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Ravnica: Is This The New D&D Setting? [UPDATED & CONFIRMED!]

If so... meh?


If this is real, in a way i am quite glad they did not rehash a classic setting.
Otherwise it would be like remakes of old movies. It is rare, that a remake these days is more than adding advanced CGI effects.
CGI effects transferred to pen and paper RPG is like modifying the picture in your mind. And adding flashy effects (dragoncelestialninjapiratehobbitkender on Athas e.g. :) ) seems to be the thing today (see everything they implemented in FR), and i do not want them in the picture in my mind of these settings and i do not want my Players getting this Pictures but rather the original tone which is good and diverse enough.

What i still eagerly expect, is some hint on converting special game mechanics, psionics, defiling, dragonlances, dragonmarks e.g., and maybe some of the more complicated racial conversions (halfgiant / thrikreen). But i would not hope to much on these topics either, because someone playing Darksun or Greyhawk would not necessarily buy dragonheist, so for marketing reasons i can understand why they did not yet publish these things.

Otoh it would be nice of them communicating something like: we definetely will not publish anything on setting x, so you would know that if you are to Play this you Need to make your homebrew rules.

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Having done a lot of research into Ravnica way back when I was writing Agents of Artifice, I have to say that it could make a fascinating D&D setting. This isn't anything I saw coming, and might not have been my first choice, but I don't think it's a bad thing, and it could be amazingly cool.

As for people wondering about working Planeswalker or "color magic" mechanics into the book... Why? I mean, maybe they're going to, but it's not remotely necessary. It is certainly possible--and I very much hope--that this is "Ravnica as D&D setting," as opposed to "Magic: the Gathering in D&D." If that's so, it would be about building the setting so it's thematically the same, but mechanically works around D&D rules, not M:tG rules.

If that's what they've chosen to do, I'd buy this in a heartbeat, for all that I might have preferred something else.

I hope your right, it would help Ravnica fit within the D&D universe a lot easier, because MtG and D&D have very different cosmologies from each other, so if Ravnica's world D&D is a Crystal Sphere like Toril, then fitting into D&D is easy. If instead it's part of a separate cosmology, then things get more difficult.


So Nathan Stewart was just being a jerk when he tweeted the "...mmer" teaser. I'm happy for the fans of Eberron at least.

Seems I am not the only one who's excited at this. If this is true, I'd be very very happy. I love M:tG and I loved Ravnica. The idea of a planetwide city in a fantasy setting...I fell in love with it immediately when it came out. To be able to play there...if this is real, great move, WOTC. You got my money for sure!


The Baldur's Gate games freely incorporated elements of both Planescape and Spelljammer whenever the topic of the planes came up. Perhaps most notably, Minsc's animal companion.

Ah, I see.

But that's not what I mean by hybridizing the two. Those two settings have always both been part of the D&D cosmology, as different ways of getting around. ('Always' since they were introduced, anyway. :) ) It would be unusual, but not entirely unheard of, for characters to have made use of both at times, and so could certainly encounter elements of each.

That's fine. What I would object to is them turning them into the same way of getting around - having Spelljammers flying around in the Astral Sea rather then Wildspace, using Spelljammers for planar travel, and (in particular) ditching Crystal Spheres and the Phlogiston.

Aguirre Melchiors

well this was boring, sorry!
i dont like when D&D start spamming books, feels like end of 3.5
even the regular books already have reprinted material and 17 pages of names.
i would like less books and better material

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