Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters(1 Spot Still Open!! See Post #140)

You are part of the Rebel Alliance formed against the Galactic Empire. It has been only a few months since the Death Star was destroyed at Yavin, and in that short time the amount of Imperial activity in hunting down the Alliance has increased greatly. However, at the same time, this has improved conditions for the Alliance, as many worlds have overthrown their oppressive masters and joined the cause for galactic freedom.

Your group is a relatively small operation within the Roche Asteroid field on the Perlemian Trade Route in the center of the Mid Rim of the Galaxy. There are few planets anywhere near, but the asteroid field provides a perfect hiding place for the base(built into a series of asteroids), and being in such close proximity to a large trade route, allows easy travel to furthering the cause.

This will be a game set during the Rebellion Era(if you haven't figured that out by now, SHOO! ;)). I'll run this game for a max of 5 players. Requirements for this game are:

-Must be able to post at least once a day(ignoring weekends)
-Must have at least the Core Rulebook(Non-Revised is okay, as I can help to update your character, and other info)
-Must NOT look at Spoiler tags directed at other PCs. Gots to trust you on t his one :)
-Must NOT look in the Imperial game. Another one I have to trust you on. If you do that, it'll just ruin your fun, trust me. (If you would RATHER play in an Imperial game, read NO FARTHER and wait until that thread is up) to play? ;)

With those in mind, we have two people with reserved spots in this game(since they voted for it) if they want them. Player List so far:

-Karl Green

Character Creation:
Some of this is going to be a little bit different, so try to stick with me.
-Characters may start at either level 1, 2, or 3. Level 1 Characters will be built with a 32 Point Buy, level 2 with a 28 Point Buy, and level 3 with a 25 Point Buy.
-Vitality will be ROLLED by me
-We will be using the Faction Sympathy rules from the Heroe's Guide(if you don't have it, don't worry. I'll explain it for you) This means that you will start as a member of the Rebel Faction.
-Beyond the Core book, you may use material from: Ultimate Alien Anthology, Starships of the Galaxy, Hero's Guide, Coruscant and the Core Worlds, Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, and Arms and Equipment Guide. Really, anything from the d20 books is going to be allowed, but you MUST clear anything non-Core with me first. Just in case.
-No Jedi. Force Sensitive is alright, but there won't be the opportunity for Jedi in this game.
-Everyone will be given a rank(based upon Division, detailed below, and level/background), though it is up to all of you to decide which among the group is to be the 'leader'. Since the Alliance is much more informal of a military organization, the leader isn't going to have a huge amount of power to pull over the others.
-Division: This game will use a bit of a unique system(somewhat similar to d20 Modern's Occupations) that details your training(or lack there of) within the Alliance. You must choose one of these Divisions, and it will provide you with requisitioned equipment, a bonus to Sympathy, and possibly to a skill or other ability. The Divisions are pretty simple...

Rebel Recruit:
In the desperate and chaotic times after Yavin, many flocked to the Alliance and there was little time to train them. These members simply lended a hand where their already developed skills leaned towards. Most Recruits eventually moved into other Divisions.
Standard Equipment: Personal Belongings, blaster pistol
Starting Sympathy: +1
Other: +2 to Craft(electronics OR starship systems) and Repair checks, OR +3 to any one Class Skill, OR Weapon Group Proficiency Feat

Alliance Army:
A member of the ground forces of the Alliance. Members of the Army are not as specially trained as SpecForce Operatives, but instead focus on general combat. Many are also trained as combat medics.
Standard Equipment: Combat Jumpsuit, Blaster Rifle, concussion grenade x4, medpac
Starting Sympathy: +2
Other: +2 bonus on Pilot(vehicles only) and Computer Use(dealing with vehicle systems) checks, OR +2 bouns Spot and Listen checks, OR Surgery Feat

Starfighter Command:
You are a pilot in the Alliance starfighter command. Most pilots have had previous experience either piloting airspeeders on backwater planets, or are defectors from the ranks of the Imperial Academy.
Standard Equipment: Starfighter(X-Wing or Y-Wing), R-Unit Droid, flight suit, blaster pistol
Starting Sympathy: +2
Other: +2 bonus on Pilot(starfighters only) and Astrogate checks OR +2 bonus on Repair and Computer Use(when dealing with starships systems)

SpyNet Operative:
A member of or a liason with the Bothan(and other) Spy Networks. Intelligence gathering is vital for the Alliance, though many find that members of this Division have just as high(if not higher) morality rate as those in Starfighter Command.
Standard Equipment: Holorecorder, Hold Out Blaster Pistol, Vibrodagger
Starting Sympathy: +3
Other: +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks, OR +2 bonus on Disguise and Forgery checks, OR gain one Contact(as Crime Lord PrC)

Alliance SpecForce:
The Commandos and special forces units of the Alliance are highly trained in covert operations. SpecForce members usually have much more experience and a more realistic view of the galaxy than other Divisions of the Alliance, which younger people can join and fight in immediatly with little training.
Standard Equipment: Leather Jerkin, stun grenade x2, blaster rifle(or sporting blaster rifle)
Starting Sympathy: +3
Other: +2 bonus on Demolitions and Disable Device checks, OR +2 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Listen

Alliance High Command:
The leaders of the Alliance come from many places. Many were former members of the Republic before its fall, but younger members have risen through the ranks to take up vital positions in command.
Standard Equipment: Hold Out Blaster Pistol, Datapad, Holoprojector
Starting Sympathy: +4
Other: +2 bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive Checks, OR +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate, OR Favor +1(as Noble[stacks])

Don't think I've missed anything...but one last note. Here is a galactic map:
You can find the Roche Asteroids in the center of the Perlemian Trade Route(near the center right of the map...yes its big)
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First Post
I'm interested in a human soldier1/tech1 with the Alliance Army background. Basically, a Rebel soldier trained to be of use both in combat and out (demolitions, astrogate, pilot, treat injury, repair, computer use, disable device). Sort of a commando.

I won't be able to get a character up until Monday, though. Hope that's not a problem.


First Post
Checking in...

As for character class, I'd like Scoundrel or Scout. Level 2, I guess.

Race and background could be either a Clawdite SpyNet or SpecForce, or a Human Starfighter pilot.



First Post
Okay, I am here as a rebel!!!

Now for class I want a third level character. I don't know what yet. For race I could be a Duros called Trual'nuan (so my avatar looks appropriate, and name not too far fetched), or if it isn't possible a simple human. I propose Alliance High Command background. Class: Noble.

If you are okay with: Trual'nuan, a Duros, 3rd level Noble, with High Command background, I will create my PC and post it on this thread (or is there another thread for posting stat-blocks?). Note: I only own the Revised Core Rulebook.

BTW: it will be the first time I can play Star-Wars d20. I have had the books since the first d20 edition were printed, but never had the opportunity of actual play.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Room for one more?

I'd love to jump in on a Starwars Game. I only have the revised Core Rulebook and some assorted pre-revision books though.

I can post daily in the evenings (occasionally during the day).

I'm thinking some sort of Hapan (scoundrel... fringer?).

EDIT: I should also note that this will be my first Starwars D20 game. I too have the books but never had a group (moved to Costa Rica, long story, not enough Spanish).LL
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garyh said:
I'm interested in a human soldier1/tech1 with the Alliance Army background. Basically, a Rebel soldier trained to be of use both in combat and out (demolitions, astrogate, pilot, treat injury, repair, computer use, disable device). Sort of a commando.

I won't be able to get a character up until Monday, though. Hope that's not a problem.

No problem at all. However, if you are thinking more of a 'commano' type, SpecForce may be better for that. But that's up to you :)

Thanee said:
Checking in...

As for character class, I'd like Scoundrel or Scout. Level 2, I guess.

Race and background could be either a Clawdite SpyNet or SpecForce, or a Human Starfighter pilot.

Clawdite is okay, so I've got no problem if you want to go that route.

Ferrix said:
I'd be up for this, perhaps a hotshot fighter pilot type.

And that's 5. Just make sure with the pilot that you can still operate in other enviroments. :)

Turanil said:
Okay, I am here as a rebel!!!

Now for class I want a third level character. I don't know what yet. For race I could be a Duros called Trual'nuan (so my avatar looks appropriate, and name not too far fetched), or if it isn't possible a simple human. I propose Alliance High Command background. Class: Noble.

If you are okay with: Trual'nuan, a Duros, 3rd level Noble, with High Command background, I will create my PC and post it on this thread (or is there another thread for posting stat-blocks?). Note: I only own the Revised Core Rulebook.

BTW: it will be the first time I can play Star-Wars d20. I have had the books since the first d20 edition were printed, but never had the opportunity of actual play.

Good, good, and good. Post the stats in this thread for approval, and I'll make a RG for posting them a little later. Glad to see a Duros, actually(one of my favorite races...and, funnily enough, just as common as Humans in the galaxy).

Ahhh, first time. Hopefully it will be good enough to make you want to play it more. :)

Lobo Lurker said:
I'd love to jump in on a Starwars Game. I only have the revised Core Rulebook and some assorted pre-revision books though.

I can post daily in the evenings (occasionally during the day).

I'm thinking some sort of Hapan (scoundrel... fringer?).

EDIT: I should also note that this will be my first Starwars D20 game. I too have the books but never had a group (moved to Costa Rica, long story, not enough Spanish).LL

Well, this game has hit full I can put you down as an alternate just in case. However, as mentioned before, there will be an Imperial game starting up(thread either today or tommorrow), so you may be able to jump into that(no actual reserved spaces there)
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