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D&D 5E Realism and Simulationism in 5e: Is D&D Supposed to be Realistic?

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B/X Known World
Know what can make D&D more realistic? Taxes! Nothing will immerse your character more then calculating how much of your loot is taxable!
I used taxes as a joke once. The players immediately started scheming how to avoid them. Bury the loot outside of town. Bribe the tax collector. Hire bandits to rob the party at the edge of town so the townsfolk could see them get robbed. It led to way more cool quests and shenanigans that I expected.
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Don't forget the ravages of tooth decay. Do they brush? With what? For how long? Up and down or back and forth?
Good point! Just because the DM describes an NPC as having poor teeth doesn't mean we should assume that's related to dental hygeine in any way. D&D is a fantasy game, so it's just as likely they're suffering from some magical curse. It may be worth spending and hour or two of game time investigating.

No, but....
Much like historical fiction the game CAN include elements of realism, reality or history in addition to elements of fantasy.

To say 'categorically' that D&D is anything is probably going to be wrong, usually, sometimes.


Great Old One
The First Law of Thermodynamics - energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed into other energy - is a modern (okay, technically 19th century) concept. Much of the mythology our games are inspired by predate it by centuries to millennia.

But that law still applied then, we just did not know that it applied.

But, since it is MAGIC, there is no reason for it to be the same, either.

And that is exactly my point, I find it strange that some people absolutely want real world physics to apply to worlds where magic clearly violates said laws in so many ways.

It would seem to me that invoking magic is primarily done to have things that don't fit the norm happen. "People can't fly, so... magic!" If you are going to then turn around and re-impose non-magic... why did we bother invoking magic?

The fact remains that D&D magic is extremely predictable and obeys some laws. My perspective is that not only are these laws are way too complex to be explained (just as relativity or quantum physics were way too complex to explain the phenomenons in antiquity), but that they don't match at all our real-world physics anyway, so trying to explain then is doomed to failure, there will always be things happening that do not make any sense from the perspective of the laws that we know.


Great Old One
1.) I do not believe when people talk about "realism" they are refering to the fairly arcane and specific dogma of physicalism.

I agree that they don't, and I certainly did not argue that they did, especially when discussing D&D where everything is clearly not physical.

I think that they mean is that things ought to conform to the PSR, (even though they probably don't know what the PSR is).

And I agree about this as well, my perspective is that even superficially D&D magic and the real world physics don't match, so layering pseudo-scientific concepts there will only make the mismatch more obvious.

2.) That is precisely my point, but you're phrasing it as a reply rather than affirmation of something I've already said.

The thing is that I think we agree, I'm just playing the devil's advocate here. The physics of D&D worlds do not match those of the real world (simplest example is gravity), I just accept that that these worlds have their own physics that resemble nothing of ours and if I'm looking a logical factors, I use the paradigm of those worlds, not ours.

For example, the air that D&D character breathe are just stuff from the elemental plane of air, not 78% O2, 21% N2 and a smattering of other things, as there are only four fundamental elements, not a complete periodic table. There are no atoms, and when a wizard conjures a fireball, it's stuff from the elemental plane of fire, not a real combustion, as this would simply not work in terms of compounds, residue, etc.


Victoria Rules
The physics of D&D worlds do not match those of the real world (simplest example is gravity), I just accept that that these worlds have their own physics that resemble nothing of ours and if I'm looking a logical factors, I use the paradigm of those worlds, not ours.

For example, the air that D&D character breathe are just stuff from the elemental plane of air, not 78% O2, 21% N2 and a smattering of other things, as there are only four fundamental elements, not a complete periodic table. There are no atoms, and when a wizard conjures a fireball, it's stuff from the elemental plane of fire, not a real combustion, as this would simply not work in terms of compounds, residue, etc.
All of which is fine, but are you going to be the one who sits down and writes this all up in detail* such that players can have a reasonable expectation of how everything works in the setting? Further, are you then going to expect-insist your players to not just read these books but to internalize and normalize them to the same extent they have for real-world physics? Yeah, didn't think so. :)

Yet without that, or using real-world physics as a stand-in, the players have no clue how physics in the setting differ from real-world physics for even the simplest of things; which if nothing else would act as a pretty large barrier to immersion as it becomes difficult if not impossible to form a coherent picture in one's mind of the PC and its surroundings.

* - I mean, you could write entire chapters on detailing how and why in-setting gravity allows falls that don't do much damage but doesn't allow a commoner to do moon-jumps and in which things still weigh what they do...or you could just fix falling damage to better reflect reality and have done with it.


Patron Badass
If you are looking holistically at the way your world works, it's not a question of category, energy should be energy whether it comes from "real world" physics or "magical" sources. The real world makes no distinction for example, a stone falling is converting potential energy into cinetic energy, and the two are really different category of energy. Or look at E=mc2, it's exactly the same thing, energy just converts from one "category" to another. There should not be any reason for magic to be different, for a given consistent setting.
I don't do this as a means to make D&D simulationist, but I often do have a semi-cohesive structure to magic and science in my worlds. Look too close and it, of course, breaks down, but I'm only making sufficient explanations such that someone researching magic isn't as nonsensical as someone predicting whether a fair coin will read heads-or-tails.

There's many ways I've fit magical models into my games. From them being an extension of divine beings, with Arcane magic being their power converted into a more generalized form. To magic being within a different spacial dimension that gets projected onto our third dimension through oscillation.

I obviously don't write entire proofs or theses of the magical energies of every given universe, but knowing how magic works to a certain degree does help me with consistency.


Great Old One
All of which is fine, but are you going to be the one who sits down and writes this all up in detail* such that players can have a reasonable expectation of how everything works in the setting? Further, are you then going to expect-insist your players to not just read these books but to internalize and normalize them to the same extent they have for real-world physics? Yeah, didn't think so. :)

The thing is that it's not needed, never been needed. The world and its system are consistent enough that players have never needed detailed explanations about the composition of air to know how things work in the setting and run epic adventures. Do they need that in your world ? Do you implement the silliness of OotS with Molybdenum elementals, or do you stick with the standard elementals of the game, air, fire, earth and water ?

Yet without that, or using real-world physics as a stand-in, the players have no clue how physics in the setting differ from real-world physics for even the simplest of things;

The thing is that the differences are not that intense in terms of "simple things". And gravity is not even logical in D&D, it's not physical in any sense of the term. A commoner always dies falling from 30 feet up and a hero never dies, is not even seriously injured. Nothing physical here, it's just story oriented.

which if nothing else would act as a pretty large barrier to immersion as it becomes difficult if not impossible to form a coherent picture in one's mind of the PC and its surroundings.

Again, never been a problem, because it's generally simply consistent, at the story level, like in most stories of the genre. L:eek:ok at Brandon Sanderson, a bridge is destroyed by sabotage, lots of people fall down, who survives ? The two heroes, Kaladin and Shallan... :p

And this is from an author that has extremely detailed systems, just not standard physics one.

* - I mean, you could write entire chapters on detailing how and why in-setting gravity allows falls that don't do much damage but doesn't allow a commoner to do moon-jumps and in which things still weigh what they do...or you could just fix falling damage to better reflect reality and have done with it.

Or you could, you know, just don't worry about it because falling damage works fine as it is, has been working fine for almost 50 years, and no-one at our tables is worried by it.

Of course, if your players abuse it by jumping down chasms for fun, you might want to change the system. It happened to us in the AD&D past, but once or twice only, due to annoying players, and it was enough to explain to the annoying players that it was silly to abuse the system than to change a perfectly good system, that works well for the type of stories that we are telling.

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