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D&D 5E Really want access to DungeonScape


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Re: iOS

The core criteria for winning the license in the first place was to design the app for tablets first. Tablets as a form factor work slightly better at the table with your friends than laptops do.

Sounds to me like something required by WotC in order for them to be licensed to make the software.

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I probably wasn't clear. I mean the screen turning off requiring you to then unlock to view your screen again. Sorry.

My iPad runs for nearly 12 hours straight with the screen on all the time (I am the DM), when we have our marathon weekend sessions. Surely it should last a "normal" session with too much trouble.


First Post
I probably wasn't clear. I mean the screen turning off requiring you to then unlock to view your screen again. Sorry.

You should be able to have the app not let the screen turn off while its running. I think many apps do this. If Trapdoor doesn't code it that way, people will hopefully notice and mention it during beta.


My iPad sits around gathering dust, most of the time. I read my news on Zite, every morning, then I move on to more productive tasks. I'd rather have something for my Surface. But, that's really the issue, isn't it? What's the most "available" platform?

Web might be nice, but you need live Internet connection to use it; plus, a web app needs some way to login, or it's not actually capable of generating revenue, while mobile apps have the free/freemium/premium options built in -- including for future content. Android has the highest market penetration, but I think that's limited to phones. Windows 8 devices could run an app or a desktop app, but those still tend to be a laptop form factor, with "table-friendly" devices either rare or expensive. Going for iOS also has the advantage of targeting the mobile users that are most likely to actually pay for an app -- statistically speaking, Android users appear to be mooches; even at roughly three times the users, identical Android apps make less money than the iOS equivalent.

If I was platform agnostic and really serious about an app, especially one to be used at the game table, I'd definitely do iOS. Since I'm a .NET developer, the character builder I've been working on has been WPF and Windows Store, but that's entirely because I don't have to fight with unfamiliar platforms and business logic at the same time. Since I don't see WotC being friendly to another commercial tool, my use is all that really matters. If I like what I've got before this thing comes out, I might put a web version up, for my players. For the thirty seconds I actually thought about going commercial, though, I knew iOS was where it was at.


You should be able to have the app not let the screen turn off while its running. I think many apps do this. If Trapdoor doesn't code it that way, people will hopefully notice and mention it during beta.
If not, you can download an app that runs in the background and prevents the screen from turning off.

Johnny Angel

Personally sad they are doing iOS first as it means I will have to wait even longer. Plus all I really want is a simple character generator at this point. Looks like I will just have to finish my own excel based one.
I'm getting pretty close with my own excel sheet. I've been fiddling with Wiki-based output lately, but except for having to create the printable character sheet itself, I'm at the stage of entering the data for the classes starting with F and beyond. After that it's bug hunting.


I'm getting pretty close with my own excel sheet. I've been fiddling with Wiki-based output lately, but except for having to create the printable character sheet itself, I'm at the stage of entering the data for the classes starting with F and beyond. After that it's bug hunting.

Will this excel spreadsheet be something that could be posted for others to sponge off your hard work and bask in your programming greatness? ;)


First Post
Web might be nice, but you need live Internet connection to use it; plus, a web app needs some way to login, or it's not actually capable of generating revenue, while mobile apps have the free/freemium/premium options built in -- including for future content. Android has the highest market penetration, but I think that's limited to phones. Windows 8 devices could run an app or a desktop app, but those still tend to be a laptop form factor, with "table-friendly" devices either rare or expensive. Going for iOS also has the advantage of targeting the mobile users that are most likely to actually pay for an app -- statistically speaking, Android users appear to be mooches; even at roughly three times the users, identical Android apps make less money than the iOS equivalent.

Nailed it. I work for a software development firm, we are developing apps, and this is all true. We're a bunch of Android users, but we know where the market is right now. Beyond that, when you target the iPad, you target a very well-defined platform, one that has the majority 33% marketshare. This is so crucial in getting a first version out the door. We know the screen-size, the processor, the components available to us through Xcode and the iOS SDK, and so on. With Android, we have 10+ manufacturers to test against, and a massive variety of features in those tablets.

As for the mentions of "web based" and HTML5, a few things about that. As an aside, I used DS hands-on at Origins a few months ago. To replicate that user experience with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS would be... challenging. To have that render with any consistency across the universe of tablets, PCs, OSes, user input methods and browsers would, to me, be inconceivable at this time. In addition, HTML5 is SLOW, and in and of itself limited as to how it can manage sessions and storage, or access device functionality. There are very legitimate reasons why developers take the native app approach, especially for tablets and mobile. If you don't believe me, ask yourself: why are most of the apps on your smartphone and tablet are native? Why did Facebook back off its HTML5 roadmap for its apps? And in the PC world, why are we still dealing with [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Flash, Shockwave, Java and Silverlight?[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The directive from TPTB for this new digital D&D initiative was to target tablets first. The fastest way for anyone to respond to that would be with a prototype on iPad, and the most reliable way to get it to the biggest segment of that market (as outlined above) first really is to do the iPad first.

[/FONT]As an Android tablet user, I may not like it. But as a fellow software developer, it gives me confidence that Trapdoor knows what it is doing. We can question whether or not "tablet first" was the right approach, or if Wizards perhaps should have had some parallel effort for a simple browser-based 5E character generator similar to DDI. But the scope of DungeonScape is beyond that and, based on my experience with it, I am of the opinion that that also was the right decision. When the time comes, I'll simply buy a used or refurbished iPad3 or 4, specifically for use at the gaming table, so that I can use DS sooner rather than later.

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