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[Recruiting Closed] Legacy Of The Deep


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Legacy of the Deep is looking for one more player to take part in the game. Like the previous player’s characters, the local wizard named Zanzer Tem supposedly captured your character. Read the first post of the OOC thread to find out how this was done.

The only classes I am interested in right now are Bard, Cleric, Druid, or Sorcerer.


Here is a repeat of the rules:

This game is set in the Forgotten Realms.

We will be using the three core rulebooks along with the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Players do not need the FRCS book if they have basic knowledge of the Forgotten Realms.

Character will begin at first level.

Character can be any normal ECL race, so no Aasimar, Tiefling, Genasi, Drow, Duergar, or Svirfneblin.

All players should have a posting frequency of at least one post every other day. Inform the DM if you will be gone a bit longer. Basically, I want somebody I can trust as player, and not just disappear out of the game without notice.

Characters should be of good or neutral alignment, so no evil characters. Law/Neutral/Chaotic allowed.


Post your character concepts and questions below. You can post stats right now if you want, but I won’t be looking at them yet. This is not first come, first serve. I will be choosing the most interesting concept.
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I'm in. :)

I can post every day, save Sunday (usually) and am interested in a Druid. I can have something up by the end of today.



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This isn't first come, first serve. I'm choosing from whoever has the most interesting concept. I doubt there will be much more though, if any. I'll be giving this thread a go until the end of this week.
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Cleric Character concept

Damien was sold as a slave as a youngster. He bounced from master to master eventually ending up with a relatively kindly gentleman in Turmish. Although life was hard, Hargh eventually began to teach him about Kelemvor a minor religion in Turmish. They lived in a small thrall in the Orsaun Mountains where survival was a day to day reality.

Hargh realized that Damien held some latent talent and began to show him the ways and the truth of Kelemvor. That death is a part of life. Damien took to the dogma and the teachings in earnest and became devout. One day a horde of goblins swept down from the mountains into their little thrall. The men rose up to defend the town, Damien and Hargh stood shoulder to shoulder providing support and healing, but the thrall's defenders were pushed back relentlessly. The women and children fought just like the rest but the numbers were against them that day. Damien was fighting three goblins when he saw Hargh struck down. He turned to provide assistance, but was struck from behind. He dropped as if he was dead.

Sometime later he awoke, he stumbled to his feet and began to look for survivors. He found Hargh and immediately realized that he had journeyed on to his final resting place. That he had died with dignity just made Daimen's beliefs stronger.

Damien buried the dead and presided over the funerals with a great deal of passion. He then gathered his meager belongings and traveled out into the world.

That is my concept. Guess I have to wait for you to tell me if I'm in.

Wippit Guud

First Post
I can't believe I read all 7 pages :)


Celpher and Mogur Goldenhoard were as close as two brothers could be. Twins are generally close to each other, but tin gold dwarves even more so, as each shares a bond with each other that go beyond life. Not quite identical, Celpher was the more outgoing of the two, while Mogur was the smater one. They complimented each other perfectly, and spent most of their time in each other's company.

Something changed, though. A short time after their coming of age, Mogur grew moody and easily distracted. He seemed to not notice major occurances that happened, buut was obsessed with little things that were inconsequential to everyone else. He began to spend more and more time with himself, which concerned his twin.

In their 60th year, Mogur up and left one day, with no explanation. Celpher made to go after him, but the rest of his family prevailed upon him to stay. They had grown uneasy of Mogur the last few years, and thought it was in the best interests of everyone that he go about life his own way. In time, if he came back, he would be welcome.

But it wasn't in Celpher's best interest. There were few who knew what it meant to be a thunder twin, and none in the city who experienced it. Celpher was drawn to his brother like a moth to a flame, his soul always reaching out towards his brother's. The longer Mogur was gone, the more confused Celpher became with life, until one day he decided he had to go find his brother, and nothing would stop him.

He left his family and the city, and went out into the world. With his travels started, he began to relax more. Dwarves live a long time, and it it took years to find Mogur, that was all right. Rather than pursue him single-midedly, Celpher instead enjoyed the world, travelling from town to town, learnig of people, helping those in need, but all the while going the same direction his brother was.

life came to a crashing halt in Celpher's 65th year, his 3rd year of his travels. As he tended to do often, he reached out for his borther, but as soon as contact was made, Mogur's soul disappeared. Celpher became instantly frightened. He knew his brother didn't die, he would've felt that, but not being able to sense him was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Death would be more welcome than this. He sepdn days in a stupor, life blurred around him, and travelling without seeing, without remembering.

Where had his brother gone?


Celpher is a gold dwarf bard, also a thunder twin, but his twin has disappeared or somehow blocked Celpher's ability to sense him (we call that a big-assed character plot hook where I come from).

Only thing I need to know if accepted is if the variant bard in BoEM2 is allowed or not... gonna be a bard in either case, just like that setup better.


First Post
Wippit Guud said:
I can't believe I read all 7 pages :)

Good job. :D

Only thing I need to know if accepted is if the variant bard in BoEM2 is allowed or not... gonna be a bard in either case, just like that setup better.


And what is the bard like in BoEM2?


I might end up taking more than 1 player since I have a player that has not been posting.
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Wippit Guud

First Post
Book of Eldrich Might 2 by evebody's favorte writer Monte Cook.

Here's the quick points:
6+int for skills, instead of 4, maybe a couple of more skills.
No bardic music, still retains bardic lore.

Spells: They only get 3 types of spells: spellnotes (lvl 1 equiv spells), spellchords (lvl 5 equiv spells) and spellmelodies (lvl 8 equiv splls). note are move equiv actions, chords standar, melodies full round. Access to notes at lvl 6 (if have the cha bonus), access to melodies at lvl 13 (if have the cha bonus). can convert a chord to 5 melodies, and a medody to 3 chords. Metamagic doesn't work on spellsongs, all are just verbal, and silence is anti-magic to them.

Granted stuff:
1: Bardic knowledge
5: Weave notes (2 note slots to make one note more powerful)
9: Evasion
12: Weave chords (as 5 but with chords)
17: Improved Evasion
20:Weave melodies (should be obvious by now)

Beyond that, separate spell list. And that's about it.

If I can't use it, I'll just take the standard bard, but the 6+int would be nice for skills :)


First Post
Alright, Zhure and Wippit Guud are gonna play. I will email you both on how you will be entering the game.

Wippit Guud: I think I'll stick to the standard bard, to prevent confusion. I will allow the 6+int for skills. Another bonus that I will give to you: you do not suffer spell failure for light or medium armor because all of your "spells" are primarily verbal songs. You can post your character in the Rogue's Gallery thread now.
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