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RC PBeM 1: Torgmorn

Raven Crowking

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Qore listened to what the barkeep said, hoping Vidya would not be too annoyed at the drink she just unwittingly "bought" for him. Perhaps, he thought, Vidya's search may lead him to places of discovery that would benefit his own interests as well. There might be some higher purpose in his encountering her to begin with.

"Do not worry about my friend," the dwarf said to the barkeep. "And thank you for the information about the Laughing Hyena. But since we are on the subject perhaps I can ask you another question..."

The barman tore his eyes from Vidya long enough to nod his assent. "Go ahead, then."

"I have come to this place in search of any bardic schools that might be found here. Do you know of any that are in this city?"

The barkeep laughed, and a few of the people in the tavern joined him. Whatever tension there might have been in the guardsmen seemed to ease, and tension went out of the room.

"I'd not call Torgmorn a city, friend," one of the guardsmen said. "At best, it's just a lone outpost before the true wilderness begins. That jungle out there...." he gestured with his leathern jack, spilling ale onto the rushes covering the floor ".....is gold, and ivory, and a quick death. But schools? There be none here."

Qore persisted. "If we were unable to find anything out in the Laughing Hyena perhaps there is someone who could yield more information about the jungles in general.....Do you know any elves who frequent this establishment who have journeyed into the jungle?"

The barkeep smiled. "I've seen folk who've come in from there, or have been on their way out, but I've as little to do with it as I can, as ye'll well understand. Plague and pestilence follow forest folk, they say. There's a pair of elves there, though, and descent enough from the look of them and their coin. Perhaps they'll talk, so long as ye let them be if they ask it."

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Raven Crowking

First Post
As soon as the elves were mentioned, Vidya's eerie attention shifted from the barkeep to the pair of elves sitting in the room. "Perhaps conversation with these Male Elves is a good course of action," she said to Qore. Not waiting for his reply, she walked towards the pair of elves. "Salutations," she said, "I heard that you have knowledge about the nearby jungle. My friend and I desire to travel within. Can you help us?"

Raven Crowking

First Post
"Well met," said one of the elves, rising with a smile and a sweeping bow. His companion merely nodded and raised his leather alejack in mock salute.

"Aren't you an interesting creature?" the first elf went on. "The first of your kind that I have seen which was female. I have always believed that your kind were forged for the wars between the Partheloneons and the Avlantar, but I see now that I was mistaken. Clearly, at some point, your makers sought to make a true race of you. It is curious."

He laughed, and made a gesture to indicate that both Vidya and Qore were welcome at the small table.

"But forgive me, as I am being rude. My name is Darraglam, and this worthy is my good cousin Celebarris, who is, indeed, more than passingly familiar with these parts. Alas, for myself, I am new-come here from the Cloven Isles, and have not yet trod the lands outside Fort Torgmorn. Still, perhaps we may be of service, if you can tell me what you seek?"

Raven Crowking

First Post
Vidya set her barrel upon the floor next to the table, and sat.

"My lady," said Darraglam with a smile.

"My name is Vidya," the warforged said, "and to the extent of my knowledge, I am unique among similar entities. I an enigma even to myself. This is the reason I seek a man who has recently entered the jungle; I believe he may have knowledge about my existence. Any help you may offer will be greatly appreciated."

"And my lord?" asked Darraglam, glancing at Qore.

"What is the name of this man," asked Celebarris. His voice was rough, and quiet. "And where do you seek him?"

Raven Crowking

First Post
Qore walked over to the elves and mades a slight bow.

"You may call me Qore, and I am at your service. Our friend Vidya and I, chance companions it seems, landed here on this island just a little while ago. We were told by the barkeep that the two of you might be familiar with the jungles hereabouts? My new friend and I are considering entering and searching the jungle."

Darraglam smiles. "Of course we can help you," he said, "if the fee is right."

But Celebarris said, "The jungle here is filled with many dangers. Indeed, even reaching the jungle from the fenny land of the river delta exposes one to all manner of threats, from insect-bourne pestilence to crocodiles. And while you"...he nodded at Vidya..."may not fear the bite of flies or ticks, know this -- the jungle consumes all things in the end. Metal rusts, wood rots, and flesh decays."

Celebarris glanced at Darraglam. "My worthy cousin thinks I will cost him his commission, I see. He has yet to learn that a duke's ransom in gold and ivory passes daily through Torgmorn, and the daring can as easily make their fortune here as lose their lives. All that remains to be seen is if you are daring. And, of course, if you are, whether you are daring and lucky, or food for the wilds."

Voidrunner's Codex

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