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D&D 5E Recommend A Book (or 5) To Buy


The last D&D book I got was XGtE and its now time for me to get another one (or 5). Budget is around $100 to $200.

Mordenkainens Guide to the Multiverse.

Its basically a recycled Volos and one of my players has that and it didn't impress. Still kinda interested but in the same idea there is the better.

Tome of Beasts.
I have this as a PDF and one of my players has it in dead tree format. I want a dead tree copy of this along with. Its out of Stock on Amazon and Book depository though and "used" copies are $150.

Midgard Heroes Handbook+ Midgard Worldbook

After a campaign setting and I like the Kobolds stuff. Seems unavailable on Amazon and Bookdepository though and IDK if the Kobold Press store ships to NZ/ world wide.

Wayfinders Guide to Eberron.

Not a massive fan of magitech but I liked the 3.5 ECS which I own.

Tomb of Annhilation
Probably never play it but I hear its good.

Or after any recommendations for adventures, campaign setting or a monster book. Prefer hardcover if not familiar with it must have multiple reviews 4/5 or higher.

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Take a break from D&D and buy the Degenesis Rebirth Core Set. Comes with two books, Primal Punk (setting and lore) and KatharSys (game mechanics). Best post-apocalyptic RPG out, beautiful production. RPG developed by Marvel Comics artist Marko Djurdjevic. The books are beautiful, the depth of the setting, factions, political strife is amazing.
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First Post
For what it's worth, Mordenkainen's has (IMO at least) a much more interesting selection of monsters than Volo's. It's probably worth it, even if you were disappointed with Volo's.
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First Post
Well at least some of the EnWorld stuff IS in a physical book format.

Just so you know, Zard's reviewed some of the stuff from En5ider before. He's already got the stuff you sorta snarkily suggested he get.

Anyway, Zard: This DMsGuild pdf is my favourite class . . . though you sorta have to like mixing Pro Wrestling into your D&D (There's a luchador subclass! )


I just purchased the new Midgard Worldbook (already have the first version) and it is great. Even if you don't run it, it has tons of great ideas. Midgard is a bit like fine wine: the more deeply I dive into it, the better it gets. I'd also recommend their Southlands book.

Tal'Dorei is also a nice setting book, but doesn't go into the same depth.

If you want something non-D&D to draw inspiration from, I highly recommend the very evocative Symbaroum game. The art is incredible and it is just so damn atmospheric.

Moving into SF, I also recently got the Coriolis game. Science fiction gaming seems to be having a bit of a renaissance and this is a gem.

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