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Recruiting (3) players for Eberron campaign. 'Scourge of the Howling Hoard'


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Just to be clear, the current party consists of a shifter druid, human rogue, and human monk. A human cleric would be welcome (Eberron divine magic reflects more belief than the literal power of the gods, so you have some flexibility on this, Illium, though the default faith is usually the Soverign Host). Mista, a warforged ranger would work if you guys decide to go with these concepts.

Once you've settled, post a short background (with possible plothooks). Once admitted, you can post your 1st level, 25 point buy statblock, with max starting treasure for class here:


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Mista Collins

First Post
Looking over the shifter race a little more, I am going to go that route for my character concept. He will be a shifter rogue who was in the employ of the Brelish army during the Last War. Once the war ended, he found other uses for some of his abilities.


First Post
Ok, I just checked the warforged write-up. I didn't realize they take a Wisdom AND Charisma penalty. I don't see any reason to cripple myself THAT badly for RP purposes. :) I'll stick with the human. Still with the healing focus, though. I'll think a little on background and post it tomorrow.


Vorkhad has been a wanderer most of his life. He fled from Adar in his youth hoping to find a way to escape the predations of the Inspired and Riedra. He arrived in Khorvaire full of hopes and aspirations, but unfortunately he realized that the Inspired weaved plots there as well. The folly of youth had led him here, and now he lacked the money to fund a voyage home. His purse-strings growing tighter and tighter, he finally decided to try his hand at adventuring, and has been wandering the countryside looking for a company to join and ply his "wares."

His free spirit has always led him to feel different from others of his kind. He lacked the severe mental discipline of other kalashtar, and found himself embracing a more natural form of psionic power. As a wilder, he draws freely upon latent psionic power with reckless abandon and sudden emotion as opposed to a psion's rigid discipline, meditation, and study. This typically put him at odds with those of Adaran society so he often felt himself an outcast. In Khorvaire, he usually disguises himself as a human man of whatever profession he deems common enough to escape the notice of the general population (he takes 10 on his Disguise check), unless he is seeking the attention of an adventuring company, in which case he flaunts his talent with armor and weapons to make himself more appealing in their eyes as a prospective member. He never bothered learning a trade or profession so relying upon his skills at manipulation and psionics has been his primary means of subsistence thus far.

Vorkhad's main goal in life is to achieve enough power to shield himself from the Inspired, a grand endeavor indeed. While he would like nothing more than to take the fight to Riedra itself, he is not a fool and recognizes the utter insanity in attempting such a lofty task. He knows that unless he can develop his power more substantially and improve his ability to channel psionic power, he will eventually be caught dead in the water by an Inspired slaver or assassin seeking to return him "to the fold." He fears this fate as much as any kalashtar and is prone to acts of desperation to avoid it.


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Talik was a big, robust youth who loved to get in scraps. He left home at a tender age, figuring one less mouth to feed was the best thing he could do for his family, and joined the army. He figured the army to be the perfect path to fortune and glory, or at least an excuse to bust some heads and get paid for it.

But the Last War was not at all what he had imagined. The horrors of real warfare sobered him quickly. Though the war ended mere months after he entered it, Talik was forever changed. Discharged with a pat on the back and 10 gold pieces in his pocket, he wandered around Sharn for nearly two years. He did odd jobs and drank most of his wages, trying to forget what he had seen. He would likely have wound up at the end of some thug's knife for the coppers in his pocket except for one event. At an especially desperate moment, he committed his first real crime: a mugging. At least he tried to. His "victim" effortlessly evaded Talik's attacks and swiftly bound the young man in his own shirt. That wasn't what impressed Talik, though. He had seen plenty of good fighters. What amazed him was that after the man pinned him to the ground he leaned into Talik's face and...smiled. He pressed a few silvers into Talik's palm and said, "come to the temple of the White Rose at sundown. I would speak with you."

The man left and Talik, after extricating himself, sat down and had a good think. He did go to the temple, where the monks took him in and showed him the way of peace.

Talik is now a newly-minted acolyte of the White Rose. Though he is not naive enough to believe in total non-violence, he has sworn to always seek the peaceful path whenever possible, and try to bring peace to his fellows.

As I said, I don't know Eberron, but I'm picturing the Temple of the White Rose as a combination monastery, hospital and community outreach center in a poor part of Sharn. People trained there would be clerics and/or monks in game terms (or more likely Experts if I understand Eberron correctly). The temple is dedicated to a philosophy of non-violence and does not worship any particular deities.

I was purposely vague about what country he's from for two reasons: I don't know Eberron much, and it's really not important to Talik. He considers patriotism a disease.


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airwalkrr said:
Vorkhad has been a wanderer most of his life. He fled from Adar in his youth hoping to find a way to escape the predations of the Inspired and Riedra. He arrived in Khorvaire full of hopes and aspirations, but unfortunately he realized that the Inspired weaved plots there as well. The folly of youth had led him here, and now he lacked the money to fund a voyage home. His purse-strings growing tighter and tighter, he finally decided to try his hand at adventuring, and has been wandering the countryside looking for a company to join and ply his "wares."

His free spirit has always led him to feel different from others of his kind. He lacked the severe mental discipline of other kalashtar, and found himself embracing a more natural form of psionic power. As a wilder, he draws freely upon latent psionic power with reckless abandon and sudden emotion as opposed to a psion's rigid discipline, meditation, and study. This typically put him at odds with those of Adaran society so he often felt himself an outcast. In Khorvaire, he usually disguises himself as a human man of whatever profession he deems common enough to escape the notice of the general population (he takes 10 on his Disguise check), unless he is seeking the attention of an adventuring company, in which case he flaunts his talent with armor and weapons to make himself more appealing in their eyes as a prospective member. He never bothered learning a trade or profession so relying upon his skills at manipulation and psionics has been his primary means of subsistence thus far.

Vorkhad's main goal in life is to achieve enough power to shield himself from the Inspired, a grand endeavor indeed. While he would like nothing more than to take the fight to Riedra itself, he is not a fool and recognizes the utter insanity in attempting such a lofty task. He knows that unless he can develop his power more substantially and improve his ability to channel psionic power, he will eventually be caught dead in the water by an Inspired slaver or assassin seeking to return him "to the fold." He fears this fate as much as any kalashtar and is prone to acts of desperation to avoid it.

You're in. Feel free to post your statblock and background here:



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Ilium said:
Talik was a big, robust youth who loved to get in scraps. He left home at a tender age, figuring one less mouth to feed was the best thing he could do for his family, and joined the army. He figured the army to be the perfect path to fortune and glory, or at least an excuse to bust some heads and get paid for it.

But the Last War was not at all what he had imagined. The horrors of real warfare sobered him quickly. Though the war ended mere months after he entered it, Talik was forever changed. Discharged with a pat on the back and 10 gold pieces in his pocket, he wandered around Sharn for nearly two years. He did odd jobs and drank most of his wages, trying to forget what he had seen. He would likely have wound up at the end of some thug's knife for the coppers in his pocket except for one event. At an especially desperate moment, he committed his first real crime: a mugging. At least he tried to. His "victim" effortlessly evaded Talik's attacks and swiftly bound the young man in his own shirt. That wasn't what impressed Talik, though. He had seen plenty of good fighters. What amazed him was that after the man pinned him to the ground he leaned into Talik's face and...smiled. He pressed a few silvers into Talik's palm and said, "come to the temple of the White Rose at sundown. I would speak with you."

The man left and Talik, after extricating himself, sat down and had a good think. He did go to the temple, where the monks took him in and showed him the way of peace.

Talik is now a newly-minted acolyte of the White Rose. Though he is not naive enough to believe in total non-violence, he has sworn to always seek the peaceful path whenever possible, and try to bring peace to his fellows.

As I said, I don't know Eberron, but I'm picturing the Temple of the White Rose as a combination monastery, hospital and community outreach center in a poor part of Sharn. People trained there would be clerics and/or monks in game terms (or more likely Experts if I understand Eberron correctly). The temple is dedicated to a philosophy of non-violence and does not worship any particular deities.

I was purposely vague about what country he's from for two reasons: I don't know Eberron much, and it's really not important to Talik. He considers patriotism a disease.

You're in. Feel free to post your statblock and background here:



First Post
Mista Collins said:
Looking over the shifter race a little more, I am going to go that route for my character concept. He will be a shifter rogue who was in the employ of the Brelish army during the Last War. Once the war ended, he found other uses for some of his abilities.

We already have a shifter and a rogue. Do you think this will step on your toes?

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