointed or not....


I'm afraid I'm not clear on what Menhir has encountered. Is there or isn't there a metal wall inside the hill? Is the elemental being blocked by something tangible or a type of force effect? How far from the interior surface can it reach before being blocked? Is it similarly blocked if rising into the interior space from below or any other side? How large does the interior space appear to be? :-S

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