Recommend good podcast?


I've been trying to listen to a few of these so I'm interested in what people think, but I also have a comment on gaming podcasts - why do they all seem to be nearly an hour long? Or even longer? Gamers With Jobs is an hour and a half.

Seriously - I listen to a lot of podcasts off NPR and almost none of them are over an hour long - most are 20 minutes. Where's the regular geek podcast I can listen to in the short car ride that's 20-30 minutes?

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First Post
I've been trying to listen to a few of these so I'm interested in what people think, but I also have a comment on gaming podcasts - why do they all seem to be nearly an hour long? Or even longer? Gamers With Jobs is an hour and a half.

Seriously - I listen to a lot of podcasts off NPR and almost none of them are over an hour long - most are 20 minutes. Where's the regular geek podcast I can listen to in the short car ride that's 20-30 minutes?

That's very true and I've also wondered why this is. The Newbie DM is going to do about a 30 minute podcast along with The Chatty DM and another blogger from Critical Hit - 10 minute segments each. Good idea. The Newbie DM will also add his short additional podcasts as well. I, too, would enjoy shorter podcasts. This one will be directly aimed at DM's.


I crit!
All games considered tried breaking things up into smaller segments and I think they nearly had a riot on their hands, or at least enough comments to kinda go back to a longer form.

When I listen I usually listen from my iphone and listen for a while.

The d6 generation is VERY long. I think it's been 4 hours or more for some.


It really depends on the information you want to present. If the podcast is records of a live gaming session then you pretty much need long chunks if you don't want to break up the action. Imagine if you had to play a D&D game in sessions of 15 minutes long each.

I'm used to listening to audiobooks on my iPod so I don't mind really long podcasts. Right now I'm listening to Critical Hits (each of which is usually around 1 hour long or more) intersperced with some shorter (8-20 min) podcasts from So my iPod playlist looks kina like:

Long file
Short file
Short file
Long file
Short file
Short file

I listen while I'm doing other stuff and can't always wait for the current podcast to finish before I stop listening, so I'm used to leaving podcasts in the middle (even short ones) and coming back later to finish them.

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