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Recruiting for Return to White Plume Mountain


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The tall, weather-worn human that stands before you greets you with a graceful bow and a smile that speaks of kindness. For those who look into his deep blue eyes, however, there is the thinly-veiled promise of storm and rage if provoked.

Procan's blessings upon you, traveller. I am Gerdan, a humble follower of the Storm Lord. The waves of fate have swept me upon the shore here at this great city as I search for an trident of power, quite sacred to the Storm Lord.

Gerdan, a level six cleric of Procan, has travelled far to follow rumors of Wavecaller's location, as he originally hails from the lands of the Sea Princes. He was sent on this mission by Haroun Stormrider, a priest of great standing in the faith of Procan. Haroun claimed to have communed with the Storm Lord and been assured that Gerdan was the only one with a chance to succeed in the search for the trident.

On his journey from the Azure Sea, Gerdan found himself caught up in a great battle in the elven lands of Celene. There he earned the appreciation of Tharrielan, an elven ranger and commander of the outpost Gerdan helped to defend. In the process, however, he also earned the enmity of a hobgoblin subchief, the commander of the forces attempting to take the outpost. He has not been able to get any confirmation, but Gerdan suspects that several agents of that hobgoblin have followed him since he left Celene, and that they have been behind a few unfortunate events that have befallen him in that time.

Following Haroun's advice, and common wisdom among the priests of the Storm Lord, Gerdan has sought contacts among the ship's captains in every city he has passed through on his journey, but he hasn't stayed in any one place long enough to establish connections of any significant level. His holy symbol and wisdom have earned him some respect, but no significant loyalty among the riders of the waves.

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Proposed PCs so far --

airwlkrr A: Svoldgar the Slayer; Frutzi barbarian/marshal
OnlytheStrong A: Aunil, Knight of Luna; elven scout
Redclaw A: Gerdan, priest of Procan; cleric from the Azure Sea

I've wasted lots of time trying to re-format the pantheon section. That's the best I can do.
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mfrench said:
This deception would still be going on in the present of the campaign. It is certainly possible that your PC would be one of those who knew that secret, and so worked against the forces of the false god.

Ok. I wasn't sure exactly what point in the Wars you were setting this, but that works. Perhaps he doesn't know for a fact, but he has seen suspicious activity and feels in his heart that Vatun's will is not being done.


I'd be interested in playing a Rhenne – Halfling. Rogue1/Wizard5. Perhaps in search of the Frostedge to help his people in slaying a troublesome dragon?


Ok, I just read over your rules again and wanted to clarify. If I understand correctly, all Suloise in your GH are replaced by elves. If so, I might want to tweak my character concept a bit. I don't see Svoldgar as being particularly elvish.


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I'm not completely dead set on it. I instituted that change for two reasons:
A) I'm tired of demihumans being the same in every setting.
B) Every time I run Greyhawk, people tend to just put 'human' anyway, and ignore the various cultures.

I just tried to kill two birds with one stone. As you obviously chose Suloise as a meaningful background choice, you can keep with your original idea. I don't have a firm grasp of the Suel beyond the northern barbarians, I have no problem with separating them from elves.

Edit: removed that part
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I'd be intrested in playing an Oeridian Human Monk of Hextor. His mission is not to aquire a specific weapon so much as prevent these powerful items from falling into the hands of his church's enemies.


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mfrench said:
Man, the pantheon's formatting got extremely butchered. I'll try and rectify that when I am able.

There you go:

[b]Name (AL)	Portfolio			Domains				Origin[/b]
Beory (N)	oerth, nature, rain		Animal, Earth, Plant, Water     Flan
Boccob (N)	magic, foresight, balance       Know., Magic, Trickery	
Incabulos (NE)  plagues, famine, disasters  	Death, Evil, Destr.	
Istus (N)      	fate, destiny, honesty          Chaos, Know., Luck, Law      	Baklunish
Nerull (NE)     death, darkness, underworld    	Death, Evil, Trickery		Flan
Pelor (NG)     	sun, light, strength, healing   Good, Healing, Str., Sun      	Flan
Rao (LG)        peace, serenity, reason         Law, Good, Know.             	Flan
Celestian (N)   stars, space, wanderers      	Know., Travel, Prot.         	Oeridian
Ehlonna (NG)   	woodlands, fertility            Animal, Good, Plant, Sun
Erythnul (CE)   hate, envy, malice, slaughter   Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War   	Oeridian
Fharlanghn (N) 	horizons, travel, roads       	Luck, Prot., Travel             Oeridian
Hieroneous (LG) justice, honor, valor, war  	Good, Law, Prot., War        	Oeridian
Hextor (LE)     war, discord, tyranny           Destr., Evil, Law, War          Oeridian
Kord (CG)    	sport, brawling, courage        Chaos, Good, Luck, Str.      	Suel
Lendor (LN)     time, patience, study        	Know., Law, Prot.               Suel
Obad-hai (N)  	nature, woodlands, hunting  	Animal, Elements, Plant
Olidammara (CN) revels, wine, rogues, tricks    Chaos, Luck, Trickery	
Pholtus (LG)    law & order, sun & moon     	Good, Know., Law, Sun       	Oeridian
Procran (CN)   	seas, weather, navigation   	Animal, Chaos, Travel, Water  	Oeridian
Ralishaz (CN)	chance, misfortune, insanity	Chaos, Destr., Luck
St.Cuthbert(LN) wisdom, zeal, truth, discipline Destr., Law, Prot., Str.	
Tharzidun (NE)  darkness, entropy, insanity    	Destr., Evil, Know.	
Trithereon (CG) liberty, retribution          	Chaos, Good, Prot., Str.	
Ulaa (LG)       hills, mountains, gemstones  	Earth, Good, Law            	Oeridian
Wee Jas (LN)  	magic, death, vanity, law       Death, Law, Magic           	Suel
Zilchus (LN)    power, prestige, influence      Know., Law, Trickery       	Oeridian
Al'Akbar (LG)   guardianship, faith, duty       Good, Healing, Law, Prot.  	Baklunish
Allitur (LG)    ethics, propriety, tradition    Good, Know., Law          	Flan
Atroa (NG)      spring, east wind, renewal    	Air, Good, Plant, Sun       	Oeridian
Beltar (CE)     malice, caves, pits             Chaos, Earth, Evil, War    	Suel
Berei (NG)      home, family, agriculture      	Good, Plant, Prot.          	Flan
Bleredd (N)     metal, mines, smithing          Earth, Fire, Str.            	Oeridian
Bralm (N)       insects, industriousness       	Animal, Law, Str.            	Suel
Cyndor (LN)     time, infinity, continuity      Law, Prot., Travel         	Oeridian
Dalt (CG)       portals, doors, locks, keys    	Prot., Travel, Trickery    	Suel
Delleb (LG)     reason, intellect, study        Know., Magic, Law        	Oeridian
Fortubo (LG)    stone, metals, guardianship     Earth, Good, Law, Prot.  	Suel
Geshtai (N)     lakes, rivers, wells, streams   Plant, Travel, Water      	Baklunish
Iuz (CE)        deceit, pain, oppression        Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Jascar (LG)     hills, mountains                Earth, Good, Law, Prot.  	Suel
Joramy (N)      fire, wrath, quarrels           Destr., Fire, War	
Kurell (CN)     jealousy, revenge, theft      	Chaos, Luck, Trickery    	Oeridian
Lirr (CG)       poetry, prose, art              Chaos, Know., Magic, Travel   	Oeridian
Llerg (CN)      beasts, strength                Animal, Chaos, Str.      	Suel
Lydia (NG)      music, knowledge, daylight    	Good, Know., Sun, Travel  	Suel
Mayaheine (LG)  protection, justice, valor    	Good, Law, Prot., War	
Merikka (LG)    farming, agriculture, home   	Good, Law, Plant, Prot.  	Oeridian
Mouqol (N)      trade, negotiation, ventures  	Know., Travel, Trickery   	Baklunish
Myhriss (NG)    love, beauty, romance	        Good, Healing, Prot.      	Flan
Norebo (CN)     luck, gambling, risks           Chaos, Trickery, Luck    	Suel
Osprem (LN)     sea voyages, ships, sailors  	Law, Prot., Travel, Water 	Suel
Phaulkon (CG)   wind, clouds, birds, archery  	Air, Animal, Good, War   	Suel
Phyton (CG)     nature, beauty, farming      	Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun   	Suel
Pyremius (NE)   fire, poison, murder            Destr., Evil, Fire
Raxivort (CE)   rats, bats                      Animal, Evil, Trickery
Rudd (CN)       chance, good luck, skill       	Chaos, Luck               	Oeridian
Sotillion (CG)  summer, south wind, comfort  	Air, Healing, Plant    		Oeridian
Syrul (NE)      lies, deceit, treachery        	Evil, Know. Trickery
Telchur (CN)    winter, cold, north wind      	Air, Chaos, Str           	Oeridian
Vatun (CN)      northern brb., winter, beasts  	Air, Animal, Chaos, Str.  	Suel
Vecna (NE)      destructive & evil secrets    	Evil, Know., Magic      	Flan
Velnius (N)     sky, weather                    Air, Travel, Water       	Oeridian
Wastri (LN)     amphibians, bigotry            	Animal, Law, War
Wenta (CG)     	autumn, west wind, brewing  	Air, Good, Plant       		Oeridian
Xan Yae (N)    	twilight, shadows, stealth    	Know., Trickery, War   		Baklunish
Xerbo (N)       sea, sailing, business         	Animal, Know., Water
Ye'Cind (CG)    music, magic songs           	Good, Know., Magic
Zagyg (CN)     	eccentricity, occult lore     	Chaos, Know., Magic
Zodal (NG)      mercy, hope, benevolence  	Good, Healing, Prot.	
Zuoken (N)     	physical & mental mastery   	Know., Str., War         	Baklunish

You should just be able to hit "Quote", copy the code and edit it into your post above.

In other news, I might be interested in putting a character forward for this, but I'm not sure if I'll have time... I'll let you know tomorrow. Idea looks interesting, though.

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